Tuesday, May 25, 2010

SEIU Feeds its workers well! Are they being paid by the pound?

The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is a radical leftist organization that purports to represent such workers as janitors, health care workers, government service employees, and home care workers.

SEIU is big-time player in the efforts to impose amnesty for illegal aliens and government-controlled health care upon the American people.

I have a friend who works in downtown Sacramento near the Capitol building. On a typical weekday morning or afternoon, you will often find some kind of rally or protest going on at the Capitol steps. The day these pictures were taken, SEIU was out in force, complaining about something. My friend quickly noticed a common feature of the the SEIU crowd and felt compelled to pull out the camera on his Blackberry.

As you look at these photos, be sure to marvel at the fact that about half of all SEIU members work in the health care industry.

The ubiquitous presence of SEIU members and their distinctive purple t-shirts has prompted the nickname "purple ocean" to describe their vast representation at all kinds of events. Looking at those photos, I would venture to say that moniker describes their presence in more ways than one.
Good Day to You, Sir