Friday, June 4, 2010

Gaza flotilla activist: 'I want to be a martyr' Prayed he would die aboard ship 'with help of Allah'

By Aaron Klein
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Activists chanted anti-Jewish battle cries

Activists on a six-ship flotilla that was headed to the Gaza Strip shouted anti-Jewish battle cries and spoke of using "resistance" against Israel, with one participant stating she saw only two possible outcomes for the boat occupants – "either martyrdom or reaching Gaza."

The main flotilla ship was the MV Rachel Corrie, the namesake of a far-left activist from the International Solidarity Movement who died in 2003 while serving as a human shield to protect a terrorist.

An Al Jazeera news report one day before the raid translated by Palestinian Media Watch documented men on the flotilla chanting, "[Remember] Khaibar, Khaibar, oh Jews! The army of Muhammad will return!"

The chant is often used at rallies for Hamas in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Khaibar is the name of the last Jewish village defeated by Islam's prophet Muhammad in AD 628. The battle marked the end of the Jewish presence in Arabia.

Al-Jazeera also interviewed a woman on the flotilla who said the participants' goal was "one of two happy endings: either martyrdom or reaching Gaza."

WND reported the commander of the six-ship pro-Palestinian flotilla announced beforehand participants were planning to use "resistance" and declared the ship's activists wanted to die as "martyrs" more than they wanted to reach the Gaza Strip, according to Hamas television.

Israel maintains a naval blockade on the Hamas-controlled Gaza, fearing if it allows ships to reach the territory, Hamas can obtain weaponry to be used against Israelis.

Israel and the international community numerous times have stopped ships loaded with weapons destined for Gaza.

Despite claims by activists, Israel does not block humanitarian aid into Gaza. Israel allows a large number of trucks daily to enter Gaza with food, medicine and other humanitarian supplies. Israel transfers monthly into Gaza tens of millions of dollars worth of Israeli shekels to ensure the flow of cash in the territory. Israel imposed a blockade on certain supplies it fears could be used by Hamas to build a military infrastructure.

EXCLUSIVE: Documents Show Kagan's Liberal Opinion on Social Issues

Elena Kagan has kept her cards so close to the vest that in the days after President Obama nominated her to the Supreme Court, some on the left worried she was too moderate to replace liberal Justice John Paul Stevens.

But in documents obtained by CBS News, Kagan--while working as a law clerk to the late Justice Thurgood Marshall - made her positions clear on some of the nation's most contentious social issues.

The documents, buried in Marshall's papers in the Library of Congress, show Kagan standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the liberal left, at a time when the Rehnquist Supreme Court was moving to the conservative right.

They also provide a remarkably candid picture of her opinions, including on the most controversial issue Supreme Court nominees ever confront: abortion.

Although Kagan's confirmation has thus far been an all but foregone conclusion, sources say these documents will give Republicans a few cards of their own to mount a strong fight against her.

And they will only heighten demands for more information on her views--including interest in her papers in the Clinton Library. Some of the Clinton Library documents, which cover her time working in that administration, could be released as early as Friday. Special Report: Elena Kagan
Photo Gallery: Elena Kagan's Life in Pictures

The Marshall documents are legal memos summarizing cases the Court had been asked to consider. They cover the spectrum of hot-button social issues: abortion, civil rights, gun rights, prisoners' rights and the constitutional underpinnings for recognizing gay marriage.

On abortion, Kagan wrote a memo in a case involving a prisoner who wanted the state to pay for her to have the procedure. Kagan expressed concern to Marshall that the conservative-leaning Court would use the case to rule against the woman--and possibly undo precedents protecting a woman's right to abortion.

"This case is likely to become the vehicle that this court uses to create some very bad law on abortion and/or prisoners' rights," she wrote in the 1988 memo.

She also expressed strong liberal views in a desegregation case. Summarizing a challenge to a voluntary school desegregation program, Kagan called the program "amazingly sensible." She told Marshall that state court decisions that upheld the plan recognized the "good sense and fair-mindedness" of local efforts.

"Let's hope this Court takes note of the same," she wrote in the 1987 memo. Just three years ago, the Supreme Court struck down a nearly identical plan.

Poll: Most Americans Still Unfamiliar with Elena Kagan
Kagan's Stance on DADT at Harvard Ambiguous

Kagan also wrote a memo that senators could use to question whether she believes there is a constitutional right to gay marriage.

That memo summarized a 1988 case involving a prisoner serving a life sentence in New York. He argued the state of New York was required to recognize his marriage-by-proxy in Kansas - even though such marriages were illegal in New York.

The basis of his argument was that New York had a duty under the Constitution's Full Faith and Credit Clause to recognize his Kansas the marriage as valid. Kagan told Marshall his position was "at least arguably correct," and recommended asking for a response from New York officials.

Then there was the recently disclosed memo on gun rights. In a case challenging the District of Columbia's handgun ban as unconstitutional, Kagan was blunt: "I am not sympathetic." The Supreme Court took the opposite approach two years ago, striking down the D.C. gun ban as unconstitutional.

Taken together, these documents are certain to provoke considerably more questions than the less controversial papers unearthed before her confirmation hearings for solicitor general.

In those 2009 hearings, she explained she was merely trying to reflect Marshall's views when she wrote memos to him.

"I was a 27-year-old pipsqueak, and I was working for an 80-year-old giant in the law, and a person who, let us be frank, had very strong jurisprudential and legal views," Kagan testified.

(at left, watch Crawford's report on the Kagan documents on the CBS Evening News)

But these memos, often written in the first-person, show a more personal approach that suggests she shared many of Marshall's opinions.

In a case involving prisoners' rights, for example, Kagan criticized a 1984 Supreme Court decision--Strickland v. Washington - which set tough new standards for convicted criminals to argue they were denied effective assistance of counsel. Marshall and another liberal icon, Justice William Brennan, were the only dissenters in that case, written by Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.

"I'd like to reverse Strickland too," Kagan wrote in her memo to Marshall three years later, "but something tells me this court won't buy the idea."

Update June 4: Here are the documents from the Marshall papers (all in PDF format):

  • Kagan's abortion memo, expressing concern the conservative Court will use a prisoner's appeal to "create some very bad law on abortion."
  • Memo on "amazingly sensible" school desegregation program
  • Memo requiring states to recognize marriages from other states, saying the argument was at least "arguably correct."
  • Gun rights: "I'm not sympathetic."
  • Criminals' rights: wishes Court "would reverse" ineffective assistance of counsel ruling making it harder for criminals to challenge their convictions.

S.C. State Senator Calls Rival, Obama 'Raghead'

COLUMBIA, S.C.-- A South Carolina lawmaker on Thursday called a Republican gubernatorial candidate of Indian descent a "raghead," saying we have one in the White House, we don't need one in the governor's mansion.

Republican state Sen. Jake Knotts later apologized for the slur, saying the remarks about President Barack Obama and state Rep. Nikki Haley were meant as a joke. Haley, born in Bamberg, S.C., is the daughter of immigrants from India.

Knotts made his remark on an Internet political talk show, Pub Politics. Co-host Phil Bailey said Knotts said, "We've already got a raghead in the White House, we don't need another raghead in the governor's mansion."

No audio was available because of a technical problem, Bailey said.

"If it had been recorded, the public would be able to hear firsthand that my 'raghead' comments about Obama and Haley were intended in jest," Knotts said in his statement. "Bear in mind that this is a freewheeling, anything-goes Internet radio show that is broadcast from a pub. It's like local political version of Saturday Night Live, which is actually where the joke came from."

He did not repeat his original comment in his apology. Knotts of Lexington is a supporter of Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer's gubernatorial campaign.

Haley, who has been endorsed by Sarah Palin and is a favorite of the tea party, also represents Lexington in the Statehouse and has faced other landmines in her attempt to become the state's first female governor. In the past two weeks, two men have come forward to say they had trysts with her, which she denies.

Her campaign manager Tim Pearson called Knotts "an embarrassment to our state and to the Republican Party."

"Jake Knotts represents all that is wrong with South Carolina politics," Pearson said in an e-mail.

Bailey, who also is director of the state Senate Democratic Caucus, said Knotts is known for speaking his mind, but he went too far.

"I was appalled by the comments," Bailey said.

Four Republicans and three Democrats are vying to replace term-limited Gov. Mark Sanford who rocked the state when he confessed last summer to an affair with an Argentine woman. It ruined his marriage and likely his political future, which included presidential aspirations.

Bailey said he hopes to have the full discussion posted on the show's website Friday.

State Republican Party Chairwoman Karen Floyd called on Knotts to apologize "so that we can put this unfortunate incident behind us."

"The South Carolina Republican Party strongly condemns any use of racial or religious slurs," Floyd said in an e-mail statement Thursday night.

Muslim praise for Obama dries up a year after Cairo speech

CAIRO , Egypt_A year ago Friday, President Barack Obama stood in Cairo and vowed "a new beginning" in a speech about how he'd change U.S. relations with the Muslim world. Egyptian vendors sold T-shirts portraying Obama in King Tut regalia, and Muslims throughout the region thrilled at his middle name: Hussein.

Now, many Muslims in Egypt and the rest of the Middle East say they're dismayed that the promise of the speech has fizzled into U.S. policy-as-usual toward the region: civilian deaths in Afghanistan , an unstable Iraq , no pressure for reforms on Washington -friendly autocrats, no resolution for Guantanamo prisoners and no end in sight for the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

Israel's deadly raid in international waters on an aid flotilla en route to break the siege on Gaza - and Obama's tepid response, in comparison to the condemnation of other world leaders - cemented perceptions for many of unconditional U.S. support for Israel . Some Arab commentators and bloggers said Obama no longer deserves his Nobel Peace Prize.

"His speech at Cairo University was wonderful and raised hopes that America was on a real path to changing its policies," said Hassan Nafaa , a political science professor at Cairo University , where Obama spoke. "But Obama's practices afterwards guaranteed that he is weaker than he seemed during his speech."

Gallup surveys conducted between February and April of this year showed a dramatic decline in Arab countries' approval ratings of the U.S. administration. In Egypt , where he delivered the speech, the poll showed that Obama's popularity dropped by 18 percentage points. While some Middle Easterners said it was unfair to judge the president so early on issues that have persisted for decades, others said they definitely expected more in the year since his oratory olive branch to Muslims.

"There were a lot of illusions about Obama because he has African and Muslim roots," said Aya Mahmoud , 22, a student at Cairo University . "Turns out the speech was all just hype."

The White House is well aware of the level of frustration in the region, having monitored U.S. policy steps since the Cairo speech as well as how Muslims in the United States and abroad perceive those efforts.

Consulates and U.S. embassies in various countries held roundtables for months after the Cairo speech and forwarded input through the State Department . The White House's Office of Public Engagement has sought input from American Muslims. The administration monitors overseas press and international polling.

Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes told McClatchy that roughly once a month, Obama also asks his staff specifically for Cairo updates, to monitor progress.

"He said, 'I want to make sure that I'm keeping promises I made in this speech.' He's said that to me, to several of us, repeatedly," Rhodes said. "He knew this would raise expectations and an ambitious series of goals. We knew what we were getting into."

So far, Rhodes conceded, "We've made progress on some issues. We obviously have a lot further to go as well."

Rhodes touts being on target to remove combat troops from Iraq this year and reshaping U.S. rhetoric on Iran and Al Qaida so as not to emphasize the Muslim religion. He also said the administration has expanded education, science, business and technology outreach with Muslim nations as promised.

The centerpiece of Muslim grievances remains the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which was exacerbated by Israel's continued construction of settlements on Palestinian lands, a key obstacle for progress on peace negotiations.

Obama also wants more progress between Israelis and Palestinians, Rhodes said, but believes he has made inroads and is committed to the effort.

"None of us expected we'd resolve it within a year of the Cairo speech," Rhodes said. Obama "doesn't give up on things he really cares about, and this is one of those things."

Rhodes said Obama remains committed to closing Guantanamo , a symbol of mistreatment for many Muslims, but couldn't give a deadline.

The fatal Gaza flotilla confrontation has only hardened many Muslims' anger toward Israel . Obama's been "too tolerant," said Diaa Rashwan , an analyst at the Cairo -based Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies , a state-backed research institute.

"The American administration's response was in no way appropriate" Rashwan said. "It did not show its other allies how much they cherish their relations. If the situation were reversed and Turkey had attacked Israel , the American response would not have been so passive."

Rhodes defended the White House stance. "There is no zero-sum equation as it relates to America's support for Israel and its security, and our outreach to the Muslim world and our support for Palestinian aspirations," he said.

The administration also continues to support the autocratic rulers in Egypt , Jordan and the Gulf countries, a fact widely noted by Arab commentators. In Central Asia , U.S.-led military operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan have killed Muslim civilians, drumming up support for militants.

In Cairo , Obama pledged "to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear." But many Muslims abroad feel that religious discrimination persists. Even the crowning of a Miss USA of Muslim and Arab descent - at first cheered on by fans in the Middle East - turned sour when the beauty queen was accused of having ties to the Hezbollah militant group.

May Meneisy, 21, a political science senior at Cairo University , was in the audience for Obama's appearance last year and recalled him as "charismatic and strong." She said there were more student exchange programs and intercultural dialogues - the West was once again interested in Egypt and other parts of the region.

"Unfortunately, this shift did not occur on the political level as well."

(Special correspondent el Naggar reported from Cairo, Egypt . Talev reported from Washington . Hannah Allam contributed from Baghdad, Iraq .)

Army slams door on Obama details Lt. Col. Lakin hearing: 'Items pertaining to president's credentials are not relevant'

Posted: June 03, 2010
4:06 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin

An Army "investigating officer" has banished evidence about the controversy over President Obama's eligibility – or lack thereof – to be commander-in-chief from a pending hearing for a career military doctor who announced he is refusing orders until Obama documents his constitutional status.

"In my view our constitutional jurisprudence allows Congress alone, and not a military judicial body, to put the president's credentials on trial," wrote Daniel J. Driscoll in a memorandum determining what evidence the defense for Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin will be allowed to explore at next week's hearing.

"It is my opinion the discovery items pertaining to the president's credentials are not relevant to the proof of any element of the charges and specifications set forth in the charge sheet," he continued. "Consequently I will not examine the documents or witnesses pertinent to the president or his credentials to hold office."

The ruling came prior to a scheduled Article 32 hearing for Lakin, who posted a video inviting his own court hearing because of the status of the president and questions over whether his eligibility means orders given under his control would be invalid.

Lakin is not the first officer to raise questions. Others have included Army doctor Capt. Connie Rhodes and Army reservist Maj. Stefan Cook. But Lakin is the first active-duty officer to raise the question.

(Story continues below)

And in at least one of the earlier disputes, the Army simply canceled the orders rather than allow the argument to come to a head.

But now the Army has scheduled Lakin's Article 32 hearing – a military version of a preliminary hearing – for June 11.

Word about the ruling from Driscoll came from the American Patriot Foundation, which operates the Safeguard Our Constitution website which is generating support for Lakin.

Here is the only "birth-certificate store" around! Read about the hunt for Obama's documentation!

While Driscoll cited "Rule for Courts-Martial 405" which allows "the production of witnesses 'whose testimony would be relevant…'" he said questions about Obama's eligibility – which could bear on the validity of military orders – will be ignored.

Driscoll then blamed the defense for not giving him what he wanted.

"I expressly instructed '[y]our submissions, if any, on the subject of lawfulness of orders, derivation of authority, political questions and the like should be sufficiently scholarly to allow me to make an informed determination of relevance of the requested items to the truth of the specifications and charges at issue," Driscoll wrote.

"The defense submitted a memorandum outlining the concept of chain of command, showing that the president is at the top of the chain, showing that the Constitution requires the president to be a natural born citizen and stating that soldiers must disobey 'illegal orders,'" Driscoll continued. "There is no scholarly discussion of what constitutes an illegal order or under what circumstances such an order can be disobeyed or must be disobeyed."

Instead, he said, the "law of lawfulness of orders" should prevail.

The result is that he denied defense requests for Obama's Punahou school records, Hawaii Health Department records, Occidental College records, Columbia records and Harvard records.

He also rejected a request that Obama be called to answer questions about his eligibility.

Driscoll said those who have custody of Obama's records – several Hawaii and various school officials – also will not be allowed to testify.

Driscoll declined to respond to a WND request to comment on his ruling.

But Lakin said the result "makes it impossible for me to have a fair hearing."

"I cannot even raise the issue of the president's eligibility, on the grounds that my position has 'no basis in law,'" he said.

Lakin, who previously has served in Afghanistan, refused orders this spring to go again, "because the president refuses – even in the face of mounting evidence to the contrary – to prove his eligibility under the Constitution to hold office."

Lakin's hearing is scheduled at 9 a.m. in Room 134 of Building T-2 at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington. It is open to the public.

It was Lakin's stance that convinced CNN, which had ignored or ridiculed the issue for months, to give it a prime time focus recently.

Lakin's advisers, however, told WND he will have an opportunity to raise the question again later during a court-martial process, once the Article 32 hearing is over.

Lakin and his attorney, Paul Rolf Jensen, appeared on Anderson Cooper's program and sparred with the commentator about the facts related to Obama's eligibility for the presidency.

The Constitution requires a president to be a "natural born citizen," and while the term is not defined in the Constitution, many legal analysts believe at the time it was written it meant a person born in the U.S. of two U.S. citizen parents. Critics say Obama clearly does not qualify under that definition, since he has admitted in his book his father never was a U.S. citizen. Some legal challenges have argued he wasn't even born in Hawaii.

A recent Washington Post/ABC poll reveals that tens of millions of Americans doubt Obama's eligibility.

The charges against Lakin allege violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice Articles 87 and 92.

Formally, Lakin is accused of "through design" missing "the movement of US Airways Flight Number 1123, departing from Baltimore/Washington International Airport arriving in Charlotte, North Carolina, in order to deploy for a Temporary Change of Station in support of Operation Enduring Freedom with the 32nd Calvary (sic) Regiment, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), Fort Campbell, Kentucky, with which he was required in the course of duty to move."

The second charge accuses Lakin of failing to report "to the office of his Brigade Commander, Colonel Gordon R. Roberts, at 1345 hours, or words to that effect, an order which it was his duty to obey."

The SafeguardOurConstitution website explained the first charge, "missing movement," is a serious crime in the nature of a felony. The second is "disobeying a direct order" and includes four specifications.

"Any soldier convicted on all charges and specifications would expect to be sentenced to years at 'hard labor' in the penitentiary," the site said.

The charges against Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, the highest-ranking and first active-duty officer to refuse to obey orders based on President Obama's eligibility.

Jensen, in an earlier interview on the G. Gordon Liddy radio program, suggested that he would pursue information through "subpoenas and depositions under the rules that are prescribed."

"Every criminal defendant has to be allowed the benefit of doubt to discover information relevant or which may even lead to the discovery of relevant information that could support his case," Jensen said.

"It would be shocking to me that a defendant ... would not be permitted to discover information that would lend itself to proving his [case]," he said at the time.

The discovery issue previously was raised in court by attorney John Hemenway, who was threatened by a federal judge with sanctions for bringing a court challenge to Obama's presidency.

Hemenway is serving in emeritus status with the Safeguard Our Constitution website. He brought the previous court challenge on behalf of a retired military officer, Gregory S. Hollister, who questioned Obama's eligibility.

The Hollister case ultimately was dismissed by Judge James Robertson, who notably ruled during the 2008 election campaign that the federal legal dispute had been "twittered" and, therefore, resolved.

Robertson sarcastically wrote: "The plaintiff says that he is a retired Air Force colonel who continues to owe fealty to his commander in chief (because he might possibly be recalled to duty) and who is tortured by uncertainty as to whether he would have to obey orders from Barack Obama because it has not been proven – to the colonel's satisfaction – that Mr. Obama is a native-born American citizen, qualified under the Constitution to be president.

"The issue of the president's citizenship was raised, vetted, blogged, texted, twittered, and otherwise massaged by America's vigilant citizenry during Mr. Obama's two-year campaign for the presidency, but this plaintiff wants it resolved by a court," Robertson wrote.

Then the judge suggested sanctions against Hemenway for bringing the case. Hemenway responded that the process then would provide him with a right to a discovery hearing to see documentation regarding the judge's statements – not supported by any evidence introduced into the case – that Obama was properly "vetted."

Hemenway warned at the time, "If the court persists in pressing Rule 11 procedures against Hemenway, then Hemenway should be allowed all of the discovery pertinent to the procedures as court precedents have permitted in the past.

"The court has referred to a number of facts outside of the record of this particular case and, therefore, the undersigned is particularly entitled to a hearing to get the truth of those matters into the record. This may require the court to authorize some discovery," Hemenway said.

The court ultimately backed off its threat of sanctions.

WND columnist Vox Day earlier wrote about this very scenario, calling it a "get out of war free" card.

The comments followed the case of a reservist who challenged the legality of his deployment orders under Obama. The orders later were canceled by the government.

There's a new strategy to get answers to Obama's eligibility questions. See how you can help.

"Rather than contesting the suit," Day wrote, "the Army took the highly peculiar step of revoking the major's deployment order, suggesting that the Pentagon generals are not entirely confident that they can demonstrate the legitimacy of their purported commander in chief."

Obama's actual response to those who question his eligibility to be president under the Constitution's requirement that the U.S. president be a "natural born citizen" has been to dispatch both private and tax-funded attorneys to prevent anyone from gaining access to his documentation.

The Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, states, "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."

WND has covered a multitude of challenges and lawsuits over the issue. Some have alleged that he was not born in Hawaii in 1961 as he has written, or that the framers of the Constitution specifically excluded dual citizens – Obama's father was a subject of the British crown at Obama's birth – from being eligible for the office.

Lakin earlier released a copy of a letter he sent to Obama saying, "The burden of proof must rest with you."

The letter, posted at the Safeguard Our Constitution website, describes how Lakin tried through his chain of command and his congressional office to get answers to questions about Obama's eligibility.

Besides Obama's actual birth documentation, the still-concealed documentation for him includes kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical records, his files from his years as an Illinois state senator, his Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records, and his adoption records.

"Where's The Birth Certificate?" billboard helps light up the night at the Mandalay Bay resort on the Las Vegas Strip.

Because of the dearth of information about Obama's eligibility, WND founder Joseph Farah has launched a campaign to raise contributions to post billboards asking a simple question: "Where's the birth certificate?"

The campaign followed a petition that has collected more than 500,000 signatures demanding proof of his eligibility, the availability of yard signs raising the question and the production of permanent, detachable magnetic bumper stickers asking the question.

A new effort now asks those in authority regarding the nation's elections to demand the full proof.

The "certification of live birth" posted online and widely touted as "Obama's birth certificate" does not in any way prove he was born in Hawaii, since the same "short-form" document is easily obtainable for children not born in Hawaii. The true "long-form" birth certificate – which includes information such as the name of the birth hospital and attending physician – is the only document that can prove Obama was born in Hawaii, but to date he has not permitted its release for public or press scrutiny.

Your donation – from as little as $5 to as much as $1,000 – can be made online at the WND SuperStore. (Donations are not tax-deductible. Donations of amounts greater than $1,000 can be arranged by calling either 541-474-1776 or 1-800-4WND.COM. If you would prefer to mail in your contributions, they should be directed to WND, P.O. Box 1627, Medford, Oregon, 97501. Be sure to specify the purpose of the donation by writing "billboard" on the check. In addition, donations of billboard space will be accepted, as will significant contributions specifically targeted for geographic locations.)

If you are a member of the media and would like to interview Joseph Farah about this campaign, e-mail WND.

Note: A legal-defense fund has been set up for Lt. Col. Terry Lakin.

Related offers:

There's a new strategy to get answers to Obama's eligibility questions. See how you can help.

See the movie Obama does not want you to see: Own the DVD that probes this unprecedented presidential eligibility mystery!

Join the petition campaign to make President Obama reveal his long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate!

Want to turn up the pressure to learn the facts? Get your signs and postcards asking for the president's birth certificate documentation from the Birth Certificate Store!

Send a contribution to support the national billboard campaign that asks the simple question, "Where's the birth certificate?"

Get your yard signs and rally signs that ask the same question – and make sure it's in time for the next tea party rally

Get your permanent, detachable magnetic bumper stickers for your car, truck or file cabinet – and join the campaign for constitutional integrity.

Get the most comprehensive special report ever produced on the Obama eligibility issue.

Is flotilla battle signaling start of 'Gog and Magog'? Council of Judea announces result will be 'third and final redemption'

By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

According to the INN, the council stated, "the legitimacy of our people is not derived from the nations of the world and their poisonous traditions, rather from the Torah of Israel which teaches us that [Israel] 'is a people that shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations.'"

The council, which was assembled by Rabbi Zalman Melamed of Beit El and is supported by religious Zionist rabbis in the regions of Samaria and Judea, included a blessing for soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces.

It also suggested an emergency government be developed to lead during a time of conflict.

INN explained it interprets the "Gog and Magog" reference as a "vision of a war where the world is united against Israel that will precede the final redemption of Israel and the world."

The explanation continues, "The prophecy's symbolism involves a prince called Gog of Magog, leader of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal, who leads a coalition that includes Persia (Iran), Cush, Phut, Gomer, and Beit Togarmah against Israel."

According to Ezekiel 39, Israel is successful against the attackers:

And thou, son of man, prophesy against Gog, and say: Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal; and I will turn thee about and lead thee on, and will cause thee to come up from the uttermost parts of the north; and I will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel; and I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand. Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the peoples that are with thee; I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort and to the beasts of the field, to be devoured.

The INN report continued with quotes that God will have compassion on Israel, "and they shall dwell safely in their land, and none shall make them afraid."

Laurie explains that the existence of the nation of Israel, created on May 14, 1948, is a miracle in itself.

"Never has a nation been able to maintain its national identity 300 to 500 years after being from its homeland – until Israel," he wrote. "Today, one will look in vain for the descendants of the Hittite nation or the Babylonian nation, although they were major powers in the ancient world. In fact, were it not for the Bible, the Hittites never would have been remembered by history, having sunk deep into the sands of time. There was a time that scoffers ridiculed the Bible for even mentioning the Hittites, as it was thought they were a fictional people. But in the 19th century, archaeologists confirmed the accuracy of Scripture when they uncovered irrefutable evidence of the extensive Hittite empire," he said.

"You won't find any Hittites today – or Babylonians, for that matter. But not so with Israel. How did the nation survive when the mighty Hittites, Babylonians and others vanished? Because God promised they would. In his book, 'What in the World Is Going On?' David Jeremiah writes, 'The return of the Jews to Israel in 1948 was an astounding event unprecedented in world history. Never had a decimated ancient people managed to retain their individual identity through almost 20 centuries and re-establish their nation in their original homeland. This event was specifically prophesied, and it happened exactly as foretold.'"

Laurie called it a "super-sign" in history.

"Events predicted in the Bible that have already transpired include Israel's scattering; Israel's regathering; Israel's regaining of Jerusalem; Israel's isolation; and Israel's being attacked. The Bible tells us that the final conflict of humanity will be centered on Jerusalem and the Middle East," he said.

"It is really amazing when you think about the fascination with Jerusalem and Israel, yet it was predicted long ago. God has promised a blessing for those who bless Israel, and a curse on those who don't," Laurie said.

"Could these events from our headlines of today explode and culminate in the scenario we read about in the Bible? Yes, they could. Will they? I don't know. We have to be very careful in interpreting current events," Laurie said.

"But this I do know: Jesus Christ is coming back. It could happen at any time. It could happen this year or this month or this week. It could happen today," said Laurie, the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif., which is one of the largest churches in America.

Israel's conflict with a Turkish fleet sailing for the blockaded Gaza has turned largely around the world on reports of the "massacre" by Israelis against the "peace" activists aboard the flotilla, even though video of the event reveals otherwise.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

AP Impact: US-Mexico Border Isn't so Dangerous

It's one of the safest parts of America, and it's getting safer.

It's the U.S.-Mexico border, and even as politicians say more federal troops are needed to fight rising violence, government data obtained by The Associated Press show it actually isn't so dangerous after all.

The top four big cities in America with the lowest rates of violent crime are all in border states: San Diego, Phoenix, El Paso and Austin, according to a new FBI report. And an in-house Customs and Border Protection report shows that Border Patrol agents face far less danger than street cops in most U.S. cities.

The Customs and Border Protection study, obtained with a Freedom of Information Act request, shows 3 percent of Border Patrol agents and officers were assaulted last year, mostly when assailants threw rocks at them. That compares with 11 percent of police officers and sheriff's deputies assaulted during the same period, usually with guns or knives.

In addition, violent attacks against agents declined in 2009 along most of the border for the first time in seven years. So far this year assaults are slightly up, but data is incomplete.

"The border is safer now than it's ever been," said U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman Lloyd Easterling.

He said one factor is that with fewer jobs available amid the U.S. recession, illegal immigration has dropped. And responding to security concerns after 9-11, the Border Patrol has doubled the number of agents in the region since 2004.

Nonetheless, border lawmakers and governors say their region is under siege and needs more troops.

"Violence in the vicinity of the U.S.-Mexico border continues to increase at an alarming rate. We believe that this violence represents a serious threat to the national security of the United States as well as a serious threat to U.S. citizens that live along the 1,969-mile long border," a dozen bipartisan members of Congress from border states wrote President Obama.

In Arizona, a stringent new immigration law takes effect next month, requiring police to question suspects' immigration status if officers believe they're in the country illegally. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer said in a televised interview last weekend: "We are out here on the battlefield getting the impact of all this illegal immigration, and all the crime that comes with it."

In response to the concerns from the border states, Obama pledged to send 1,200 National Guard troops to help and spend an extra $500 million on border security.

His one-time rival for the presidency, Arizona Sen. John McCain, said he should send at least 6,000 troops, which are needed because he said Arizona leads the nation in marijuana seizures, suffered 368 kidnappings in 2008 and has the highest property crime rates in the U.S.

But FBI crime reports for 2009 says violent crime in Arizona declined. And violent crimes in southwest border counties are among the lowest in the nation per capita — they've dropped by more than 30 percent in the last two decades. Of America's 25 largest cities, San Diego — with one out of four residents an immigrant — has the lowest number of violent crimes per capita.

Opponents of increased border security are frustrated by descriptions of a wave of violence when the statistics show the region to be relatively safe.

"Politicians are hyping up this incredible fear across the country about the border, but these numbers show these are lies being perpetrated on the American public," said immigrant advocate Isabel Garcia at Tucson-based Derechos Humanos. "The warnings about violence are just an excuse to crack down on migrants who want to work and be with their families."

Even residents of the border region who want more security are surprised by the talk of violence.

"I have to say, a lot of this is way overblown," said Gary Brasher of Tuboc, Arizona, who is president of the Coalition for a Safe and Secure Border.

So why send troops to the region?

"That's really something to ask the White House," Easterling said.

White House spokesman Mike Hammer said "there are other rationales for why those border deployments are occurring" but declined to name any of them. "I would really put this to the Department of Homeland Security," he said.

Homeland Security spokesman Matthew Chandler provided a written statement that said more help is needed to build upon "the unprecedented resources the Administration has dedicated over the past 16 months and will serve to expand long-term the successes that have been realized to date."

Governors along the border say improved crime rates don't counter their concerns about risk.

"The federal government currently does not know who is entering our country and when, which obviously creates tremendous security concerns," said Brewer's spokesman Paul Senseman.

And in Texas, "we respond to threats based on risk, not occurrence," said Gov. Rick Perry's spokeswoman Katherine Cesinger. Thus Perry has activated a secret state border protection emergency plan.

"With the safety of Texans on the line, we can't afford to wait," he said.

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, who ordered the National Guard to patrol the border in his state six weeks ago, is concerned about "the potential for drug cartel violence spilling over the border," spokesman Gilbert Gallegos said.

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger spokesman Francisco Castillo said that while "we've seen some success," troops are needed "to provide more security along our borders."

Concerns about danger come, in part, from Mexico, where raging cartel violence has taken 23,000 lives in three years, often within view of the U.S. border. There's frequent talk of the potential for that violence to spread across the border, although so far it hasn't happened to any significant degree.

Several high-profile and frightening incidents have added to the fears: Authorities suspect an illegal immigrant working for drug smugglers killed Arizona rancher Robert Krentz in March, and last year Border Patrol agent Robert Rosas, 30, was murdered while on patrol near San Diego.

"Agents now have to question if they will be ambushed," U.S. District Judge M. James Lorenz said as he sentenced a 17-year-old Mexican to 40 years for killing Rosas.

In fact, agents in the San Diego region are less likely to be attacked these days.

"Agent Rosas' death changed the way we do business. Agents are on high alert, we have to be ready. But if you just look at the numbers, assaults here are down 27 percent," said Border Patrol spokesman Jerry Conley, who worked with Rosas. He said that since Rosas' death, officers don't venture into potentially dangerous situations without backup. Solo patrols are rare, and they emphasize safety precautions.

There are exceptions to the trend: Assaults on agents in the Laredo, Texas, region increased from 44 in 2008 to 118 in 2009, and they increased in the neighboring Rio Grande Valley as well. Agents also fired their guns on 49 separate occasions in 2009, a 50 percent increase from 2008.

Customs spokesman Easterling said that while fewer people are trying to sneak across the border, those who do are more likely "engaged in activity other than illegal entry, such as drug smuggling, and are more likely to use violence as a means to help them escape apprehension."

But the bigger picture is one of increased safety. In fiscal year 2009, there were 1,073 violent attacks — mostly thrown rocks, bottles and sticks but also 48 incidents in which a gun was fired — against the 20,119 Border Patrol agents, down from 1,097 violent incidents against 17,819 agents in 2008.

In addition to those agents, another 22,000 officers work at the nation's border crossings and airports, checking people as they enter and exit the country.

It's one of the safest jobs in law enforcement: Last year 17 of them were assaulted, a 74 percent decrease from 2008.

Edward Alden, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, said it's time for lawmakers to reconsider what they'd like to see happening in the region.

"Border security has become the most overused, and least understood, concept in the struggle over what to do about our broken immigration system," he said. "While an election year may not be the best time, the United States finally needs an honest debate over what it means to secure the country's borders."

© Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

If you watch any video on Israel, Gaza, and the truth

By Debbie Schlussel

If you watch any video on Israel, Gaza, and the truth about the blockade, make it this one. Short, clever, factual, and effective. The truth the media doesn’t want you to see in a concise nutshell.


Hezbollah USA: Don’t Count in Miss USA Officials to Ask Miss Michigan, Rima Fakih, to Denounce the Group

But now, Trump has brought the Islamic intolerance INTO the Miss USA pageant, rather than escaping from it. Rima Fakih, Miss Michigan USA, who will compete in Sunday Night’s pageant broadcast on NBC, is a Dearbornistan Shi’ite Muslim who is a supporter of Hezbollah and used the pageant name at a forum promoting Islamic subjugation of women. She was born in the Hezbollah stronghold of Srifa in South Lebanon, which Israel was forced to attack in the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war because it was a site of Hezbollah weaponry. Her devout Muslim family comes from the Hezbollah-controlled South Lebanon. Intelligence sources confirm that at least three of Fakih’s relatives are currently top officials in Hezbollah and that at least eight Fakih family members were Hezbollah terrorists killed by the Israelis in past Israel-Lebanese wars and interventions. Some of her family members were originally in Harakat Amal [the Shi'ite Amal militia], which is now essentially a part of Hezbollah. There’s a reason that even Al-Manar TV–Hezbollah’s official TV network–is high on Fakih in the Miss USA pageant.

Last year’s Miss USA pageant was controversial because airheaded Miss California bimbo Carrie Prejean rode both sides of the fence in responding to pageant judge and gay activist Perez Hilton’s (a/k/a Mario Armando Lavandeira, Jr.) question about gay marriage. But will judges in this year’s pageant have the guts to ask Miss Michigan USA a far more important question: if she will condemn Hezbollah, the Islamic terrorist group which murdered over 300 US Marines and civilians in the 1983 bombings of the barracks and U.S. Embassy in Beirut? Will they ask her to condemn the group that tortured and trampled to death Navy Diver Robert Dean Stethem after hijacking TWA flight 847 and tortured to death Col. Rich Higgins and CIA attache William Buckley? The group working with Al-Qaeda to provide explosives to blow up our troops in Iraq and to blow up innocent civilians in several other Qaeda/Hezbollah joint ventures? Don’t count on it. And they have to ask her to specifically condemn Hezbollah. The usual nebulous “Islamic terrorists” condemnation doesn’t count because they don’t think any of their groups, like Hezbollah, are terrorists, but “legitimate resistance.” And don’t wait for them to ask her if she recognizes Israel’s right to exist.

They simply don’t have the guts. And I doubt Donald Trump does either. He didn’t even have the guts to stop Libya’s lunatic leader, Muammar Qaddafi, from renting his property.

Don’t let her lack of a headscarf and her donning a bikini in public fool you. Miss Michigan USA, Rimah Fakih is a Muslim activist and propagandist extraordinaire. She recently participated, using the Miss Michigan USA name to promote Islamic subjugation of women, in a Henry Ford Community College’s tax-funded forum promoting Islam, featuring many Shi’ite extremists. One of the prominent participants on-stage with Fakih was Najah Bazzy, the Islamic Nurse Ratched who was apparently involved in Medicaid fraud at Oakwood Hospital, helping thousands of pregnant Muslim alien women use fake social security numbers to pay for the delivery of their babies, and enabling instant anchorbabyhood.

Topics at the forum in which Miss Michigan USA participated included these:

• Why do some Arab women cover themselves while others don’t;
• Are Muslim women allowed to marry non-Muslim men?
• Under Muslim law, are women allowed to divorce their husbands?

Hey, maybe the Miss USA pageant judges can ask this Muslima pageant contestant if she believes in the separation of mosque and state.

My intelligence sources laugh at the overwhelming praise and bragging over Fakih on several Lebanese Hezbollah Arabic language blogs. After all, she will be parading around on-stage–as all Miss USA contestants do–in a bikini, a complete no-no according to Hezbollah’s strict Muslim rules about covering women up. But, as we all know, and as one source confirms, Muslims frequently go against Islam in this way for propaganda purposes. It’s a form of taqiyyah, the Muslim concept of deceiving infidels.

Hezbollah Muslims believe that Fakih is a tremendous propaganda tool for them. And, in fact, on Sunday Night, some of Dearborn’s key Hezbollah figures and agents are holding an event to watch the broadcast at Dearbornistan’s La Pita restaurant, where–several witnesses confirm–the restaurant staff frequently sings Hezbollah war songs in the kitchen after hours. The owner of the restaurant is also a Shi’ite Muslim Hezbollah supporter.

So, will Donald Trump and the Miss USA contestants do anything about the fact that one of their contestants supports an Islamic terrorist group that murdered hundreds of Americans, the second most deadly Islamic terrorist group to Americans behind Al-Qaeda?

The Trumps are usually about PR, not doing the right thing, as Trump did in Dubai. Yes, Trump’s daughter Ivanka recently converted to Orthodox Judaism to marry a rich guy. But that didn’t stop her from promoting her latest project, “Girl Up,” which funds Muslim extremism in girls through the United Nations Foundation.

I’ve sent a press inquiry to the Miss USA pageant press people. Like I said, don’t hold your breath for anyone to do the right thing and nix Rima Fakih. I doubt we’ll be hearing the Donald tell her, “You’re Fired.” Or even hear him ask her the tough questions.

More to come later on Rima Fakih and her Hezbollah family, whom she won’t condemn. Stay tuned.

Arab CNN Reporter Uses Anti-Semitic Slur Against Schlussel; Miss Hezbo USA Mocked Native Americans in Lebanon Pageant

By Debbie Schlussel

Yesterday, CNN’s Senior Editor for Middle East Affairs, Octavia Nasr, used an anti-Semitic slur to describe me in a gushing story over Miss Hezbollah USA Rima Fakih. While the story originally had the headline, “Miss USA: Muslim Trailblazer or Hezbollah Spy?” CNN quickly changed the title and dropped the Hezbollah part, after liberal websites like Talking Points Memo whined. But no one had a problem with Nasr’s description of me in writing and on video as a “neo-conservative.” Yes, Ms. Nasr is a bigoted, anti-Semitic pig, whom you may remember as CNN’s lying, anti-Israel lead correspondent during the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah War. It’s no surprise that the Crescent News Network picked this Islamo-pandering kalbeh [Arabic for dog or bi-otch] with an obtrusively heavy accent to cover the Middle East for Al-Jazeera Atlanta, er . . . CNN.



hezbollah4.jpgMISS USA

This is CNN: Octavia Nasr, CNN’s Mid-East Editor, is Anti-Semite, Cheerleader for Miss Hezbo USA

For the record, I am NOT a neo-conservative. I am conservative, period. The words “neo-conservative” and “neocon” have long been used by anti-Semites like Pat Buchanan (who has used it to deride me, among others, on MSNBC) and many anti-Semites, including Muslims, to negatively describe Jews and to question our credentials as conservatives because we are Jews and support Israel. It’s a code word for “Jew” and a slur. I expect anti-Semitic slurs and worse from the many uncivilized, low-class Muslim commenters who’ve flocked to this site, but not from a television news network. And it’s interesting that CNN doesn’t have a problem with that, but does have a problem with accurately describing Miss USA Rima Fakih’s Hezbollah ties and asking her to condemn Hezbollah and her pageant bid financier, “former” Islamic terrorist and immigration fraud perpetrator Imad Hamad’s open support for that group and for HAMAS. Hamad openly calls Hezbollah terrorists “the Heroes.” Also for the record, CNN has a reading comprehension problem. I never said Fakih is a “Hezbollah spy.” I said she’s a Hezbollah supporter. Two different job descriptions, same murderous terrorist group which killed hundreds of Americans.

And then, there is Miss USA Fakih’s mocking of traditional American Indian/Native American dress in the cheesy Miss Lebanon Immigrant pageant in 2008 (which she lost). Watch the video, above, and ask yourself, where is the outrage against Fakih from Indian tribes? You know–all of those groups who get outraged when teams call themselves “the Redskins” or “the Chippewa”? Where are they when this woman is obviously mocking Indians to Muslims and Arabs in Lebanon who hate us? I’ll bet our friend, David Yeagley/Bad Eagle will have something to say about it. But he’ll be a lone voice, I predict. I don’t hear the Sioux or the Cherokee decrying this. Why?

No one cares. Because, hey, she’s Muslim. And like liberal Democrats, a la Barack Obama, they get away with everything. Cue the crickets in place of the Native American outrage, which certainly has a place here.

Now, if the White, blonde, Christian Miss Oklahoma USA wore the headdress and full Indian attire, then the outcry would be deafening.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Reporters to need government licenses? Lawmaker suggests registry for journalists' background, experience

Posted: June 01, 2010
9:37 pm Eastern

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

"We have to be able to rely on the source and to understand the credentials of the source," he told Fox.

He reported that he'd run into reporters in Michigan state political coverage who work for publications he's never seen, and a process to vet those workers would be appropriate.

His bill would have reporters provide to state officials documentation of their good moral character and their ability to operate by ethics standards "acceptable to the board."

Patterson, whose plan initially would be voluntary, also suggests requiring a degree in journalism or other "substantially equivalent" degree and not less than three years experience as a reporter, Fox said.

However, officials with the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity suggested the plan is a nonstarter at the outset.

"By introducing a bill to license journalists, Michigan state Sen. Bruce Patterson is attempting to control the press and is stepping on constitutional protections," said Jason Stverak, chief of the organization that promotes social welfare and civil betterment through programs that promote journalism and the education of the public about corruption and fraud in government.

"There is a reason why this is a single sponsor bill and has not received much support in the legislature," Stverak said.

The center, founded just last year, is a nonpartisan group that believes new technology can advance the cause of transparency in government.

Stverak noted that components of the "traditional media" are laying off staff members and failing to meet the needs of the public at the same time journalists are needed to monitor politicians and elected officials.

"Our country needs more watchful eyes on our elected officials, not legislation that outlaws the truth from emerging," Stverak said.

While Patterson told Fox that his plan may not have the support to become law, he said he wanted to raise questions about how he feels it's hard to say who is a journalist.

WND columnist Andrea Shea King has written about the new media, and its impact.

"The shift from the way we traditionally got our news in the past to today's instant communication is revolutionary. Some compare it to the invention of the printing press. Whether it's social media sites like Twitter or news sites catered towards citizen journalism, the active voice of the eyewitness is now a significant part of any story taking place in the world," she reported.

Groups want FCC to police hate speech on talk radio, cable news networks

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is being urged to monitor "hate speech" on talk radio and cable broadcast networks.

A coalition of more than 30 organizations argue in a letter to the FCC that the Internet has made it harder for the public to separate the facts from bigotry masquerading as news.

The groups also charge that syndicated radio and cable television programs "masquerading as news" use hate as a profit model.

"As traditional media have become less diverse and less competitive, they have also grown less responsible and less responsive to the communities that they are supposed to serve," the organizations wrote to the FCC. "In this same atmosphere hate speech thrives, as hate has developed as a profit-model for syndicated radio and cable television program masquerading as 'news.'"

The organizations, which include Free Press, the Center for Media Justice, the Benton Foundation and Media Alliance, also argue that the anonymity of the Web gives ammunition to those that would spread hate.

The groups did not mention any specific programming on the right or the left in their letter, which supports a petition filed by the National Hispanic Media Coalition last year requesting a probe of the relationship between hate speech and hate crimes.

The groups argue the Internet has made it harder for the public to separate the facts from bigotry masquerading as news.

"The Internet gives the illusion that news sources have increased, but in fact there are fewer journalists employed now than ever before. Moreover, on the Internet, speakers can hide in the cloak of anonymity, emboldened to say things that they may not say in the public eye."

"For these reasons, as the Commission deliberates how the public interest will be served in the digital age, it should consider the extent of hate speech in media, and its effects."

Was economic collapse a planned power grab? Europe clamors to expose Bilderbergers, alleged masterminds behind money woes

Posted: May 30, 2010
8:12 pm Eastern

By Drew Zahn
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

For years, whispers of the secretive organization of world leaders known as the Bilderberg Group were considered fodder for conspiracy theories, but in the wake of massive economic upheaval, Europe's mainstream has joined the clamoring to find out what kind of financial wizardry has been going on behind the Bilderberg curtain.

Daniel Estulin, author of the hot-selling book, "The True Story of the Bilderberg Group," has even been invited to present an unprecedented speech before the European Parliament in Brussels June 1 on the subject of the secretive cabal.

"In Spain, Bilderberg is the 'it' topic," Estulin told WND. "The attention this is getting in the European mainstream press is equivalent to the New York Times or Wall Street Journal publishing extensively on it."

The attention, Estulin said, has come as his predictions on the cost of oil and other economic factors – based on investigative reporting into the Bilderbergers – have proved more accurate than other economic models in Europe's financial meltdown.

"Economists cannot explain it without acknowledging the shadow masters working to manipulate economies," Estulin said. "There is a general awakening taking place in people and the national press. This is no longer the domain of conspiracy theorists. Especially in Europe, we're seeing enough cracks to have hope that this dam will break and more and more people will demand to know what the Bilderberg Group has been doing."

Here's your opportunity to get the full report: "The True Story of the Bilderberg Group" by Daniel Estulin

The Bilderberg Group is an annual, invitation-only conference usually with more than 100 of the globe's most influential leaders, such as heads of state and business tycoons. It always is closed to the public and press, a privacy frequently ensured by armed agents.

WND reported attendance at last year's event included U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner; Larry Summers, the director of the U.S. National Economic Council; Richard Holbrooke, the Obama administration's special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan; World Bank President Robert Zoellick; European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet and European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso.

Look at the financial players involved, look at the Bilderberg Group's history, then look at the world economy, Estulin says – you don't have to be a conspiracy nut to recognize elite, powerful forces at work.

(Story continues below)

"Bilderberg is not some group of demonic world leaders sitting around a table staring into a crystal ball," Estulin laughed. "In the U.S., a lot of people mistakenly believe there are secret societies, a very small group controlling the dynamics of the entire world, instead of understanding Bilderberg as a processes-, ideas- and themes-shaping organization.

"Bilderberg is not a bogeyman," Estulin told WND, "but it is a powerful organization. It's a medium for bringing together financial institutions – the largest, predatory institutions in the world – which acts in ways that are now the worst enemy of society."

How is it an enemy? Estulin believes the current destruction of the economy, and particularly the assault on capitalist economics, is something that has been done on purpose, a meltdown orchestrated from behind the scenes to keep the masses dependent on the elite.

"To these powerful people, national resources are theirs, not everyone's," Estulin told WND. "All these people want an empire. They don't want the people of the world to develop, to prosper, to grow the population. They want us to work for them, where our children and our children's children work for an elite group, the oligarchy.

"If people participate in the ideas shaping the world, if a nation is allowed to grow its own food, develop its own natural resources, be truly self-governing, it would end the Bilderbergers' oligarchy," Estulin said.

He cites David Rockefeller's own admission. Rockefeller, a Bilderberg member, wrote: "Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

Exposing the Bilderbergers to the world

Estulin has now been invited to speak to the European Parliament, considered one of the most powerful legislative bodies in the world, by Mario Borghezio, Italy's most senior member.

Estulin compared his address there to an invitation to address a joint session of the U.S. Congress, a rare honor for anyone outside the ranks of the government.

Estulin believes the subject of the Bilderbergers never before has seen the light of day in front of such a highly respected audience.

His work will be part of a presentation titled "Bilderberg Group – Towards Creation of One World Company Ltd.," which will include the work of Borghezio and British members Nigel Farage and Gerard Batten.

Estulin's book, "The True Story of the Bilderberg Group," is based on years of his work as a Madrid-based journalist and investigative reporter.

He connected the dots between the Bilderberg Group, world events, politicians and corporate tycoons over a period of 15 years.

Estulin reveals how the web of people and organizations has become a "shadow government whose top priority is to erase the sovereignty of all nation-states and supplant them with global corporate control of their economies under the surveillance of 'an electronic global police state.'"

He reveals that not all members of the group are "bad," explaining that membership is structured like concentric circles, with varying responsibilities and relationships. But it includes almost every famous player in politics and finance, such as George W. Bush, George Soros, George McGovern and Jimmy Carter.

Estulin writes: "This parallel world remains unseen in the daily struggles of most of humanity, but, believe me, it is there: a cesspool of duplicity and lies and double-speak and innuendo and blackmail and bribery. It is a surreal world of double and triple agents, of changing loyalties, of professional psychotic assassins, brainwashed black ops agents, soldiers of fortune and mercenaries, whose primary sources of income are the dirtiest and most despicable government-run subversive missions - the kind that can never be exposed."

The conference this year is scheduled June 3-6 in Sitges, Spain.

Former British cabinet minister Lord Denis Healey, one of the founders of the group, explained the purpose of the group to Jon Ronson of the Guardian.

"Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless," he said. "So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing."

In 2009 Estulin reported his sources told him the main topic of the last year's agenda was the world economy. He said his sources inside the group told him the movers and shakers would be discussing two options – "either a prolonged, agonizing depression that dooms the world to decades of stagnation, decline, and poverty ... or an intense-but-shorter depression that paves the way for a new sustainable economic world order, with less sovereignty but more efficiency."

Estulin reports the following items will be on the Bilderberg Group's 2010 agenda:

1. Will the Euro survive?
2. Development in Europe: Europe's exit strategy ... on hold?
3. Do we have institutions to deal with the world economy?
4. Greece: Lessons and forward-looking strategies
5. NATO and Afghanistan: The practical agenda for the alliance
6. Iran and Russia: Economic and financial threats to the alliance
7. The consequences of war against terrorism
8. The influence of domestic issues on American foreign policy
9. The outlook for Japan's economy
10. The future of the U.S. dollar: Alternative scenarios

If you'd like to sound off on this issue, please take part in the WorldNetDaily poll.

Related offers:

Get "The True Story of the Bilderberg Group" by Daniel Estulin

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Standoff! Nation of Islam confronts Secret Service President's men in testy showdown with Farrakhan mansion security

Posted: May 30, 2010
3:24 pm Eastern

Stewart Stogel
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Louis Farrakhan

NEW YORK – Secret Service agents and security officers of Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam engaged in what the White House called a "standoff" near President Barack Obama's Chicago home last night.

Obama, who is spending the holiday weekend in Chicago, decided to pay a visit to a friend, Marty Nesbitt, for an old-fashioned barbeque.

Nesbitt, however, is a neighbor to the controversial Farrakhan, and that is when problems began.

According to White House press pool reports obtained by WND, a group of reporters were staking out the Obama family and were holding on a city street in front of the Farrakhan mansion.

At one point, the Secret Service allowed reporters off the van they were traveling in to get some fresh air.

About a dozen journalists congregated on the sidewalk in front of the Farrakhan home, which quickly prompted a visit by a so-called "polite man," who asked the group "to stay off the grass," though the White House pooler insisted they were on city property.

The Farrakhan agent eventually asked the accompanying Secret Service officer to "move the van and its occupants," an interaction that soon escalated to a contest of machismo between Nation of Islam officers and the Secret Service.

(Story continues below)

The on-duty Secret Service officer identified himself as such and assured the Farrakhan agent, "We will do nothing to interfere with whatever is going on in there."

But shortly thereafter, three more people emerged from the Farrakhan mansion wearing T-shirts reading "Wide or Die." One of the three was described by a press pooler as "staring daggers at us."

See what it's going to take to stop CAIR and the "Muslim Mafia" from Islamizing America!

Meanwhile, as evening approached, the Obama family continued to enjoy their Memorial Day party, unaware of what was going on just outside.

By 8 p.m., the Farrakhan group ballooned to a dozen men, who began chanting "Islam" and photographing the White House reporters, their van and its license plate. One man approached the reporters, but was intercepted by the Secret Service agent, who asked him "to please move away from this group of people."

The man did.

The White House press pool was advised by the Secret Service to get back into their parked van, and shortly thereafter, three Secret Service reinforcements arrived. They, in turn, were met by 10 additional Farrakhan followers, bringing the total to four Secret Service agents versus 22 Nation of Islam representatives.

The situation has been described in White House emails as "a standoff." It was never clear whether any or all of the Farrakhan representatives were armed.

At around 10:15 p.m. a self-described friend of Farrakhan, the Rev. Gary Hunter, a Detroit minister who heard about the Chicago standoff, claimed he phoned the controversial Nation of Islam leader and his son.

Hunter said of Farrakhan: "He said he didn't know you all were just waiting for the president."

By 10:30 p.m., Obama left and the reporters returned to their hotel, defusing the situation.

Former United States Ambassador John Bolton called the incident "unbelievable."

Neither the White House nor the Secret Service offered comment on the standoff.

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Author: European Antichrist looking more and more unlikely Says atheists will have field day with popular Bible interpretation

Posted: May 30, 2010
7:58 pm Eastern

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

With Europe on the verge of economic collapse, what about all those popular predictions that the European Union would become the world's political powerhouse, giving rise to the endtimes prophecies of a world dictator known to Bible students as the Antichrist?

Joel Richardson, author of a best-selling book on Bible prophecy, says atheists will have a field day mocking Christians for the incorrect interpretations about the last days.

"Nearly twenty years ago, I intently watched as a very popular Christian television prophecy teacher declared, 'the present formation of the European Union is literally the fulfillment of Bible prophecy right before our eyes!'" he writes in a commentary today in WND. "According to this teacher, the creation of the European Union represented a biblically prophesied revived Roman Empire. Because the last-days empire of the Antichrist as described in the Books of Daniel and Revelation is portrayed as a 10-nation alliance, this teacher confidently declared that when the number of EU member states reached ten, this would signal the imminent return of Jesus Christ. And soon, the number of EU member states reached the magic number 10 just as this teacher had predicted. Then the number reached eleven, and then twelve. Soon there were twenty. Today there are 27 member states. The teacher's very confident predictions failed."

Richardson said the formation of the EU in 1993 spurred even more prophecy teachers to set their sights on Europe.

"But the present harsh realities in Europe may soon cause all of this Euro-centric, restored Roman Empire prognosticating to come crashing down," writes Richardson.

He also expects many Christians to become disillusioned as the EU fights for its very survival, rather than for the global dominance that was predicted.

The author of "The Islamic Antichrist: The Shocking Truth About the True Nature of the Beast" wants everyone to know that if the EU falls, it is not an indictment of the truth of the Bible.

"Despite its popularity, the Euro-centric end-time perspective has never represented anything akin to Christian orthodoxy or dogma," he writes. "Throughout the history of the church, many great Christian leaders have looked not to Europe, but to the Middle East for the emergence of an end-time empire. In fact, going back to the first few centuries of the church, the consistent testimony of the early believers is that the Antichrist, his empire and his religion would arise from out of the Middle East, and not Europe. As such, rather than tacking in the wind yet again, what many teachers and students of Bible prophecy are awakening to is the reality that the biblical prophecies about the last days are thoroughly Jerusalem, Israel and Middle-Eastern-centric. What many Westerners, and perhaps Americans most of all, often fail to recognize is the fact that the Bible is a thoroughly Eastern book. Always has been. As shocking as this may be to some, the Bible was not written primarily for Americans."

When "The Islamic Antichrist" was released last fall, it immediately zoomed to the top of the religious charts at Amazon and the No. 1 spot among all books at Scribd – an online e-booker retailer. Yet Richardson, a student of Islam and the Middle east, found few churches in America welcoming him as a guest speaker. He was not invited to address many prophecy conferences. He found himself as a "political incorrect" outsider in most evangelical circles.

His book makes the case that the biblical Antichrist is one and the same as the Quran's Muslim Mahdi.

"The Bible abounds with proofs that the Antichrist's empire will consist only of nations that are, today, Islamic," says Richardson. "Despite the numerous prevailing arguments for the emergence of a revived European Roman empire as the Antichrist's power base, the specific nations the Bible identifies as comprising his empire are today all Muslim."

Richardson believes the key error of many previous prophecy scholars involves the misinterpretation of a prediction by Daniel to Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel describes the rise and fall of empires of the future, leading to the end times. Western Christians have viewed one of those empires as Rome, when, claims Richardson, Rome never actually conquered Babylon and was thus disqualified as a possibility.

It had to be another empire that rose and fell and rose again that would lead to rule of this "man of sin," described in the Bible. That empire, he says, is the Islamic Empire, which did conquer Babylon and, in fact, rules over it even today.

Many evangelical Christians believe the Bible predicts a charismatic ruler, the Antichrist, will arise in the last days, before the return of Jesus. The Quran also predicts that a man, called the Mahdi, will rise up to lead the nations, pledging to usher in an era of peace. Richardson makes the case these two men are, in fact, one in the same.

"Today, many scholars, students and teachers alike are acknowledging the consistent testimony of the prophets as pointing us to the Middle East," he writes today. "As any realtor will tell you, it's all about location, location, location. Likewise, as any astute Bible student should know, the first issue that must be established when attempting to properly interpret the Bible is context, context, context. And simply stated, the context of virtually all biblical prophecy is Israel and the Middle East. Jesus will not be returning to Paris, London or Independence, Missouri, but rather Jerusalem. Literally every last one of the final battles as depicted by all of the biblical prophets take place in Israel and the surrounding vicinity. When the prophets specify which nations surround Israel to attack her, the wording used in Hebrew is goyim caybib, which translated means 'the surrounding nations.' These are Israel’s neighbors; they are not references to Belgium or Luxembourg or Rome."

Richardson is the co-author with Walid Shoebat of "God's War on Terror: Islam, Prophecy and the Bible" and co-editor of "Why We Left Islam: Former Muslims Speak Out." "The Islamic Antichrist" is published by WND Books and is available autographed in the WND Superstore.