Thursday, July 15, 2010
Ground Zero Mosque: A Muslim View: Stop This Imam Now
In the ultimate act of Islamic-supremicist conquest, and despite a series of protests, Kuwait-born Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf is getting set to erect a "Tower of Terror" under the garb of a mosque 600 feet from the site of Ground Zero in New York City. Although the prospective leader of the proposed $100 million "Cordoba House" projects himself as a moderate Muslim -- he speaks of "building bridges" and "outreach" -- he is a key figure in the Malaysian-based Perdana Global Peace Organization, the single biggest donor [$366,000] to the Free Gaza Movement, a key organization in the flotilla that tried to break Israel's naval blockade of the Hamas-run Gaza strip a few weeks ago.
Apart from refusing to condemn Hamas as a terrorist organization, Imam Abdul Rauf appeared on the popular Islamic website Hadiyul-Islam (where, ironically, a fatwa was simultaneously being issued that forbade a Muslims to sell land to a Christian, because the Christian wanted to build a church on it); in an interview by Sa'da Abdul Maksoud on May 29, 2010, Abdul Rauf was asked his views on Sharia [Islamic religious law] and the Islamic state:
"Throughout my discussions with contemporary Muslim theologians," he responded,"it is clear an Islamic state can be established in more than just a single form or mold. It can be established through a kingdom or a democracy. The important issue is to establish the general fundamentals of Sharia that are required to govern. It is known that there are sets of standards that are accepted by [Muslim] scholars to organize the relationships between government and the governed."
When questioned about this, Abdul Rauf continued: "Current governments are unjust and do not follow Islamic laws."
He then added: "New laws were permitted after the death of Muhammad, as long, of course, that these laws did not contradict the Quran or the Deeds of Muhammad ... so they create institutions that assure no conflicts with Sharia law."
In plainer English, forget the separation of church and state: Abdul Rauf's goal is the imposition of Sharia law - in every country -- even democratic ones like the U.S.
Imam Rauf is dreaming of constructing this mosque with the ultimate goal of Islamizing America.
I precisely understand the reason behind such huge flow of fund for this Tower of Terrorism at Ground Zero site. Many of the radical Muslim nations in the world are willing to "teach a lesson" to Americans by planting a mosque at the very wound of those family members of the martyrs as well as patriotic Americans.
Further, this very mosque, like many other large mosques and so-called Muslim community centers in United States, will turn into the epicenter for the activities of Tablighi Jamaat, an organization that preaches Jihad and encourages the deceitful conversion of non-Muslims to Islam. Due to the decades-long activities of Tablighi Jamaat, we fear that if they continue their activities inside Bangladesh for another decade, the country may witness the complete elimination of religious minorities such as Christians, Hindus and Buddhists, from the population.
While Tablighis are actively working inside United States to Islamize America, Americans sit silently. Islamists like Abdul Rauf do not sit silently; they move fast ahead.
With The Sweet Smell Of Fresh Pork - Stop The Ground Zero Mosque
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Stop the mosque at Ground Zero!
A $100 million dollar mosque is rising at Ground Zero. Six hundred feet from where 3,000 people were murdered by Mohammedans the followers of Islam's bloodthirsty pedophile prophet plan a 13 story ediface dedicated to their perverted god of jihad.
Oh, and with plenty of room for bomb making classes. I'm sure there will be bomb making classes. Seminars, tutorials, demonstrations, whatever it takes.
And of course loudspeakers to broadcast the call to prayer, the better to remind their faithful of the need to hear another sermon on Jew hatred. The rallying cry of the muzzein, "Death to America" (which to be fair, probably sounds quite lovely in Arabic), will waft over the sacred ground where the World Trade Center once stood.
How can this be? How can our nation allow the desecration of Ground Zero? Our own 9/11 memorial is not yet built, but the Cordoba Mosque (named after Islam's conquest of Spain) will stand tall as a monument to the 19 hijackers?
It could happen because the spineless libtards who run New York City are too politically correct to stand up to evil. When the president and his administration won't even put a name to the evil we face the perpetrators of that evil are emboldened.
This is how Islam conquers their enemies. They build mosques to celebrate their victories. The mosque atop Jerusalem's Temple Mount is one of the most egregious examples (although what they've done to Bethlehem is a close second).
Do you know what they do on top of the Temple Mount? Pray? Don't make me laugh. They dig. They dig and they dig and they dig. They haul out truckload after truckload of dirt, and in doing so erase any vestiges of ancient Hebrew artifacts. They burned the Cedars of Lebanon and destroyed the foundations of King David's Temple. In Bethlehem they used the alter at the Church of the Nativity for a toilet.
The purpose of Islam is to conquer, and destroy.
From inside Cordoba House they will dig. They will undermine Ground Zero. They will remove the ashes of the dead.
We must stop this atrocity in its tracks. These guys are all about symbolism. Can you guess the date they picked for the groundbreaking? September 11, 2011. Ten years to the day after 9/11. That's not a coincidence kids.
It's time for American patriots to go on the offensive. The guys at Hillbuzz have a pretty good idea for how to do just that.
Pigs. Pig sculptures. Pig fountains. Pig murals. Pigs everywhere within a 3 block radius of Ground Zero. Muslims can't come into contact with pigs. Their ancestors ate the poop of their demented prophet, but one whiff of bacon will send them scurrying away like cockroaches from the light of day.
I say someone should open a keilbasa store right next to this Ground Zero mosque. The sweet smell of smoked pork products will overpower the stench of dhimmitude.
June 6th. Noon 'til 3. Be there. Bring a ham sandwich. Save Ground Zero from the Mohammedan hordes.
Lets roll- Your chance to stop Ground Zero mosque Firefighter who lost 93 friends in 9/11 attacks fights to preserve 'landmark'
Posted: July 14, 2010
9:25 pm Eastern
By Chelsea Schilling
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
Tim Brown at November 2009 press conference by 911 Never Forget Coalition
A former firefighter and Sept. 11 first responder is urging New York City officials to block construction of a 13-story Islamic mosque to be built just steps from Ground Zero where Muslim terrorists murdered nearly 100 of his personal friends in the name of Allah.
Tim Brown, who survived the Twin Towers' collapse, is represented by the constitutional law firm American Center for Law and Justice as he urges New York City officials to landmark the site of the planned Islamic mosque.
The ACLJ attended a July 13 hearing before the Landmarks Preservation Commission, a New York City agency responsible for identifying and designating city landmarks. The commission has been asked to designate the current building near Ground Zero as a landmark. The hearing record has been left open for one week to allow for written public comment.
The ACLJ is asking Americans to add their names to its committee to stop the Ground Zero mosque. At the time of this report, the petition had been signed by more than 4,000 people.
Atlas Shrugs blogger Pamela Geller noted that Council on American-Islamic Relations leader Zead Ramadan attended this week's hearing and testified for the mosque, claiming opposition to the mosque is due to "Islamophobia."
Find out what Islam has planned for you: Get "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America."
But ACLJ Deputy Political Director Sam Nunberg told the commission, "It would be a travesty to permit this building to be removed. It would be like removing the sunken ships from Pearl Harbor in order to erect a memorial for the Japanese Kamikazes killed in the surprise attack of U.S. troops."
Brown, former member of the elite Mayor's Emergency Response Team, said he was eating breakfast on the third floor of Seven World Trade Center when the first plane hit.
In his 2002 testimony, Brown said at one point he went outside to look at One World Trade Center.
Wreckage from plane that hit the twin towers fell on the same building that may serve as an Islamic cultural center.
"The whole plaza area was burning debris, plane parts and bodies; a lot of fire in the plaza area," he said.
Brown instantly responded to the command post in the lobby of One World Trade Center.
He described a somber moment with two fellow firefighters, Terry Hatton and Chris Blackwell, in which he saw them for the last time.
"I gave them both hugs. Terry said to me, 'I love you, brother. It might be the last time I see you.' Then he went in the stairwell," Brown recalled. "Then Chris Blackwell looked at me and said, 'This isn't good, Tim.'
"That was the last I saw him also."
After the second plane struck, Brown was directed to Tower Two. He exited the building to gather an emergency medical services crew and re-entered the lobby.
"[W]e heard the roar above us," he said. "I know I never looked up. I don't think anybody ever looked up. But there was no question what it was. It was a very tremendous sound … So we just turned and ran for our lives. Now it was the flight/fright thing, because everybody knew we were all going to die. …
"Everything started blowing toward us that wasn't nailed down. You could not any longer run into the wind because you were getting pummeled by stuff. You couldn't see anybody to communicate.
"You couldn't hear anything. It was becoming our grave."
Brown escaped death by taking cover in the doorway of the Tall Ships Restaurant at the World Trade Center Marriott Hotel between the towers. He climbed through the debris and assisted teams of rescue workers as he searched for trapped victims.
In a May interview with Fox News, Brown said he lost 93 of his friends in the terrorist attack.
Now he is speaking out against construction of the new Islamic mosque that plans to open its doors Sept. 11, 2011 – on the 10th anniversary of that fateful day.
"I don't understand the need to put it there," he said.
Formerly known as the Cordoba House and renamed Park51, the mosque is the creation of the American Society for Muslim Advancement. As WND reported, the building at Park Place, just blocks north of the former World Trade Center site, was the site of a Burlington Coat Factory until a plane's landing-gear assembly crashed through the roof when 19 Muslim terrorists hijacked airliners and flew them into the towers.
Aerial photo of World Trade Center Ground Zero following Sept. 11 attacks. Red square to right of Ground Zero marks former Burlington Coat Factory and proposed location of the 13-story mosque.
The building was purchased last July by real-estate company Soho Properties, a business run by Muslims. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, Kuwait-born founder of the Muslim society, was an investor in that transaction.
Rauf has announced his plans to turn the building into a complete Islamic cultural center, with a mosque, a museum, "merchandising options" and room for seminars to reconcile religions, "to counteract the backlash against Muslims in general," Speigel reported. The project may cost as much as $150 million. Plans for the facility also include a 500-seat performing-arts theater, fitness center, swimming pool, library, public conference rooms, basketball courts and restaurants, according to the Tribeca Tribune.
The old Burlington Coat Factory building, site of proposed Ground Zero mosque
But Brown wants to know where the funding for the project is coming from. In his appearance on Fox News, he personally asked Imam Rauf who is paying for the mosque.
Rauf responded, "It came from members of our community."
Brown replied, "I know. You said that. But that does not answer our question. Is the money from Shariah-compliant financing?"
Rauf did not answer Brown's question. Instead, he responded by defending Shariah financing, saying, "All Shariah is ultimately is about God's law, about doing things which are about justice to everybody. This is about building trust."
As WND reported, Rauf has made a variety of controversial statements, including the following:
* Rauf asserted that the Quran "certainly doesn't counsel terrorism, murder or mayhem," said special agent James Margolin, spokesman for the FBI New York office. And he said terrorists have misinterpreted the Quranic term "jihad" to mean violent, or armed, struggle against nonbelievers. Rauf claims it means internal struggle.
* The Sydney Morning Herald reported Rauf said the U.S. and the West must acknowledge the harm they've done to Muslims before terrorism can end. He said the West must understand the terrorists' point of view – and he blamed Christians for starting mass attacks on civilians. "The Islamic method of waging war is not to kill innocent civilians. But it was Christians in World War II who bombed civilians in Dresden and Hiroshima, neither of which were military targets," he said.
* In an interview with BeliefNet on Islam and America, a reporter asked Rauf, "Some Islamic charities are being investigated for terrorist ties. Have you seen what you consider to be reputable Islamic charities being financially damaged?" Rauf responded, "We believe that a certain portion of every charity has been legitimate. To say that you have connections with terrorism is a very gray area. It's like the accusation that Saddam Hussein had links to Osama bin Laden. Well, America had links to Osama bin Laden – does that mean that America is a terrorist country or has ties to terrorism?"
* The New York Times reported Rauf said he believes "Islamic terrorists do not come from another moral universe – that they arise from oppressive societies that he feels Washington had a hand in creating."
As WND reported, Rauf recently refused during a live radio interview to condemn violent jihad groups as terrorists. He repeatedly refused on-air to affirm the U.S. designation of Hamas as a terrorist organization or call the Muslim Brotherhood extremists.
WND also reported a scholar and charity head appointed to President Obama's White House Fellowships Commission is closely tied to Rauf and the Islamic center project.
Meanwhile, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has said he objects to the idea of an Islamic mosque at the site of Ground Zero.
Likewise, former U.S. representative and Republican candidate for New York governor Rick Lazio has requested an investigation into the project's funding sources. In the following video posted on YouTube, Brown publicly thanked Lazio for standing with him in his effort to block the mosque construction at Ground Zero:
In June, a crowd estimated at between 5,000 and 10,000 people thronged the site of the future mosque in protest of the plans.
Now the Landmarks Preservation Commission is expected to determine whether to block the building plans and designate the building as a landmark. A decision could come as early as next month.
The ACLJ says it is preparing court action and will seek an injunction, if necessary, to prevent a rushed procedural violation that would sidestep the rules and "disrespect the memory of the Sept. 11 victims."
The legal group notes that the commissioners have landmarked some 22,000 buildings in the city – including one at 18 West 11th St. where Bill Ayers' terrorist group, Weather Underground, was building bombs when one detonated.
"If the commission felt it appropriate to landmark that building, the location under debate now surely deserves landmark status due to the fact that a wheel from Sept. 11 ringleader Mohammed Atta's hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 [e]mbedded in the building itself," the ACLJ website states.
ACLJ chief counsel Jay Sekulow said in a statement today, "The fact is that this is not the location to build an Islamic mosque. This is sacred ground, and for many family and friends of the Sept. 11 victims building an Islamic mosque on this site would be offensive."
He added, "We've heard from thousands of Americans – and many New Yorkers – who understand that such a move would be a tragic mistake. We will continue to pursue all avenues to ensure that this mosque is not built near Ground Zero."
(Editor's note: Concerned individuals may e-mail Robert Tierney, chair of the Landmarks Preservation Commission, or send a letter to:
Landmarks Preservation Commission
Municipal Building
1 Centre St., 9th floor
New York City, N.Y. 10007)
Why the Left loves tyrants and terrorists It seems crazy, but author Jamie Glazov explains the unexplainable
Posted: July 14, 2010
8:08 pm Eastern
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
Why do leftists always seem to sympathize with, and even support, tyrants, dictators and even terrorists?
The answer is in the brilliantly insightful book "United in Hate" by Jamie Glazov, which exposes America’s internal enemies as never before. And today only, WND readers can get “United in Hate” for only $4.95 – a $21 discount off the retail price, but only from WorldNetDaily.
In this critically acclaimed book published by WND Books, Glazov describes the unholy alliance between murderous jihadists and people like Michael Moore, Sean Penn, Ted Turner and Noam Chomsky. He uses the Leftists' own words to reveal their agenda of death, and now a flood of praise is pouring in.
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Although history allows no doubt Leftist beliefs have spawned mass carnage and misery, and the deaths of millions of people, until now it has been extremely difficult for rational people who value personal freedom to understand the motivation of those who live in comfort, yet embrace monstrous dictators, ideologies and policies that leave only death in their wake.
Rising to the call, Glazov uses the astonishing words of well-known Leftists to explain their love for and deification of totalitarian ideologies with clarity and candor.
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Within hours of its release, "United in Hate" was No. 1 among books relating to communism on
In “United in Hate,” Glazov concludes: "This is where the Western Left and militant Islam (like the Western Left and Communism) intersect: human life must be sacrificed for the sake of the idea. Like Islamists, leftists have a Manichean vision that rigidly distinguishes good from evil. They see themselves as personifications of the former and their opponents as personifications of the latter, who must be slated for ruthless elimination."
Sounds crazy, but how else can one explain the views of famed moviemaker Francis Ford Coppola, who said of one of the world's most notorious dictators: "Fidel, I love you. We both have the same initials. We both have beards. We both have power and want to use it for good purposes."
Or Harry Belafonte, who said: "If you believe in freedom, if you believe in justice, if you believe in democracy, you have no choice but to support Fidel Castro."
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Reid: No illegal construction workers in my state 'That may be some place, but it's not here in Nevada'
By Chelsea Schilling
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
House Majority Leader Harry Reid claims there are no illegal aliens working in the construction business in Nevada – the same U.S. state that is reported to have the highest percentage of "unauthorized immigrants" in the labor force.
Responding to a Pew Hispanic Center study that shows 17 percent of all construction workers are in the U.S. illegally, Reid told Las Vegas 8NewsNow, "That may be some place, but it's not here in Nevada."
The statement came as a reporter questioned Reid about his successful effort blocking a 2009 amendment introduced by Republican Sen. Jess Sessions that would have required construction companies contracted for stimulus projects to use E-Verify – a computer program that determines whether prospective employees are U.S. citizens.
Reid did not allow the amendment to come up for a vote. Instead, he argues that the nation must reform its immigration policy.
Explaining his grounds for blocking the vote, Reid told the news station, "The reason: we need to do comprehensive immigration reform. We cannot do it piecemeal."
The reporter told Reid, "When you go to the unemployment office there's many U.S. citizens who are unemployed construction workers and they don't have specific jobs because right now, some of those construction companies find it easier to hire undocumented workers."
Reid replied, "I think that any information you have in that regard is absolutely without foundation."
(Story continues below)
According to the April 2009 Pew Hispanic Center study, 170,000 workers, or 12.2 percent of Nevada's total, are illegal aliens – more than twice the national average of 5.4 percent.
The Washington-based think tank also estimates 230,000 illegal aliens live in Nevada and that one in 10 children in Nevada K-12 schools has a parent who is an illegal alien.
Reid's office told the news station E-Verify is inaccurate.
But the news agency noted the federal government's own contracted accountant reported that E-Verify had an efficiency rate of 99 percent. The report called that rate "an astounding affirmation of the accuracy and efficiency of the system."
Even though you've paid into Social Security all of your working life... and even though they promised to pay you back... you can no longer count on g
Legally Collect Thousands of Dollars Each Year... From the Other Government-Backed Retirement Program
Starting September 30 this year, America's
Social Security "safety net" will officially shrink...
So why not let this other government-backed
"pension program" pay you thousands of dollars each year instead?
Dear Reader,
It's official...
Even though you've paid into Social Security all of your working life... and even though they promised to pay you back... you can no longer count on getting what you're owed.
Take a look at this from the New York Times:
"This year, the [Social Security] system will pay out more benefits than it receives... accumulated revenue will slowly start to shrink, as outlays start to exceed revenue... [and] by law, Social Security cannot pay out more than its balance in any given year."
We all knew this day would come. But nobody expected it to come so fast — six years ahead of schedule. In fact, even the Congressional Budget Office itself admits it.
According to their own calculations, the so-called American public "safety net" they've forced you to pay into starts to dry up as of Sept. 30, 2010. That's when it officially slips $28 billion into the red. And it just keeps sinking deeper from there.
What does that mean?
Either they hike up your payroll taxes now... slash your retirement payouts later... or both. Payouts shrink. No matter what, it means you come out of this with less.
Much less...
When Bureaucrats Rob You Blind
"Don't look now. But even as the bank bailout is winding down, another huge bailout is starting, this time for Social Security... our nation's biggest social program needs help from the Treasury to keep benefit checks from bouncing..."
— Fortune
Bottom line is, you're about to get rooked.
And you don't have to take my word on that.
Here's what ex-Fed chief Alan Greenspan had to say...
“When the level of the trust fund gets to zero, you have to cut benefits..."
Warns MSNBC, "Millions of Americans face smaller Social Security checks..."
And here's today’s Fed chief, Ben Bernanke...
"[Social Security and Medicare are] only mandatory until Congress says it's not mandatory...]"
Even the Supreme Court agrees, in a standing ruling that's on the books and protects the bureaucrats' right to rip you off at any point down the line. Their ruling says, in plain language...
"Entitlement to Social Security benefits is not a contractual right."
Think about that.
Last year alone, money-grubbing, thieving D.C. bureaucrats "borrowed" 43% of the Social Security fund you paid into... to cover their own pet programs. This year they're on track to blow even more, even as millions of retirees hunt for new sources of steady annual cash!
How "secure" is a promise to cover part of your retirement costs... with money YOU paid in, based on that promise... when the keepers of the cash can just take that money for their own at the bang of a gavel or the swipe of a pen?
I'd say it's not very "secure" at all.
Yet millions of Americans have already made retirement plans based on that promise. So what's your alternative, as the public plan dries up?
Here's an idea...
The "Other" Pool of Government-Backed
Retirement Cash Nobody Told You About
How about letting a different government-backed "pension" float you thousands of dollars in extra income instead — one that has no connection with the Social Security Administration whatsoever?
In fact, unlike Social Security or even Medicare, this is a "program" no D.C. bureaucrat can touch, cancel, or pillage. Yet, it remains a second source of government-backed cash.
And by the way, a source most Americans know nothing about. Even though many retirees have legally collected from this source since 1972!
If you're just hearing about this for the first time, I'm not surprised.
It's not something anybody in Washington would have told you about. I doubt you've ever gotten a letter announcing it. And you can't collect unless you know about it.
But even if you're late to the party, you could still collect thousands of dollars. And it only takes about five to ten minutes to get this set up to collect.
By the way, you don't need to be retired.
Even if you're still working, you can start to collect. Without impact on any other benefits — public or private — you're also supposed to receive.
Once you're part of the "program," the checks get sent directly to your mailbox.
Or you can have them deposited electronically in your account.
What's the Catch?
Yes... there's a catch. And actually it's the best reason to legally tap this second stream of government-backed income while you still can.
You see, the reason those weasels in Congress can't take away this second stream of benefits... and the reason they can't steal from this retirement cash pool either...
Is because even though this alternate "pension" is decisively government-backed... it's NOT the misdirected, muddling, money-wasting American government that's backing it!
Let me explain...
Government-Backed Income
Without D.C. Shenanigans
sidebar1First, I should introduce myself.
My name is James Nelson.
For years, I've watched the unwinding of "conventional" retirement in America just the same as you have. And believe me, as young as I am, I've worried about it too.
And not just the theft of Social Security benefits.
When you add it all up — the property collapse, the Wall Street collapse and criminal rip-off of the American investor, AND the bickering bureaucrats who fight to find new ways to blow our money — even the most careful plan for the future could face big trouble.
Even the explosive debt and wasteful D.C. spending alone is a threat — in the minutes it's taken you just to read this far, the U.S. government blew through $9 million!
It's enough to boggle your mind...
Over this next hour, D.C. will burn through another $183 million...
By this time tomorrow, another $4.4 billion...
And over the coming month, say friends at Weiss Research, they'll waste $133 billion.
And all this at a time when regular Americans watch their retirement options go up in smoke.
Is this how government "looks out for you?" Unfortunately, yes. Which is why I dedicate my time now to helping Americans like us find better alternatives.
Already, I've found plenty.
I've even put together a whole "Plan B" strategy that can help retirees and non-retirees collect as much as $120,000 in non-work income every year.
I've already shared this plan with millions ofAmericans.
I can share it with you, too, in just a second — along with more than a dozen other ways for you to collect thousands of dollars in work-free income checks every month.
But frankly, nothing's got me more excited right now than this little-known second stream of government-backed income that I've been telling you about — I call it the "Scandinavian Income Certificate."
Now, I know what you're thinking...
Retirement Cash Backed By
Real Wealth, Not Just Promises
"The global financial crisis has brought low the economies of just about every country on earth. But not Norway."
— The New York Times
You don't have to do anything special to make this work.
Just holding these "Scandinavian Income Certificates" entitles you to collect what could add up to several thousand dollars in extra income every year, for as many years as you'd like.
To explain why, let's roll back the clock to just two days before Christmas in 1969...
On that day, an exhausted team of oil engineers was about to give up on a multi-year search for oil off the coast of Norway.
But suddenly, one of their drill bits broke through a deep limestone bed... There, in a continental shelf four times the size of Norway itself, they found one of the largest underwater stores of crude oil and natural gas in history.
At the time, Norway was a modest country of fishermen. Suddenly, the country became an oil superpower overnight.
Today Norway is the world's third largest oil exporter.
But without angry sheiks, terrorists or oil wars.
The engineers — who just weeks earlier were camping out in empty apartments and keeping their petty cash in a cigar box — went on to discover some of the richest — and most unpronounceable — underwater oil fields in the world, from the Kvitebjørn, Mikkel, Snøhvit, Veslefrikk, Bigdis, Ã…sgard, Snorre, Glitne, Sleipner, and dozens more.
Underwater oil? Yes.
Yes, I know what you're thinking... all these fields are under the cold, black North Sea.
And right now, for obvious reasons, all eyes are on BP's big blunder in the Gulf. Does that mean our world can really give up on the huge deepwater oil deposits? Not on your life. Like it or lump it, we desperately need the oil that's out there. We only need to get to it more safely, am I right?
Which is why, with over four decades of tapping the rich Norwegian offshore fields, nobody's gotten better at doing this right than the engineers who have already transformed the Norwegian economy with all that North Sea oil. That's a fact you'll hear repeated the world over.
What BP can't seem to do, the Norwegians have done with distinction.
And with extremely impressive results.
Just one of those big Norwegian fields — the Statfjord deposit — has already been cranking out two million Norwegian kroner's worth of oil every minute — that's US$360,388 every 60 seconds — for the last 25 years.
That's a lot of money. It's also a lot of experience, racked up in what oil engineers inevitably call the next new frontier for petroleum.
I'm Averaging 12% Dividends...
"Jim, I'm averaging about 12% dividends. I started actively trading last May within a Fidelity 401k and have been getting a good education... In a few months, I will probably cut the number of services [I use] in half to focus on the ones with the best fit. Lifetime Income will probably be one of them."
— Barry Landers, Paid-up Subscriber
But here's something else you won't see anywhere else in Big Oil.
For a country so small, with so few people — 4.7 million, less than Wisconsin — that kind of sudden cash inflow can still throw a lot of things out of whack.
So the Norwegians did something else that was also smart.
Instead of blowing their oil bonanza (like the British) or divvying it up among government elite (like the Saudis) the Norwegians set up what they called their national "Petroleum Fund."
Nearly half-a-trillion dollars have poured into this fund so far.
It's earmarked for Norway first, doling out huge retirement benefits, free medical care, and free education — all paid for with oil profits. Plus, it's the money they used to carry them through the last financial crisis... almost without a scratch.
And it's this same huge fund I can show you how to tap, without breaking a single law, and with the full approval of the Norwegian government... using the "Scandinavian Income Certificates" we talked about.
Now Earmarked for Americans, Too
You can see the size of the fund here, in this chart...
Like I said, as of December last year they had already piled up nearly half a trillion dollars in cash. They've filled it with even more since then, now that oil sells around $80 a barrel.
Just imagine what that kind of savings — instead of debt — can do for a country:
* Norway's banks never crashed. And already, they're lending again.
* Norway's properties also tripled in the global run-up — but didn't crash.
* While most world economies shrank, Norway's grew by 3%.
* While even the U.S. still has double-digit unemployment, Norway's is less than 3%.
* When stocks plunged in 2008, Norway used their oil wealth to buy like crazy.
* Most Norwegians don't carry huge debts — they love to save.
* Even so, lots of Norwegians have second homes, boats, and more — all paid for.
* Norway's government has no debt either — they have an 11% budget surplus.
* Your average Norwegian makes $59,300 per year — $13,000 more than most Americans.
* Yet, Norwegians work fewer hours than in any other industrial democracy.
* They also get to take more holidays, longer vacations, and generous sick leave.
* And Norwegians live longer — on average, just past 80 — than most Americans.
Despite Market Declines, I'm Up...
"Excellent so far. Despite the big declines in the market these last two days, my portfolio is up significantly..."
— Clement Contardo, Paid-up Subscriber
All this because Norway channels the profits from North Sea oil into what adds up to a giant savings account. If the same discipline makes sense for an individual, wouldn't it make sense for a country too?
But what I'm saying is that not only is Norway cash rich... but that there's now a way you can tap into this same growing pool of government-backed money.
And, you'll see, they actually want you to do it. As long as you do it using the "Scandinavian Income Certificates" we talked about.
How to Handle "Too Much" Cash
Maybe you've heard, every year, the United Nations does a study to find the best place in the world to live. They survey 182 countries. And for seven out of the last nine years Norway has actually topped the list.
(The U.S. ranks at #13, in case you wondered).
I'm not saying you'll have to pack up your parka and move to Norway.
But what I am saying is that having cash opens doors.
And creates possibilities.
For instance, already Norway has started to trade their decades of deepwater oil expertise for shares in other gigantic offshore projects all around the world, from the Gulf of Mexico to the Far East and elsewhere.
But now they're trading their huge cash position for another advantage too.
See, by promising to pay a steady stream of future income to "Scandinavian Income Certificate" holders, Norway gets to leverage their already big money stockpile... into an even bigger pile of cash they can use right now to invest in more energy exploration and discovery.
It's their way of guaranteeing even more surplus money in the years ahead.
Norway knows the easy oil and gas assets in the North Sea won't last forever. So they're perfecting new ways to draw more out of what they've got... and to find new resources to tap.
Doesn't that sound a lot more "secure" than banking on empty D.C. promises?
Here's the thing...
What's already a very big income opportunity is about to get even bigger...
"The Income Play of the Century"
The World's New Store of Wealth
Dollars have been the de facto world currency for decades. But with U.S. debt and our broken political and economic promises piling up, other powers want a fallback plan.
And oil — the lifeblood of every economy on earth — is it.
For instance, China just cut a deal to get 400,000 barrels of oil a day from Venezuela — one of the biggest deals they've ever done — and they paid half that in yuan, not dollars. Russia, Japan, Brazil, France, and the Arabs in the Gulf — they're also cutting deals to break the oil-dollar bond.
It's how they hedge their bets against another dollar collapse.
With the tide already headed that way, wouldn't you at least want to take the same precaution and start backing your money stream with something more "real" like oil too?
Read on to find out how you can, much more easily than you might imagine.
The bottom line is, despite the oil spill crisis in the Gulf... despite the molasses-slow pace of recovery... despite whipsaw markets on Wall Street... oil prices — and profits — have mostly been climbing higher. Already oil prices are double what they were a year back.
And upward pressure just keeps getting stronger...
* With gas demand exploding in India and China.
* With China's economy alone set to grow another 10% this year.
* With any U.S. rebound almost guaranteed to force up world oil demand.
* With OPEC saying they will not kick up oil output, even at $80 a barrel.
* With today's proven oil reserves on track to disappear in just four decades.
* With current land-based fields shrinking and disappearing fast.
* With new oil finds getting more rare and exploration costs rising.
* With Morgan Stanley saying oil will soon hit $105 a barrel.
There's just no way around it: This world runs on oil. Nobody's replacing that demand anytime soon, even as world supplies are running down... and getting more valuable.
Look, it's no accident that out of the top 10 richest companies in the world, seven are in oil. And if you want income and financial security… getting steady oil income, from a stable source that's isolated from political and even economic crisis, this is the best way I know how.
Not only does it offer you a much safer way to get paid, it also gives you an easy way to follow what some of the world's smartest investors are already doing, right now.
That's why I'd like to rush you my brand new full research report, How to Tap the Government-Backed “Pension” Nobody Talks About, which shows you how.
This report is free and I can rush you a copy immediately. You can even download it right now. Just follow the single step at the end of this letter.
Most Americans Don't Realize
How Easily They Can Collect
Definitely the
Right Strategy for Right Now...
"Jim, I've done quite well... this is definitely the right strategy for the market right now and Agora's most relevant publication."
— Amit Shah, Paid-up Subscriber
It's not that this opportunity hasn't appeared in the news from time to time.
It has even shown up in the Wall Street Journal.
Yet I'm almost certain most American's don't realize how easily they can also collect. After all, how would they have heard about such a unique Scandinavian payout plan?
Let me send you a free copy of How to Tap the Government-Backed “Pension” Nobody Talks About so you can see for yourself.
As I said, it's free.
Inside, you'll see how quickly this one move could...
* Put thousands of extra dollars per month in your bank account.
* Give you financial support based on real assets instead of political promises.
* Give you that sense of security America's own Social Security program has never delivered.
* Give you a chance to not only stay ahead of inflation, but also leverage it — where rising energy prices cause your costs to go up — for added income.
* Let you worry much less about America's reckless spending and shrinking "safety net."
* And give you more control over your retirement and the pride that comes with that.
You can do all this without breaking a single law. You'll even have the full approval of Norway's oil-rich government. You'll also get some financial security outside of other U.S. risks.
Like, for instance, soaring U.S. debt and future threats to the U.S. dollar. Plus, you'll feel relieved knowing you've covered the coming gap in Social Security payouts.
Norway's most famous playwright, Henrik Ibsen, once said "The strongest man is he who stands alone in the world." These "Scandinavian Income Certificates" can help you do that.
And this is just the start...
A "Personal Pension" Strategy That
Could Pay Up to $120,000 Per Year
I'm Seeing All Gains...
"Jim, It looks like your selections are performing well during the market recovery... one of the biggest advantages of your service is to help predict downturns in price or dividend in order to get out at the right time."
— Kirby Darr, Paid-up Subscriber
Once you send for your free copy of How to Tap the Government-Backed “Pension” Nobody Talks About I'd like to send you something more.
In fact, quite a lot more. See in my search for better ways to pile up worry-free retirement income, I've come across much more than I could begin to share here.
Which is why I put together a whole library of my best income opportunity discoveries. I call this the Lifetime Income “Personal Pension” Library.
My full report on "Scandinavian Income Certificates" — How to Tap the Government-Backed “Pension” Nobody Talks About — is just one of the four special reports you'll find inside. And only one of the many different ways investors use to find more income, too.
For instance, inside the library you'll also discover a second report called The 10-Minute Retirement Recovery Plan: Six Easy Ways to Lock in Steady Income Checks. And inside, you'll find a second powerful strategy I call the "Plan B Pension" plan.
I've already shared this "Plan B" approach with millions of Americans just like you.
And here's why — this "plan" can work for anybody who wouldn't mind collecting up to 24 extra income paychecks every year.
That's an average of two checks every month.
And not necessarily modest payouts, either...
* Kim Kundra collected $11,611 in one month. And the same again 30 days later. And then two checks, each for nearly $12,000, over the next eight weeks after that.
* Gary Malina's "personal pension" so far placed checks worth $22,919 into his account — not once but twice this year, along with at least two more checks, each worth more than $21,500.
* Paul Meure's last monthly "personal pension paycheck" gave him $16,074.
* As of October, just one of the companies in Mike Pressman's "personal pension" had already paid him $65,269.
* Larry Piero's latest "personal pension paycheck" clocked in at just under $26,993. And that's only one of several he'll collect this year.
* John Harrington just collected $16,336 on one of his "personal pension paychecks." Tom Skane took in $33,920 all in one go. And Gerald Amoss clocked in with $42,052.
This second report is also yours free, included in your Lifetime Income “Personal Pension” Library.
And then there's the third report I'd like your permission to send. It's called Let Your Money Work For You: The Smart Investor's Secret Trick to Retiring With Millions.
Inside it shows you the single, simple "trick" smart income investors use to multiply their gains... not just once or twice over... but by as much as 132 times.
This set-and-forget technique could radically increase your potential returns, even over the short term. And without lots of extra risk involved. This is widely known as one of the safest wealth-building secrets you'll ever come across, yet most Americans never take this step.
Then there's your fourth special report in the library, Income You Can Count On: Your Guide to a Stress-Free Retirement ... where you'll read about how to turn $5,000 into $169,934 in just five years... plus the single most important question you can ask, any time you buy shares for income... and how to make sure you never lose a fortune on crashing stocks again.
All four of these special reports are included FREE in the Lifetime Income “Personal Pension” Library I'd like to send. You don't pay anything extra and all four of these are yours to keep.
Just say the word and I'll get my publisher to put all four in the mail.
Or you can download all four right now.
You'll find instructions at the end of this letter.
But before you jump ahead, let me ask you a bold question...
Will You Outlive Your Money?
How to Turn $5,000 Into
$151,026 In Just Five Years
One University of Oregon study found that these same kinds of companies you'll read about when you agree to try my Lifetime Income Report consistently have better accounting records, use cash better, and get better business deals.
Another study showed how these same kinds of companies could have given you DOUBLE the gains of S&P 500 stocks that don't fit our same Lifetime Income Report criteria.
What's more, just 160 shares of one of these special kinds of companies that we cover... would have turned $4,000 into $300,000 from 1980 to 2004. And another of these companies could have turned just $4,000 into $600,000 in the same period. Still another example could have turned $5,000 into $151,026 from 2003 until 2008.
Who says getting a steady payout has to be boring?
I know that's blunt.
But I've just read something shocking...
According to the Christian Science Monitor, a poll this past January shows 8 out of 10 Boomers expect to keep working long past regular retirement age. And over 40% of all 50-year olds don't think they'll ever be able to retire!
That's just bad news for a lot of people.
Maybe you're not in that boat.
Maybe you're one of the lucky people I've met who has already made a fortune and who knows full well you'll have plenty of money when you "cross the finish line."
And if that's the case, you already know that reading up on income techniques like "Scandinavian Income Certificates" and the others you'll find in your free Lifetime Income “Personal Pension” Library just makes good sense.
Because that's what people with money do: put their wealth to work.
On the other hand, maybe you're in the other crowd.
You know these people too. They did everything they were supposed to do, working and saving and paying off the mortgage. But one big market bust later, they're left behind. And wondering what to do.
I don't know where you land on that list.
But I do know this: Either way, I can show you right now how to collect as much income as you could need or want — for the rest of your life — guaranteed or your money back.
In fact I'm doing this right now for over 13,000 people just like you.
If you'll let me, I'd love the chance to do this for you too.
Let me show you how...
One Simple Step to Worry-Free Income
You see, even the four free special reports I'm going to give you in my new Lifetime Income “Personal Pension” Library are just a beginning too.
For over a year now, I've worked together with a small group of private individuals... not just walking them step-by-step through the opportunities I've just told you about... but every week, digging up even more little-known and effective ways to get richer with passive income.
And all it took for all 13,000 of them to get started was one simple step...
They each accepted to try my brand new income-focused research service, Lifetime Income Report, free for up to a full year. I want you to take this step right now, too.
As I said, in about two minutes, I'll show you how you can accept my offer FREE for up to a full year... where you'll get to try and keep everything I'll send, no questions asked.
You Don't Pay a Thing Unless I Show
You How to Retire Worry-Free
With this special invitation, you don't pay anything unless I show you how to retire worry-free.
That means you'll get to read my new Lifetime Income Report issue every month... read the special market and portfolio alerts I'll deliver to your inbox every week... and soak up everything in all five of the Lifetime Income “Personal Pension” Library reports I'll send.
Everything you get, you keep.
If you decide what I show you isn't what you expected, you get all of it at no charge. That's after I give you up to a year of Lifetime Income Report issues and weekly alerts, at no cost.
In case you're still thinking of turning this free offer down, let me give you a sample right now...
"I Started With $25,000...
And Turned That Into Millions"
Back in July 2009, one of the moves my Lifetime Income Report readers and I followed was on the move. I had covered it for them more than once in our issues. But now I had more news I knew they could use. So I sent out a special "Flash" alert on July 30, 2009 at 3:13 pm:
Hatteras Financial Corp. (NYSE:HTS) reported a solid $1.20 earnings per share, up from $1.07 last quarter, due to even more favorable interest spreads. This assures us an even higher dividend in coming months. But it also reconfirms our government-backed income throughout this recession.
The company recently sent out a $1.10 dividend, which brings our total to $2.15 since our initial buy recommendation on March 31. Even if this levels out for the rest of the year, which we don’t expect to happen, you’ll be looking at a 17.4% cost yield.
That’s about the safest high-yielding stock in the world right now... Shares of Hatteras Financial Corp. (NYSE:HTS) remain a buy up to $29.33, to lock in a minimum 15% yield.
By February 2010, I saw the situation had changed.
Ben Bernanke was hitting a jump in the Fed Funds Rate. I knew I had just enough time to alert my Lifetime Income Report readers about a chance to lock in a solid 18% yield.
So I shot out another "Flash" alert to Lifetime Income Report readers on February 16, 2010:
Hatteras Financial Corp. (NYSE:HTS) has been one of our best performers over the past 11 months. We’ve already raked in $4.50 in dividends on a stock we got in on for just $25.05 last March. That’s a cost yield of 18%! You can’t do much better in this market — or any other one, for that matter... while we still have a roughly 18% gain on this play, let’s lock it in.
That's just one example of many.
Back in January 2009, in Lifetime Income Report's first issue, I showed my readers how to lock in a stream of income from Brazil's exploding energy demand.
Today, that move is still open and paying out nearly a 10% dividend... not to mention a tidy 70% gain on the shares.
Plus, I gave my readers a simple two-part strategy for staying "bulletproof" in any market in that same issue. And that same strategy still holds up well for my readers right now, too.
One of my readers, Kevin Beck, wrote in...
"Jim, Thanks for spilling the beans! This is the same strategy I have been using for 25 years – ever since finishing high school. I can attest that it DOES work… I started then with about $25,000 and have built this to the millions, while being able to give away millions in the process."
Days later, I sent my new readers a "Flash" alert with details on how and when to collect three immediate income payouts over the weeks that followed — I even named the dates when they could collect.
Weeks later, I showed Lifetime Income Report readers how to lock in a 9.3% yield while legally avoiding taxes. Then I revealed a single market move that could save anybody from retirement ruin.
We stepped back in the issue so I could explain how to read the "payout ratio" of any income-paying company... plus how to get the best deal on any income shares.
In the same month, March 2009, I also shot out another five alerts to my readers, showing how to secure a 170% gain from the crash in financial stocks. Plus, how to get paid solid income from a water monopoly. And an easy way to lock in a government-backed 17% yield.
The list could go on.
The Best of Both Worlds:
Income AND Gains Combined
Right now, fourteen out of twenty positions have already shot up — with gains ranging all the way up to 23%, 40%, 48%, even 50%. But of course, I call that a bonus.
It's the income we're really after. And with some of the double-digit yields we're seeing, that already cranks up the average gain — for one of the newest research services around — to an impressive 17.75% already. Cumulatively, we're already at 355%.
Even our closed positions this year — 2010 — are averaging about the same in gains. Again, remember I haven't even mentioned the income you could collect yet.
How about in 2009, our first launch year and one of the toughest years for income-paying opportunities on record? Every buy and sell we posted was a winner. Gains hit a high of 32%.
But like I said, gains are just gravy... we're in this for the payouts. And you'll see my readers knocked the ball out of the park there, too.
From our safe payers doling out 3.46%, 4.24%, and 4.51% yields... all the way up to yields as high as 8.32%, 9.17%, and 15.3%... my seven-filter screening tool was able to cut back risk for readers while doubling and tripling the yields they might find somewhere else.
This is what Lifetime Income Report is all about, plain and simple.
I hope you'll agree to check it out for up to a year for FREE.
When you do, you'll get to keep everything I send you no matter what. Including all four reports in the Lifetime Income “Personal Pension” Library I just told you about.
(Including up to 24 annual income checks you could start collecting this year!)
Read on to find out how...
My point is, if you want security without sacrifice... and a way to make sure you live just as "rich" later as you've always hoped you could... then Lifetime Income Report is for you.
And I can't think of a better way for you to see for yourself than to just say yes to up to a year of free issues and alerts... plus the entire four-volume free Lifetime Income “Personal Pension” Library I'd like to send.
With "Scandinavian Income Certificates" and your other Lifetime Income “Personal Pension” Library moves alone, you could see your first checks arrive just 15 days from right now.
(The next one goes out July 15, 2010.)
And then, in every issue and every alert, you'll find even more.
Not just lifetime income... but income you can spend now... plus instant lump-sum payouts that most others miss, simply because they don't know when and where to look.
Once you agree to sign on for a risk-free trial, you can relax.
I'll do all the work for you. First you'll get all four of your free reports. Then you'll immediately start receiving your weekly "Flash" portfolio and market alerts... along with your monthly issues.
I’m excited and confident you'll feel the same, once you see what we can do.
And of course, this is all backed by a 100% no-risk lifetime guarantee.
I'll tell you all about that in just a moment too.
But first let me show you how we find all these income opportunities so many others miss...
My Seven-Part Secret for
Locking in Lifetime Income
Obviously not all income-paying moves are equal.
That's why I've created what I see as a bulletproof seven-part system for lining up only the biggest, best and most reliable income payouts.
Here's how my filtering system works...
Lifetime Income Filter #1:
The Largest Income Yield That Still Makes Sense —
Really high yields can signal far too much risk. Still, you can find some fat yields right now... paid out by some of the most fundamentally solid stocks on or off Wall Street. I don't stop looking once I find higher yields, but I certainly start there.
Lifetime Income Filter #2:
Bigger and Bigger Income Streams Over Time —
What's even better than regular "Plan B Pension" payouts? Payouts that get bigger and bigger over time. Not only because they speed up your wealth accumulation, but also because they're an excellent sign of a well-managed "Plan B" opportunity.
Lifetime Income Filter #3:
Cash Payouts Like Clockwork —
Checks that don't come aren't worth the paper they're not printed on. I stick with the "Plan B" opportunities that have a long history of paying out and paying on time. And I steer clear of those who don't.
Lifetime Income Filter #4:
Businesses Your Mother Could Love —
Short-sighted market players may have forgotten what makes for a trustworthy stock, but it's just as basic as ever — lots of cash, very little or no debt, a steady flow of business, and low expense ratios. I don't touch anything that can't pass those benchmarks. And you shouldn't either.
Lifetime Income Filter #5:
The Right Industry for the Right Time —
Let's face it. Some stocks work for the long term, and work hard. Others work best in some kinds of markets, and a little less than others. I don't try to time markets. But if something looks extra ripe for solid growth and can pay us cash payouts, I see no reason to hold back.
Lifetime Income Filter #6:
Payouts as Big as They're Supposed to Be —
Some kinds of "Plan B" companies will have a lot of cash to fork over to you. Others, on a percentage basis, should fork over less. It depends on the businesses they're in. If they're paying more or less than they should, that's a red flag you have to know to watch for.
Lifetime Income Filter #7:
The Absolute Best Share Price —
Even companies that can put steady cash in your pocket have a fair price. I don't recommend paying a nickel more when you don't have to.
It's no coincidence the most successful and well-known market mega-players in history favor these kinds of companies, in good markets and bad... especially right now.
Even the New York Times called some of the kinds of opportunities I'll show you "hidden gems" and said "this is their time to shine..."
What's more, CBS MoneyWatch named another of the wealth building moves I'll show you one of the "Best Money Moves of 2010..."
Says Smart Money, "even bond investors are looking longingly" as these very same kinds of investment plays that I've already written about for my regular readers...
And the Motley Fool jumped in too, saying it's time to "double down" on exactly the kinds of investments we've featured in every issue and alert of the Lifetime Income Report.
Right now, some of the companies I track for Lifetime Income Report readers offer some of their biggest steady payouts in 17 years... and many of those payouts could soon get bigger.
What's an easy shortcut for letting you find these moves, too?
Fortunately, I can do all that for you. The bottom line is that I love digging up new ways for you to collect income worry-free and work-free. And that I already do all this research for my loyal readers.
So your solution is simple, should you agree — simply let me share my research with you too. I hope you'll accept my invitation. So much, let me just go over again what I'd like to do for you...
Let's Run Through What
You'll Get Now — Absolutely Free
Everything you need to set up an alternate lifetime stream of income will start arriving soon, almost immediately after you agree to my invitation.
First I'll rush you your Lifetime Income “Personal Pension” Library.
This is worth at least $196 when you total up the value of all four special reports.
However, it's yours free.
Here's what you'll find inside...
FREE "Personal Pension" Payout Gift #1:
How to Tap the Government-Backed “Pension” Nobody Talks About
Will you get to collect all the government retirement paychecks you're owed? Nobody knows for sure. But why wait to find out... when you can collect from this other government-backed "pension" instead? Not only is it backed by real assets and not just empty promises, it could add up to thousands of extra dollars for you each year. It's easy to get in. And you don't have to wait until you retire before you start to collect. This brand new report, easily worth $49, shows you how — and it's yours FREE.
FREE "Personal Pension" Payout Gift #2:
The 10-Minute Retirement Recovery Plan: Six Easy Ways To Lock in Steady Income Checks for the Rest of Your Life
I don't mind admitting it — I'm proud of the "Plan B Pension" strategy you'll find inside this second report. Already, I've shared this with millions of Americans. And the timing couldn't be better. Not just to get back anything that got wiped out during the latest bust, but also to help set you up with not just one but up to six almost effortless streams of new and reliable income... that you can tap now or tomorrow. You'll want to jump on these while you can, to lock in the biggest possible income payouts. This second report is also worth $49, but it's yours FREE.
FREE "Personal Pension" Payout Gift #3:
Let Your Money Work for You: The Smart
Investor's Secret Trick to Retiring With Millions
If you've ever wondered how the rich seem to get richer even while they sleep, you'll love discovering this technique. It's what some of history's richest families have done to turn big fortunes into even bigger ones. Yet, anyone can do this. It doesn't have to take much money to start. And the results can be automatic. Maybe you know a little about how this works already. The rest, you're going to find out in this third special report — and it might shock you! This is also worth at least $49, but it's yours FREE.
FREE "Personal Pension" Payout Gift #4:
Income You Can Count On
This is your full start-up guide to "Personal Pensions" and other key kinds of work-free income. You'll discover exactly how this strategy works, how to set up one of these lifelong income streams in as little as 10 minutes, and how doing this can give you both cash right now and cash you can set aside for the future. This report is also worth $49, but it's yours FREE.
Again, that's a $196 gift — and it's yours to keep.
All you need to do to get all four reports in the full library is just let me know you're ready. I'll have my publisher mail them to you immediately. Or you can download them right now, just by following the step I'll give you one minute from right now.
Of course, to help you pile up even more income and to thank you for accepting my invitation, you'll also immediately receive...
FREE "Lifetime Income" Gift #5:
Your Own Private Website Password
I'll immediately see to it that you get your private password to our brand new, members-only Lifetime Income Report website, where you can download past issues, pick up regular updates, and track our three special income portfolios around the clock.
FREE "Lifetime Income" Gift #6:
Members-Only "Flash Alerts" to Make Sure You Don't Miss a Thing
As part of your subscription, you'll immediately qualify for flash e-alerts that will keep you up to date on anything that impacts the plays in our three special portfolios. This way, you won't miss a beat between issues.
FREE "Lifetime Income" Gift #7:
Up to a YEAR of Free Issues of Lifetime Income Report.
This is the crown jewel of my whole offer to you, Lifetime Income Report itself. And yes, what I'm saying is that for up to a full year, I'll send you news and research on one powerful "work-free" income play after another — at no extra charge to you.
Even though every issue reveals everything I've found on my latest money-making, income-creating market moves... you'll get to choose between either six months or a year of issues, to start you off on a trial basis, no questions asked.
Inside each issue, I'll name my favorite new plays, and I'll show you exactly what to look for, which prices to watch and how to take the next step.
How does this work?
I'll explain in just a second.
But first, here's one more thing...
Let Me Give You Another Gift —
"Undercover Income" the IRS Can't Touch
On top of the gifts I'm sending you so far, let me do something else for you.
As I'm sure you've heard, huge tax changes are coming.
Not only are the Bush tax cuts set to expire, but with spending gone mad in D.C. it's very likely that income you do line up for the long-term could ramp up radically over the years ahead.
I've been so concerned about it, in fact, I hired not one but two expert attorneys to help me put together an "undercover income" strategy. Not just so I can get the skinny, but so I can share that same plan with you.
This is going to be hugely important to your financial security.
I'm convinced of that. Which is why I'm ready to give you this special bonus research, in a never-before published report called Undercover Income: How to Collect Double or More the Tax-free Money Others Make.
The Best Combination...
"Lifetime Income Report
Starting September 30 this year, America's
Social Security "safety net" will officially shrink...
So why not let this other government-backed
"pension program" pay you thousands of dollars each year instead?
Dear Reader,
It's official...
Even though you've paid into Social Security all of your working life... and even though they promised to pay you back... you can no longer count on getting what you're owed.
Take a look at this from the New York Times:
"This year, the [Social Security] system will pay out more benefits than it receives... accumulated revenue will slowly start to shrink, as outlays start to exceed revenue... [and] by law, Social Security cannot pay out more than its balance in any given year."
We all knew this day would come. But nobody expected it to come so fast — six years ahead of schedule. In fact, even the Congressional Budget Office itself admits it.
According to their own calculations, the so-called American public "safety net" they've forced you to pay into starts to dry up as of Sept. 30, 2010. That's when it officially slips $28 billion into the red. And it just keeps sinking deeper from there.
What does that mean?
Either they hike up your payroll taxes now... slash your retirement payouts later... or both. Payouts shrink. No matter what, it means you come out of this with less.
Much less...
When Bureaucrats Rob You Blind
"Don't look now. But even as the bank bailout is winding down, another huge bailout is starting, this time for Social Security... our nation's biggest social program needs help from the Treasury to keep benefit checks from bouncing..."
— Fortune
Bottom line is, you're about to get rooked.
And you don't have to take my word on that.
Here's what ex-Fed chief Alan Greenspan had to say...
“When the level of the trust fund gets to zero, you have to cut benefits..."
Warns MSNBC, "Millions of Americans face smaller Social Security checks..."
And here's today’s Fed chief, Ben Bernanke...
"[Social Security and Medicare are] only mandatory until Congress says it's not mandatory...]"
Even the Supreme Court agrees, in a standing ruling that's on the books and protects the bureaucrats' right to rip you off at any point down the line. Their ruling says, in plain language...
"Entitlement to Social Security benefits is not a contractual right."
Think about that.
Last year alone, money-grubbing, thieving D.C. bureaucrats "borrowed" 43% of the Social Security fund you paid into... to cover their own pet programs. This year they're on track to blow even more, even as millions of retirees hunt for new sources of steady annual cash!
How "secure" is a promise to cover part of your retirement costs... with money YOU paid in, based on that promise... when the keepers of the cash can just take that money for their own at the bang of a gavel or the swipe of a pen?
I'd say it's not very "secure" at all.
Yet millions of Americans have already made retirement plans based on that promise. So what's your alternative, as the public plan dries up?
Here's an idea...
The "Other" Pool of Government-Backed
Retirement Cash Nobody Told You About
How about letting a different government-backed "pension" float you thousands of dollars in extra income instead — one that has no connection with the Social Security Administration whatsoever?
In fact, unlike Social Security or even Medicare, this is a "program" no D.C. bureaucrat can touch, cancel, or pillage. Yet, it remains a second source of government-backed cash.
And by the way, a source most Americans know nothing about. Even though many retirees have legally collected from this source since 1972!
If you're just hearing about this for the first time, I'm not surprised.
It's not something anybody in Washington would have told you about. I doubt you've ever gotten a letter announcing it. And you can't collect unless you know about it.
But even if you're late to the party, you could still collect thousands of dollars. And it only takes about five to ten minutes to get this set up to collect.
By the way, you don't need to be retired.
Even if you're still working, you can start to collect. Without impact on any other benefits — public or private — you're also supposed to receive.
Once you're part of the "program," the checks get sent directly to your mailbox.
Or you can have them deposited electronically in your account.
What's the Catch?
Yes... there's a catch. And actually it's the best reason to legally tap this second stream of government-backed income while you still can.
You see, the reason those weasels in Congress can't take away this second stream of benefits... and the reason they can't steal from this retirement cash pool either...
Is because even though this alternate "pension" is decisively government-backed... it's NOT the misdirected, muddling, money-wasting American government that's backing it!
Let me explain...
Government-Backed Income
Without D.C. Shenanigans
sidebar1First, I should introduce myself.
My name is James Nelson.
For years, I've watched the unwinding of "conventional" retirement in America just the same as you have. And believe me, as young as I am, I've worried about it too.
And not just the theft of Social Security benefits.
When you add it all up — the property collapse, the Wall Street collapse and criminal rip-off of the American investor, AND the bickering bureaucrats who fight to find new ways to blow our money — even the most careful plan for the future could face big trouble.
Even the explosive debt and wasteful D.C. spending alone is a threat — in the minutes it's taken you just to read this far, the U.S. government blew through $9 million!
It's enough to boggle your mind...
Over this next hour, D.C. will burn through another $183 million...
By this time tomorrow, another $4.4 billion...
And over the coming month, say friends at Weiss Research, they'll waste $133 billion.
And all this at a time when regular Americans watch their retirement options go up in smoke.
Is this how government "looks out for you?" Unfortunately, yes. Which is why I dedicate my time now to helping Americans like us find better alternatives.
Already, I've found plenty.
I've even put together a whole "Plan B" strategy that can help retirees and non-retirees collect as much as $120,000 in non-work income every year.
I've already shared this plan with millions ofAmericans.
I can share it with you, too, in just a second — along with more than a dozen other ways for you to collect thousands of dollars in work-free income checks every month.
But frankly, nothing's got me more excited right now than this little-known second stream of government-backed income that I've been telling you about — I call it the "Scandinavian Income Certificate."
Now, I know what you're thinking...
Retirement Cash Backed By
Real Wealth, Not Just Promises
"The global financial crisis has brought low the economies of just about every country on earth. But not Norway."
— The New York Times
You don't have to do anything special to make this work.
Just holding these "Scandinavian Income Certificates" entitles you to collect what could add up to several thousand dollars in extra income every year, for as many years as you'd like.
To explain why, let's roll back the clock to just two days before Christmas in 1969...
On that day, an exhausted team of oil engineers was about to give up on a multi-year search for oil off the coast of Norway.
But suddenly, one of their drill bits broke through a deep limestone bed... There, in a continental shelf four times the size of Norway itself, they found one of the largest underwater stores of crude oil and natural gas in history.
At the time, Norway was a modest country of fishermen. Suddenly, the country became an oil superpower overnight.
Today Norway is the world's third largest oil exporter.
But without angry sheiks, terrorists or oil wars.
The engineers — who just weeks earlier were camping out in empty apartments and keeping their petty cash in a cigar box — went on to discover some of the richest — and most unpronounceable — underwater oil fields in the world, from the Kvitebjørn, Mikkel, Snøhvit, Veslefrikk, Bigdis, Ã…sgard, Snorre, Glitne, Sleipner, and dozens more.
Underwater oil? Yes.
Yes, I know what you're thinking... all these fields are under the cold, black North Sea.
And right now, for obvious reasons, all eyes are on BP's big blunder in the Gulf. Does that mean our world can really give up on the huge deepwater oil deposits? Not on your life. Like it or lump it, we desperately need the oil that's out there. We only need to get to it more safely, am I right?
Which is why, with over four decades of tapping the rich Norwegian offshore fields, nobody's gotten better at doing this right than the engineers who have already transformed the Norwegian economy with all that North Sea oil. That's a fact you'll hear repeated the world over.
What BP can't seem to do, the Norwegians have done with distinction.
And with extremely impressive results.
Just one of those big Norwegian fields — the Statfjord deposit — has already been cranking out two million Norwegian kroner's worth of oil every minute — that's US$360,388 every 60 seconds — for the last 25 years.
That's a lot of money. It's also a lot of experience, racked up in what oil engineers inevitably call the next new frontier for petroleum.
I'm Averaging 12% Dividends...
"Jim, I'm averaging about 12% dividends. I started actively trading last May within a Fidelity 401k and have been getting a good education... In a few months, I will probably cut the number of services [I use] in half to focus on the ones with the best fit. Lifetime Income will probably be one of them."
— Barry Landers, Paid-up Subscriber
But here's something else you won't see anywhere else in Big Oil.
For a country so small, with so few people — 4.7 million, less than Wisconsin — that kind of sudden cash inflow can still throw a lot of things out of whack.
So the Norwegians did something else that was also smart.
Instead of blowing their oil bonanza (like the British) or divvying it up among government elite (like the Saudis) the Norwegians set up what they called their national "Petroleum Fund."
Nearly half-a-trillion dollars have poured into this fund so far.
It's earmarked for Norway first, doling out huge retirement benefits, free medical care, and free education — all paid for with oil profits. Plus, it's the money they used to carry them through the last financial crisis... almost without a scratch.
And it's this same huge fund I can show you how to tap, without breaking a single law, and with the full approval of the Norwegian government... using the "Scandinavian Income Certificates" we talked about.
Now Earmarked for Americans, Too
You can see the size of the fund here, in this chart...
Like I said, as of December last year they had already piled up nearly half a trillion dollars in cash. They've filled it with even more since then, now that oil sells around $80 a barrel.
Just imagine what that kind of savings — instead of debt — can do for a country:
* Norway's banks never crashed. And already, they're lending again.
* Norway's properties also tripled in the global run-up — but didn't crash.
* While most world economies shrank, Norway's grew by 3%.
* While even the U.S. still has double-digit unemployment, Norway's is less than 3%.
* When stocks plunged in 2008, Norway used their oil wealth to buy like crazy.
* Most Norwegians don't carry huge debts — they love to save.
* Even so, lots of Norwegians have second homes, boats, and more — all paid for.
* Norway's government has no debt either — they have an 11% budget surplus.
* Your average Norwegian makes $59,300 per year — $13,000 more than most Americans.
* Yet, Norwegians work fewer hours than in any other industrial democracy.
* They also get to take more holidays, longer vacations, and generous sick leave.
* And Norwegians live longer — on average, just past 80 — than most Americans.
Despite Market Declines, I'm Up...
"Excellent so far. Despite the big declines in the market these last two days, my portfolio is up significantly..."
— Clement Contardo, Paid-up Subscriber
All this because Norway channels the profits from North Sea oil into what adds up to a giant savings account. If the same discipline makes sense for an individual, wouldn't it make sense for a country too?
But what I'm saying is that not only is Norway cash rich... but that there's now a way you can tap into this same growing pool of government-backed money.
And, you'll see, they actually want you to do it. As long as you do it using the "Scandinavian Income Certificates" we talked about.
How to Handle "Too Much" Cash
Maybe you've heard, every year, the United Nations does a study to find the best place in the world to live. They survey 182 countries. And for seven out of the last nine years Norway has actually topped the list.
(The U.S. ranks at #13, in case you wondered).
I'm not saying you'll have to pack up your parka and move to Norway.
But what I am saying is that having cash opens doors.
And creates possibilities.
For instance, already Norway has started to trade their decades of deepwater oil expertise for shares in other gigantic offshore projects all around the world, from the Gulf of Mexico to the Far East and elsewhere.
But now they're trading their huge cash position for another advantage too.
See, by promising to pay a steady stream of future income to "Scandinavian Income Certificate" holders, Norway gets to leverage their already big money stockpile... into an even bigger pile of cash they can use right now to invest in more energy exploration and discovery.
It's their way of guaranteeing even more surplus money in the years ahead.
Norway knows the easy oil and gas assets in the North Sea won't last forever. So they're perfecting new ways to draw more out of what they've got... and to find new resources to tap.
Doesn't that sound a lot more "secure" than banking on empty D.C. promises?
Here's the thing...
What's already a very big income opportunity is about to get even bigger...
"The Income Play of the Century"
The World's New Store of Wealth
Dollars have been the de facto world currency for decades. But with U.S. debt and our broken political and economic promises piling up, other powers want a fallback plan.
And oil — the lifeblood of every economy on earth — is it.
For instance, China just cut a deal to get 400,000 barrels of oil a day from Venezuela — one of the biggest deals they've ever done — and they paid half that in yuan, not dollars. Russia, Japan, Brazil, France, and the Arabs in the Gulf — they're also cutting deals to break the oil-dollar bond.
It's how they hedge their bets against another dollar collapse.
With the tide already headed that way, wouldn't you at least want to take the same precaution and start backing your money stream with something more "real" like oil too?
Read on to find out how you can, much more easily than you might imagine.
The bottom line is, despite the oil spill crisis in the Gulf... despite the molasses-slow pace of recovery... despite whipsaw markets on Wall Street... oil prices — and profits — have mostly been climbing higher. Already oil prices are double what they were a year back.
And upward pressure just keeps getting stronger...
* With gas demand exploding in India and China.
* With China's economy alone set to grow another 10% this year.
* With any U.S. rebound almost guaranteed to force up world oil demand.
* With OPEC saying they will not kick up oil output, even at $80 a barrel.
* With today's proven oil reserves on track to disappear in just four decades.
* With current land-based fields shrinking and disappearing fast.
* With new oil finds getting more rare and exploration costs rising.
* With Morgan Stanley saying oil will soon hit $105 a barrel.
There's just no way around it: This world runs on oil. Nobody's replacing that demand anytime soon, even as world supplies are running down... and getting more valuable.
Look, it's no accident that out of the top 10 richest companies in the world, seven are in oil. And if you want income and financial security… getting steady oil income, from a stable source that's isolated from political and even economic crisis, this is the best way I know how.
Not only does it offer you a much safer way to get paid, it also gives you an easy way to follow what some of the world's smartest investors are already doing, right now.
That's why I'd like to rush you my brand new full research report, How to Tap the Government-Backed “Pension” Nobody Talks About, which shows you how.
This report is free and I can rush you a copy immediately. You can even download it right now. Just follow the single step at the end of this letter.
Most Americans Don't Realize
How Easily They Can Collect
Definitely the
Right Strategy for Right Now...
"Jim, I've done quite well... this is definitely the right strategy for the market right now and Agora's most relevant publication."
— Amit Shah, Paid-up Subscriber
It's not that this opportunity hasn't appeared in the news from time to time.
It has even shown up in the Wall Street Journal.
Yet I'm almost certain most American's don't realize how easily they can also collect. After all, how would they have heard about such a unique Scandinavian payout plan?
Let me send you a free copy of How to Tap the Government-Backed “Pension” Nobody Talks About so you can see for yourself.
As I said, it's free.
Inside, you'll see how quickly this one move could...
* Put thousands of extra dollars per month in your bank account.
* Give you financial support based on real assets instead of political promises.
* Give you that sense of security America's own Social Security program has never delivered.
* Give you a chance to not only stay ahead of inflation, but also leverage it — where rising energy prices cause your costs to go up — for added income.
* Let you worry much less about America's reckless spending and shrinking "safety net."
* And give you more control over your retirement and the pride that comes with that.
You can do all this without breaking a single law. You'll even have the full approval of Norway's oil-rich government. You'll also get some financial security outside of other U.S. risks.
Like, for instance, soaring U.S. debt and future threats to the U.S. dollar. Plus, you'll feel relieved knowing you've covered the coming gap in Social Security payouts.
Norway's most famous playwright, Henrik Ibsen, once said "The strongest man is he who stands alone in the world." These "Scandinavian Income Certificates" can help you do that.
And this is just the start...
A "Personal Pension" Strategy That
Could Pay Up to $120,000 Per Year
I'm Seeing All Gains...
"Jim, It looks like your selections are performing well during the market recovery... one of the biggest advantages of your service is to help predict downturns in price or dividend in order to get out at the right time."
— Kirby Darr, Paid-up Subscriber
Once you send for your free copy of How to Tap the Government-Backed “Pension” Nobody Talks About I'd like to send you something more.
In fact, quite a lot more. See in my search for better ways to pile up worry-free retirement income, I've come across much more than I could begin to share here.
Which is why I put together a whole library of my best income opportunity discoveries. I call this the Lifetime Income “Personal Pension” Library.
My full report on "Scandinavian Income Certificates" — How to Tap the Government-Backed “Pension” Nobody Talks About — is just one of the four special reports you'll find inside. And only one of the many different ways investors use to find more income, too.
For instance, inside the library you'll also discover a second report called The 10-Minute Retirement Recovery Plan: Six Easy Ways to Lock in Steady Income Checks. And inside, you'll find a second powerful strategy I call the "Plan B Pension" plan.
I've already shared this "Plan B" approach with millions of Americans just like you.
And here's why — this "plan" can work for anybody who wouldn't mind collecting up to 24 extra income paychecks every year.
That's an average of two checks every month.
And not necessarily modest payouts, either...
* Kim Kundra collected $11,611 in one month. And the same again 30 days later. And then two checks, each for nearly $12,000, over the next eight weeks after that.
* Gary Malina's "personal pension" so far placed checks worth $22,919 into his account — not once but twice this year, along with at least two more checks, each worth more than $21,500.
* Paul Meure's last monthly "personal pension paycheck" gave him $16,074.
* As of October, just one of the companies in Mike Pressman's "personal pension" had already paid him $65,269.
* Larry Piero's latest "personal pension paycheck" clocked in at just under $26,993. And that's only one of several he'll collect this year.
* John Harrington just collected $16,336 on one of his "personal pension paychecks." Tom Skane took in $33,920 all in one go. And Gerald Amoss clocked in with $42,052.
This second report is also yours free, included in your Lifetime Income “Personal Pension” Library.
And then there's the third report I'd like your permission to send. It's called Let Your Money Work For You: The Smart Investor's Secret Trick to Retiring With Millions.
Inside it shows you the single, simple "trick" smart income investors use to multiply their gains... not just once or twice over... but by as much as 132 times.
This set-and-forget technique could radically increase your potential returns, even over the short term. And without lots of extra risk involved. This is widely known as one of the safest wealth-building secrets you'll ever come across, yet most Americans never take this step.
Then there's your fourth special report in the library, Income You Can Count On: Your Guide to a Stress-Free Retirement ... where you'll read about how to turn $5,000 into $169,934 in just five years... plus the single most important question you can ask, any time you buy shares for income... and how to make sure you never lose a fortune on crashing stocks again.
All four of these special reports are included FREE in the Lifetime Income “Personal Pension” Library I'd like to send. You don't pay anything extra and all four of these are yours to keep.
Just say the word and I'll get my publisher to put all four in the mail.
Or you can download all four right now.
You'll find instructions at the end of this letter.
But before you jump ahead, let me ask you a bold question...
Will You Outlive Your Money?
How to Turn $5,000 Into
$151,026 In Just Five Years
One University of Oregon study found that these same kinds of companies you'll read about when you agree to try my Lifetime Income Report consistently have better accounting records, use cash better, and get better business deals.
Another study showed how these same kinds of companies could have given you DOUBLE the gains of S&P 500 stocks that don't fit our same Lifetime Income Report criteria.
What's more, just 160 shares of one of these special kinds of companies that we cover... would have turned $4,000 into $300,000 from 1980 to 2004. And another of these companies could have turned just $4,000 into $600,000 in the same period. Still another example could have turned $5,000 into $151,026 from 2003 until 2008.
Who says getting a steady payout has to be boring?
I know that's blunt.
But I've just read something shocking...
According to the Christian Science Monitor, a poll this past January shows 8 out of 10 Boomers expect to keep working long past regular retirement age. And over 40% of all 50-year olds don't think they'll ever be able to retire!
That's just bad news for a lot of people.
Maybe you're not in that boat.
Maybe you're one of the lucky people I've met who has already made a fortune and who knows full well you'll have plenty of money when you "cross the finish line."
And if that's the case, you already know that reading up on income techniques like "Scandinavian Income Certificates" and the others you'll find in your free Lifetime Income “Personal Pension” Library just makes good sense.
Because that's what people with money do: put their wealth to work.
On the other hand, maybe you're in the other crowd.
You know these people too. They did everything they were supposed to do, working and saving and paying off the mortgage. But one big market bust later, they're left behind. And wondering what to do.
I don't know where you land on that list.
But I do know this: Either way, I can show you right now how to collect as much income as you could need or want — for the rest of your life — guaranteed or your money back.
In fact I'm doing this right now for over 13,000 people just like you.
If you'll let me, I'd love the chance to do this for you too.
Let me show you how...
One Simple Step to Worry-Free Income
You see, even the four free special reports I'm going to give you in my new Lifetime Income “Personal Pension” Library are just a beginning too.
For over a year now, I've worked together with a small group of private individuals... not just walking them step-by-step through the opportunities I've just told you about... but every week, digging up even more little-known and effective ways to get richer with passive income.
And all it took for all 13,000 of them to get started was one simple step...
They each accepted to try my brand new income-focused research service, Lifetime Income Report, free for up to a full year. I want you to take this step right now, too.
As I said, in about two minutes, I'll show you how you can accept my offer FREE for up to a full year... where you'll get to try and keep everything I'll send, no questions asked.
You Don't Pay a Thing Unless I Show
You How to Retire Worry-Free
With this special invitation, you don't pay anything unless I show you how to retire worry-free.
That means you'll get to read my new Lifetime Income Report issue every month... read the special market and portfolio alerts I'll deliver to your inbox every week... and soak up everything in all five of the Lifetime Income “Personal Pension” Library reports I'll send.
Everything you get, you keep.
If you decide what I show you isn't what you expected, you get all of it at no charge. That's after I give you up to a year of Lifetime Income Report issues and weekly alerts, at no cost.
In case you're still thinking of turning this free offer down, let me give you a sample right now...
"I Started With $25,000...
And Turned That Into Millions"
Back in July 2009, one of the moves my Lifetime Income Report readers and I followed was on the move. I had covered it for them more than once in our issues. But now I had more news I knew they could use. So I sent out a special "Flash" alert on July 30, 2009 at 3:13 pm:
Hatteras Financial Corp. (NYSE:HTS) reported a solid $1.20 earnings per share, up from $1.07 last quarter, due to even more favorable interest spreads. This assures us an even higher dividend in coming months. But it also reconfirms our government-backed income throughout this recession.
The company recently sent out a $1.10 dividend, which brings our total to $2.15 since our initial buy recommendation on March 31. Even if this levels out for the rest of the year, which we don’t expect to happen, you’ll be looking at a 17.4% cost yield.
That’s about the safest high-yielding stock in the world right now... Shares of Hatteras Financial Corp. (NYSE:HTS) remain a buy up to $29.33, to lock in a minimum 15% yield.
By February 2010, I saw the situation had changed.
Ben Bernanke was hitting a jump in the Fed Funds Rate. I knew I had just enough time to alert my Lifetime Income Report readers about a chance to lock in a solid 18% yield.
So I shot out another "Flash" alert to Lifetime Income Report readers on February 16, 2010:
Hatteras Financial Corp. (NYSE:HTS) has been one of our best performers over the past 11 months. We’ve already raked in $4.50 in dividends on a stock we got in on for just $25.05 last March. That’s a cost yield of 18%! You can’t do much better in this market — or any other one, for that matter... while we still have a roughly 18% gain on this play, let’s lock it in.
That's just one example of many.
Back in January 2009, in Lifetime Income Report's first issue, I showed my readers how to lock in a stream of income from Brazil's exploding energy demand.
Today, that move is still open and paying out nearly a 10% dividend... not to mention a tidy 70% gain on the shares.
Plus, I gave my readers a simple two-part strategy for staying "bulletproof" in any market in that same issue. And that same strategy still holds up well for my readers right now, too.
One of my readers, Kevin Beck, wrote in...
"Jim, Thanks for spilling the beans! This is the same strategy I have been using for 25 years – ever since finishing high school. I can attest that it DOES work… I started then with about $25,000 and have built this to the millions, while being able to give away millions in the process."
Days later, I sent my new readers a "Flash" alert with details on how and when to collect three immediate income payouts over the weeks that followed — I even named the dates when they could collect.
Weeks later, I showed Lifetime Income Report readers how to lock in a 9.3% yield while legally avoiding taxes. Then I revealed a single market move that could save anybody from retirement ruin.
We stepped back in the issue so I could explain how to read the "payout ratio" of any income-paying company... plus how to get the best deal on any income shares.
In the same month, March 2009, I also shot out another five alerts to my readers, showing how to secure a 170% gain from the crash in financial stocks. Plus, how to get paid solid income from a water monopoly. And an easy way to lock in a government-backed 17% yield.
The list could go on.
The Best of Both Worlds:
Income AND Gains Combined
Right now, fourteen out of twenty positions have already shot up — with gains ranging all the way up to 23%, 40%, 48%, even 50%. But of course, I call that a bonus.
It's the income we're really after. And with some of the double-digit yields we're seeing, that already cranks up the average gain — for one of the newest research services around — to an impressive 17.75% already. Cumulatively, we're already at 355%.
Even our closed positions this year — 2010 — are averaging about the same in gains. Again, remember I haven't even mentioned the income you could collect yet.
How about in 2009, our first launch year and one of the toughest years for income-paying opportunities on record? Every buy and sell we posted was a winner. Gains hit a high of 32%.
But like I said, gains are just gravy... we're in this for the payouts. And you'll see my readers knocked the ball out of the park there, too.
From our safe payers doling out 3.46%, 4.24%, and 4.51% yields... all the way up to yields as high as 8.32%, 9.17%, and 15.3%... my seven-filter screening tool was able to cut back risk for readers while doubling and tripling the yields they might find somewhere else.
This is what Lifetime Income Report is all about, plain and simple.
I hope you'll agree to check it out for up to a year for FREE.
When you do, you'll get to keep everything I send you no matter what. Including all four reports in the Lifetime Income “Personal Pension” Library I just told you about.
(Including up to 24 annual income checks you could start collecting this year!)
Read on to find out how...
My point is, if you want security without sacrifice... and a way to make sure you live just as "rich" later as you've always hoped you could... then Lifetime Income Report is for you.
And I can't think of a better way for you to see for yourself than to just say yes to up to a year of free issues and alerts... plus the entire four-volume free Lifetime Income “Personal Pension” Library I'd like to send.
With "Scandinavian Income Certificates" and your other Lifetime Income “Personal Pension” Library moves alone, you could see your first checks arrive just 15 days from right now.
(The next one goes out July 15, 2010.)
And then, in every issue and every alert, you'll find even more.
Not just lifetime income... but income you can spend now... plus instant lump-sum payouts that most others miss, simply because they don't know when and where to look.
Once you agree to sign on for a risk-free trial, you can relax.
I'll do all the work for you. First you'll get all four of your free reports. Then you'll immediately start receiving your weekly "Flash" portfolio and market alerts... along with your monthly issues.
I’m excited and confident you'll feel the same, once you see what we can do.
And of course, this is all backed by a 100% no-risk lifetime guarantee.
I'll tell you all about that in just a moment too.
But first let me show you how we find all these income opportunities so many others miss...
My Seven-Part Secret for
Locking in Lifetime Income
Obviously not all income-paying moves are equal.
That's why I've created what I see as a bulletproof seven-part system for lining up only the biggest, best and most reliable income payouts.
Here's how my filtering system works...
Lifetime Income Filter #1:
The Largest Income Yield That Still Makes Sense —
Really high yields can signal far too much risk. Still, you can find some fat yields right now... paid out by some of the most fundamentally solid stocks on or off Wall Street. I don't stop looking once I find higher yields, but I certainly start there.
Lifetime Income Filter #2:
Bigger and Bigger Income Streams Over Time —
What's even better than regular "Plan B Pension" payouts? Payouts that get bigger and bigger over time. Not only because they speed up your wealth accumulation, but also because they're an excellent sign of a well-managed "Plan B" opportunity.
Lifetime Income Filter #3:
Cash Payouts Like Clockwork —
Checks that don't come aren't worth the paper they're not printed on. I stick with the "Plan B" opportunities that have a long history of paying out and paying on time. And I steer clear of those who don't.
Lifetime Income Filter #4:
Businesses Your Mother Could Love —
Short-sighted market players may have forgotten what makes for a trustworthy stock, but it's just as basic as ever — lots of cash, very little or no debt, a steady flow of business, and low expense ratios. I don't touch anything that can't pass those benchmarks. And you shouldn't either.
Lifetime Income Filter #5:
The Right Industry for the Right Time —
Let's face it. Some stocks work for the long term, and work hard. Others work best in some kinds of markets, and a little less than others. I don't try to time markets. But if something looks extra ripe for solid growth and can pay us cash payouts, I see no reason to hold back.
Lifetime Income Filter #6:
Payouts as Big as They're Supposed to Be —
Some kinds of "Plan B" companies will have a lot of cash to fork over to you. Others, on a percentage basis, should fork over less. It depends on the businesses they're in. If they're paying more or less than they should, that's a red flag you have to know to watch for.
Lifetime Income Filter #7:
The Absolute Best Share Price —
Even companies that can put steady cash in your pocket have a fair price. I don't recommend paying a nickel more when you don't have to.
It's no coincidence the most successful and well-known market mega-players in history favor these kinds of companies, in good markets and bad... especially right now.
Even the New York Times called some of the kinds of opportunities I'll show you "hidden gems" and said "this is their time to shine..."
What's more, CBS MoneyWatch named another of the wealth building moves I'll show you one of the "Best Money Moves of 2010..."
Says Smart Money, "even bond investors are looking longingly" as these very same kinds of investment plays that I've already written about for my regular readers...
And the Motley Fool jumped in too, saying it's time to "double down" on exactly the kinds of investments we've featured in every issue and alert of the Lifetime Income Report.
Right now, some of the companies I track for Lifetime Income Report readers offer some of their biggest steady payouts in 17 years... and many of those payouts could soon get bigger.
What's an easy shortcut for letting you find these moves, too?
Fortunately, I can do all that for you. The bottom line is that I love digging up new ways for you to collect income worry-free and work-free. And that I already do all this research for my loyal readers.
So your solution is simple, should you agree — simply let me share my research with you too. I hope you'll accept my invitation. So much, let me just go over again what I'd like to do for you...
Let's Run Through What
You'll Get Now — Absolutely Free
Everything you need to set up an alternate lifetime stream of income will start arriving soon, almost immediately after you agree to my invitation.
First I'll rush you your Lifetime Income “Personal Pension” Library.
This is worth at least $196 when you total up the value of all four special reports.
However, it's yours free.
Here's what you'll find inside...
FREE "Personal Pension" Payout Gift #1:
How to Tap the Government-Backed “Pension” Nobody Talks About
Will you get to collect all the government retirement paychecks you're owed? Nobody knows for sure. But why wait to find out... when you can collect from this other government-backed "pension" instead? Not only is it backed by real assets and not just empty promises, it could add up to thousands of extra dollars for you each year. It's easy to get in. And you don't have to wait until you retire before you start to collect. This brand new report, easily worth $49, shows you how — and it's yours FREE.
FREE "Personal Pension" Payout Gift #2:
The 10-Minute Retirement Recovery Plan: Six Easy Ways To Lock in Steady Income Checks for the Rest of Your Life
I don't mind admitting it — I'm proud of the "Plan B Pension" strategy you'll find inside this second report. Already, I've shared this with millions of Americans. And the timing couldn't be better. Not just to get back anything that got wiped out during the latest bust, but also to help set you up with not just one but up to six almost effortless streams of new and reliable income... that you can tap now or tomorrow. You'll want to jump on these while you can, to lock in the biggest possible income payouts. This second report is also worth $49, but it's yours FREE.
FREE "Personal Pension" Payout Gift #3:
Let Your Money Work for You: The Smart
Investor's Secret Trick to Retiring With Millions
If you've ever wondered how the rich seem to get richer even while they sleep, you'll love discovering this technique. It's what some of history's richest families have done to turn big fortunes into even bigger ones. Yet, anyone can do this. It doesn't have to take much money to start. And the results can be automatic. Maybe you know a little about how this works already. The rest, you're going to find out in this third special report — and it might shock you! This is also worth at least $49, but it's yours FREE.
FREE "Personal Pension" Payout Gift #4:
Income You Can Count On
This is your full start-up guide to "Personal Pensions" and other key kinds of work-free income. You'll discover exactly how this strategy works, how to set up one of these lifelong income streams in as little as 10 minutes, and how doing this can give you both cash right now and cash you can set aside for the future. This report is also worth $49, but it's yours FREE.
Again, that's a $196 gift — and it's yours to keep.
All you need to do to get all four reports in the full library is just let me know you're ready. I'll have my publisher mail them to you immediately. Or you can download them right now, just by following the step I'll give you one minute from right now.
Of course, to help you pile up even more income and to thank you for accepting my invitation, you'll also immediately receive...
FREE "Lifetime Income" Gift #5:
Your Own Private Website Password
I'll immediately see to it that you get your private password to our brand new, members-only Lifetime Income Report website, where you can download past issues, pick up regular updates, and track our three special income portfolios around the clock.
FREE "Lifetime Income" Gift #6:
Members-Only "Flash Alerts" to Make Sure You Don't Miss a Thing
As part of your subscription, you'll immediately qualify for flash e-alerts that will keep you up to date on anything that impacts the plays in our three special portfolios. This way, you won't miss a beat between issues.
FREE "Lifetime Income" Gift #7:
Up to a YEAR of Free Issues of Lifetime Income Report.
This is the crown jewel of my whole offer to you, Lifetime Income Report itself. And yes, what I'm saying is that for up to a full year, I'll send you news and research on one powerful "work-free" income play after another — at no extra charge to you.
Even though every issue reveals everything I've found on my latest money-making, income-creating market moves... you'll get to choose between either six months or a year of issues, to start you off on a trial basis, no questions asked.
Inside each issue, I'll name my favorite new plays, and I'll show you exactly what to look for, which prices to watch and how to take the next step.
How does this work?
I'll explain in just a second.
But first, here's one more thing...
Let Me Give You Another Gift —
"Undercover Income" the IRS Can't Touch
On top of the gifts I'm sending you so far, let me do something else for you.
As I'm sure you've heard, huge tax changes are coming.
Not only are the Bush tax cuts set to expire, but with spending gone mad in D.C. it's very likely that income you do line up for the long-term could ramp up radically over the years ahead.
I've been so concerned about it, in fact, I hired not one but two expert attorneys to help me put together an "undercover income" strategy. Not just so I can get the skinny, but so I can share that same plan with you.
This is going to be hugely important to your financial security.
I'm convinced of that. Which is why I'm ready to give you this special bonus research, in a never-before published report called Undercover Income: How to Collect Double or More the Tax-free Money Others Make.
The Best Combination...
"Lifetime Income Report
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