In keeping with his (Soros’) tendency to fund racist groups that want to ethnically cleanse portions of the United States, Soros has also funded the racist National Council of La Raza and Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF). Both groups seek to open America’s borders and have visions of “reclaiming” Aztlan (the American Southwest, “stolen” from Mexico by the Yanquis). MALDEF is in essence a Ford Foundation creation, with Ford radicalizing the once-noble organization with a $2.2 million grant in 1968.![Do these colors look familiar?](
Didn't pagans used to rip out hearts on that ziggerat? Such a utopia!
Soros, with his billions, along with his hate groups are the real imperialists, and power hungry thugs who want to dominate the individual first, then the world.
What motivates a human being to have such hate inside them? If truth be told, those who want to take over America will do little to create the paradise they seek to create. The countries many of these illegal aliens come from haven’t created the Utopian Wurker’s Paradise in their own countries, in fact, their countries are so full of corruption, vise, evil and pagan worship that these people will bring, and have brought that filth into this country, starting with the drugs.
This is somewhat common knowledge that I have been hearing for over two years now. But what surprises me, is that Alice (my contact) claims the Mexican Catholic Church is at the root of the conspiracy. To understand, one must know the history of the Catholic Church.
"Latinos' historical connections to Islam run deep. North African Moors first invaded Spain, then Christian, in the eighth century. From there, Islam spread to Latin America, the Caribbean and South America."
"Muslim presence influenced Spanish architecture, language and literature, said Neguin Yavari, professor of medieval Islam at Columbia University. Yet many people know little about this history. "It's not one of the elements of the religion that's well-publicized," said Yavari, a Muslim who emigrated from Iran."
"Islamic ties to Hispanic culture date back to 711, when the Muslim general Tariq ibn Zayid conquered Spain, and the Christian Visigothic domination of Roderick came to an end. Under Moorish rule, Christians, Jews and Muslims coexisted in Spain. Conversion was encouraged but never forced. Because the Arabs did not bring women with them, they took Spanish wives, and within a few generations the Muslim population was more Spanish than Arab."
"For the next 700 years, Al-Andalus, as the Muslims refer to Spain, enjoyed an era of political and cultural splendor, becoming one of the most intellectually advanced countries in medieval Europe. Islamic influence penetrated almost every facet of Spanish life, especially music, architecture and literature."
"But, gradually, Christian armies advanced. After the fall of the last Moorish stronghold in Granada in 1492, the cross replaced the crescent on Spain's minarets and Muslims were forced to convert to Christianity or be exiled. Many Latino Muslims in Los Angeles see their conversion as a return to their Moorish roots."
My contact, Alice also showed me where Aztlan webpages claim that the Catholic Church was the "glue" that bonds the Hispanic of the Aztlan and La Raza groups together. Many communistic groups within the Catholic Church in Mexico formed the groups that have been planning to overthrow us 'gringos' in the North and take over our land.
"Something new is happening in the radical Chicano movement. The barrio revolutionaries are getting religion - and their new belief has direct implications for Asatruar everywhere."
(left) Aztecs worshipped Tezcatlipoca (a devil like god.)
"Actually, the religion they've discovered isn't all that new. The old Aztec and Mayan deities never really went away, they simply went underground. Tonatzin, for example, is the Mother of the Gods in the old Mexican pantheon - but the Franciscan monks who came to the New World were willing to transform or absorb her into the Virgin of Guadalupe."
"The old religion of Mexico is being put to political use by those who want to carve an independent Chicano nation, Aztlan, out of what is now California and the Southwest. Tonatzin is seen as the Goddess who will lead the "children of the sun" into this new land - and the correspondence with the Virgin of Guadalupe provides a link with Catholicism, enabling the revolutionaries to expand their base of support."
Alice says the Catholic Church is right in the middle of the take over of the United States. The Mexican Catholic Church is supporting OPEN BORDERS. Illegal's are trained how to cross the border and head for the nearest Catholic sanctuary in the US.
The most shocking thing that Alice pointed out to me, is what the Mexican Catholics are saying about their own Catholic Church. She pointed out to me the webpage at:
"...St. Malachy (b. 1094) prophesied that there would be 112 Popes after Celestine II. John Paul II, who just died, is number 110. Pope number 111 would be the "False Prophet" mentioned in St. John's Revelation and who will deliver the Roman Catholic Church to Satan. Number 112 will NOT be a legitimate Pope. It will be the "Grand Anti-Pope" or the Anti-Christ who is also known as the "Abomination that Causes Desolation" mentioned in Daniel 9:27, 11:31, 12:11 and Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14. The Prophecies of St. Malachy conclude thusly: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock among many tribulations; after which the seven hilled city (Rome) will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people".
In more recent times, Alice points out that current Catholic leaders speak ill of their own church...
"Fr. Malachi Martin was an eminent theologian and expert in the Catholic Church who wrote that the apostasy of the Roman Catholic Church is a precondition for the end of time, as we presently know it, and for the second coming of Jesus Christ. Fr. Malachi Martin served in the Vatican from 1958 to 1964 where he was a close associate of Pope John XXIII. In 1990, Fr. Martin wrote, "The cultic acts of Satanic pedophilia in the Catholic Church are considered by professionals to be the culmination of the rites of 'The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer' in the Vatican". Fr. Martin believed that the Vatican had finally been, after centuries long efforts, infiltrated, at the highest levels, by Satanists in league with Zionists and what he called the "Universal Assembly" that consists of a Masonic group of Western plutocrats and the Illuminati."
"Fr. Malachi Martin wrote six years before the shameful pedophilia and homosexual scandal among the Catholic Clergy became widely known, "Suddenly it became unarguable that now during this papacy (1996), the Roman Catholic organization carried a permanent presence of clerics who worshipped Satan and liked it; of bishops and priests who sodomized boys and each other; of nuns who performed the "Black Rites" of Wicca, and who lived in lesbian relationships . . . every day, including Sundays and Holy Days, acts of heresy and blasphemy and outrage and indifference were committed and permitted at holy Altars by men who had been called to be priests. Sacrilegious actions and rites were not only performed on Christ's Altars, but had the connivance or at least the tacit permission of certain Cardinals, archbishops, and bishops. . . ".
"Satanism, pedophilia and homosexuality now permeates every Catholic Parish and especially in the USA. Many a Bishop and Cardinal has either joined or has protected the "Luciferians" in their midst. The USA Catholic Church has now paid out billions of dollars to legally settle court cases involving child sexual abuse by sodomite priests. Tens of thousands of children have been raped at the altars and inside "confessional rooms". In the Boston Archdiocese alone 65 parishes had to close in order to raise the money necessary to pay court settlements resulting from the homosexual abuse of children by scores of perverted "Luciferian" sodomite Catholic priests. One case alone involved more than 500 child victims and a mandated court settlement of over $85 million dollars."
"This weekend, the Treasurer of the United States, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board and a few US Senators will continue with their efforts to draft a 700 billion dollar plan to bailout Wall Street and those responsible for most of the world's woes since the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 by a US Congress in the pockets of international bankers. A "mother of all scams" is in the making. P.T. Barnum, the founder of a world famous circus and creator of many freak shows, once said, "There is a sucker born every minute." I now believe that in America, the number is much greater and many of these are presently serving in the US Congress. The US House of Representatives and the US Senate seems to be comprised of half idiots and half brilliant crooks and the American public is caught in between. "
"To our beloved community in Aztlan, prepare yourselves. The US Empire is going down but their is no reason we should go down with them. The US system may be already too decayed to save. There is very little difference between the two ruling parties. They are allowed to take turns governing to give the impression that there is real "democracy" in the empire. The party conventions you saw in Denver and the "twin cities" were mere "dog and pony shows". The Plan de Aztlan hit it right on the mark when it stated that the Democratic and Republican parties are "the same animal with two heads that feed from the same trough." "
"The "trough" in the above statement refers to the international banking families that have no allegiance to any nation and who control the Federal Reserve Board and thorough it the monetary system of the USA. They manipulate the economy by setting interest rates and by controlling how much money should be printed. This controls the worth of the printed money which has been losing value because of inflation. If the Federal Reserve Board prints 700 billion dollars as proposed by the bailout, in a few months you will be paying possibly 12 dollars for a loaf of bread. They buy congressman and senators in order to pass laws beneficial to their interests. That is how the Savings and Loan scam was accomplished and how they intend to perpetuate the current scam that is in the making. "
"Let the naive so call "patriots" suffer for their ignorance. Most of them believe in UFOs and in Big Foot and some still believe there is gold at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Next time you hear "twilight's last gleaming", know that it is for them and not for us! "
MEChA is a radical Hispanic organization urging illegals to steal back land that once belonged to Mexico. A passage from MEChA's national website reads: "As Chicanas and Chicanos of Aztlán, we are a nationalist movement of Indigenous Gente that lay claim to the land that is ours by birthright. As a nationalist movement we seek to free our people from the exploitation of an oppressive society that occupies our land. Thus, the principle of nationalism serves to preserve the cultural traditions of La Familia de La Raza and promotes our identity as a Chicana/Chicano Gente."
They say the land must be taken back, "by any means necessary." refers to the Democratic and Republican parties as "the same animal with two heads that feed from the same trough."