Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Stop the mosque at Ground Zero!
A $100 million dollar mosque is rising at Ground Zero. Six hundred feet from where 3,000 people were murdered by Mohammedans the followers of Islam's bloodthirsty pedophile prophet plan a 13 story ediface dedicated to their perverted god of jihad.
Oh, and with plenty of room for bomb making classes. I'm sure there will be bomb making classes. Seminars, tutorials, demonstrations, whatever it takes.
And of course loudspeakers to broadcast the call to prayer, the better to remind their faithful of the need to hear another sermon on Jew hatred. The rallying cry of the muzzein, "Death to America" (which to be fair, probably sounds quite lovely in Arabic), will waft over the sacred ground where the World Trade Center once stood.
How can this be? How can our nation allow the desecration of Ground Zero? Our own 9/11 memorial is not yet built, but the Cordoba Mosque (named after Islam's conquest of Spain) will stand tall as a monument to the 19 hijackers?
It could happen because the spineless libtards who run New York City are too politically correct to stand up to evil. When the president and his administration won't even put a name to the evil we face the perpetrators of that evil are emboldened.
This is how Islam conquers their enemies. They build mosques to celebrate their victories. The mosque atop Jerusalem's Temple Mount is one of the most egregious examples (although what they've done to Bethlehem is a close second).
Do you know what they do on top of the Temple Mount? Pray? Don't make me laugh. They dig. They dig and they dig and they dig. They haul out truckload after truckload of dirt, and in doing so erase any vestiges of ancient Hebrew artifacts. They burned the Cedars of Lebanon and destroyed the foundations of King David's Temple. In Bethlehem they used the alter at the Church of the Nativity for a toilet.
The purpose of Islam is to conquer, and destroy.
From inside Cordoba House they will dig. They will undermine Ground Zero. They will remove the ashes of the dead.
We must stop this atrocity in its tracks. These guys are all about symbolism. Can you guess the date they picked for the groundbreaking? September 11, 2011. Ten years to the day after 9/11. That's not a coincidence kids.
It's time for American patriots to go on the offensive. The guys at Hillbuzz have a pretty good idea for how to do just that.
Pigs. Pig sculptures. Pig fountains. Pig murals. Pigs everywhere within a 3 block radius of Ground Zero. Muslims can't come into contact with pigs. Their ancestors ate the poop of their demented prophet, but one whiff of bacon will send them scurrying away like cockroaches from the light of day.
I say someone should open a keilbasa store right next to this Ground Zero mosque. The sweet smell of smoked pork products will overpower the stench of dhimmitude.
June 6th. Noon 'til 3. Be there. Bring a ham sandwich. Save Ground Zero from the Mohammedan hordes.