Monday, May 24, 2010

Obama, La Raza, Hamas – Dangerous Liaisons

In case you missed it, Barack Obama and his campaign vehemently denied Obama’s attendance at the now infamous Jeremiah Wright, Jr. hate whites, hate America speech. While one reporter vehemently argues Obama was there, that debate was trumped by the revelation that he couldn’t have been in church due to a speech he gave in Miami that same afternoon. Upon further research, it’s clear Obama was in Miami – although he could have been in church in the morning and still made it to Miami.

Obama was in Miami to speak to the group La Raza, or The Race, an anti-American, open borders, separatist group disguised as a civil rights group. Refer to the end of this post, for resources on La Raza including their objectives of secession for the southwest United States to Aztlan, the ethnic cleansing that will ensue, and the groups affinity with another violent, anti-American faction – the PLO, or Palestinian Liberation Organization.


Obama sought La Raza support during his speech, as did Hillary Clinton, but it appears Obama was the winner. La Raza originally supported New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson in his bid for President and Richardson threw his support to Obama yesterday.

Considering the events of the past few weeks including the anti-America, anti-white, anti-Jew, pro-Hamas, pro-Palestine, pro-La Raza, (to name a few) and Obama’s declaration that he’ll immediately speak to rogue dictators who seek to destroy America and hold an Islamic Summit – this can best be described as dangerous, if not deadly, liaisons. We suppose Obama would condemn Iran after they nuke Israel and America, and after negotiating with them, as he condemned reprinting Hamas propaganda in his church bulletin – almost a year later.

In terms of “creeping sharia” the question for Obama, and all the candidates, is not only their foreign policy, but their policies on sharia law in the United States. Obama’s courtship with groups ready and willing to denounce America and employ terrorism and guerrilla warfare – Hamas, the PLO, La Raza, the New Black Panthers – and invoke images, if not ideology, of Che Guevara, will have a significant impact on his social and foreign policies and that does not bode well for those who support the Constitution of the United States.

Video – Obama speech at La Raza national convention in Miami

Video – La Raza in their own words & images

Story & Image – Obama’s church renames & reprints of Hamas manifesto

Story – La Raza as Palestinians
