Americans are demanding to see the U.S. Constitution – the playbook for the republic that is the United States – in ever increasing numbers as they see evidence that it simply has been relegated to a dusty shelf by those who are supposed to know it best – the elected representatives.
Copies of "The Constitution of the United States," a pamphlet that reminds Americans what the Founders designed when they created the nation more than two centuries ago, has been at record levels ever since members of Congress voted for Obamacare, a nationalization of health-care decision-making that demands for the first time that America consumers purchase a product specified by the government.
"The Constitution of the United States" hit another peak this week, ending as the No. 1 best-seller at the WND Superstore, after one member of Congress told an audience that lawmakers can, pretty much, do exactly as they please to control constituents' lives.
It was California Democrat Pete Stark who was responding to questions about Obamacare, and how it can be constitutional when it makes such extraordinary demands on voters.
In response, he said, "I think that there are very few constitutional limits that would prevent the federal government from rules that could affect your private life," he said.
He added a minute later, "The federal government yes can do most anything in this country."
Audience members pointed out that the statements fly in the face of the actual Constitution, which pointedly limits the powers of the federal government to those enumerated in the document itself, reserving to the states and the people all other rights.
The Constitution in demand among WND readers was printed by the National Center for Constitutional Studies. It has been proofed word for word against the original Constitution housed in the Archives in Washington, D.C.
It is identical in spelling, capitalization and punctuation. This 48-page pocket-size document also includes the Bill of Rights, Amendments 11-27, The Declaration of Independence and a complete index of the Constitution.
On the front cover of this pocket Constitution is a four-color picture of George Washington holding a quill in his hand, inviting each American to pledge commitment to the Constitution by maintaining and promoting its standard of liberty.
In second place is "The 5000 Year Leap: The Miracle That Changed the World."
The work by Cleon Skousen takes readers back to the Founding Fathers and explains the problems they faced and how they dealt with them.
The fruit of the Founders' efforts was an economic powerhouse that offered wealth to the average citizens along with protection of their rights. Skousen shows how 28 principles – unlike those anywhere else – were used to create freedom and prosperity.
He shows that the federal government was designed to protect citizens' rights, and that decision literally propelled the nation into a 5,000-year leap of progress.
Skousen covers in detail what went into the design of the U.S. Constitution and studies the original sources for the principles that provided the inspiration.
He also contrasts a young United States with today's government.
The author asserts it was because of the free-enterprise system that America doubled life expectancy and led the world in inventions.
In third place is "A Nation Adrift, a DVD from acclaimed documentary producer Brian Barkley.
Jim Woodall of Concerned Women for America calls it "an excellent video for anyone wanting to know the truth about the rich history and heritage of this nation."
It's the story of how God's sovereign hand guided the founders of the United States.
Barkley said the project "takes you on a journey – from Christopher Columbus to Jamestown, from Valley Forge to the Constitutional Convention, from the Civil War to the Industrial Revolution, from the First World War to the Stock Market Crash, from FDR to the present."
He continued, "Our journey will give a basic grasp of God's sovereign hand behind the history of our nation, which our founding fathers so clearly understood. The result of this journey will give us a better understanding of where America is today, how she arrived here, and where she must turn at this critical hour."
"'A Nation Adrift' is an excellent history lesson concerning the religious roots of America," said U.S. Congressman Bill Dannemeyer, "Every person in this country, young and old, should enjoy viewing it."
Here are the top sellers in WND's online Superstore for July 25-31:
1. "The Constitution of the United States" (Pamphlet)
2. "The 5000 Year Leap: The Miracle That Changed the World"
3. "A Nation Adrift" (DVD)
4. "The Tea Party Manifesto: A Vision for an American Rebirth" – (Autographed) (Paperback)
5. "The Manchurian President: Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists:" – (Autographed) (Hardcover)
7. "Brotherhood of Darkness and Hope of the Wicked Bundle discount!
8. "The WatchWORD Bible" – Complete New Testament – (DVD)
9. "The Shooting Back Bundle"
10. "The Islamic Antichrist: The Shocking Truth about the Real Nature of the Beast" – (Autographed) (Hardcover)
The list does not include WND's two sister publications – Whistleblower magazine and Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin – always among the best-selling products in Shop.WND.com. If you're not subscribing to these two great companions to WND, you're missing out on the best monthly magazine and the best weekly, online intelligence newsletter in the world.
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