By Debbie Schlussel
Yesterday, CNN’s Senior Editor for Middle East Affairs, Octavia Nasr, used an anti-Semitic slur to describe me in a gushing story over Miss Hezbollah USA Rima Fakih. While the story originally had the headline, “Miss USA: Muslim Trailblazer or Hezbollah Spy?” CNN quickly changed the title and dropped the Hezbollah part, after liberal websites like Talking Points Memo whined. But no one had a problem with Nasr’s description of me in writing and on video as a “neo-conservative.” Yes, Ms. Nasr is a bigoted, anti-Semitic pig, whom you may remember as CNN’s lying, anti-Israel lead correspondent during the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah War. It’s no surprise that the Crescent News Network picked this Islamo-pandering kalbeh [Arabic for dog or bi-otch] with an obtrusively heavy accent to cover the Middle East for Al-Jazeera Atlanta, er . . . CNN.
hezbollah4.jpgMISS USA
This is CNN: Octavia Nasr, CNN’s Mid-East Editor, is Anti-Semite, Cheerleader for Miss Hezbo USA
For the record, I am NOT a neo-conservative. I am conservative, period. The words “neo-conservative” and “neocon” have long been used by anti-Semites like Pat Buchanan (who has used it to deride me, among others, on MSNBC) and many anti-Semites, including Muslims, to negatively describe Jews and to question our credentials as conservatives because we are Jews and support Israel. It’s a code word for “Jew” and a slur. I expect anti-Semitic slurs and worse from the many uncivilized, low-class Muslim commenters who’ve flocked to this site, but not from a television news network. And it’s interesting that CNN doesn’t have a problem with that, but does have a problem with accurately describing Miss USA Rima Fakih’s Hezbollah ties and asking her to condemn Hezbollah and her pageant bid financier, “former” Islamic terrorist and immigration fraud perpetrator Imad Hamad’s open support for that group and for HAMAS. Hamad openly calls Hezbollah terrorists “the Heroes.” Also for the record, CNN has a reading comprehension problem. I never said Fakih is a “Hezbollah spy.” I said she’s a Hezbollah supporter. Two different job descriptions, same murderous terrorist group which killed hundreds of Americans.
And then, there is Miss USA Fakih’s mocking of traditional American Indian/Native American dress in the cheesy Miss Lebanon Immigrant pageant in 2008 (which she lost). Watch the video, above, and ask yourself, where is the outrage against Fakih from Indian tribes? You know–all of those groups who get outraged when teams call themselves “the Redskins” or “the Chippewa”? Where are they when this woman is obviously mocking Indians to Muslims and Arabs in Lebanon who hate us? I’ll bet our friend, David Yeagley/Bad Eagle will have something to say about it. But he’ll be a lone voice, I predict. I don’t hear the Sioux or the Cherokee decrying this. Why?
No one cares. Because, hey, she’s Muslim. And like liberal Democrats, a la Barack Obama, they get away with everything. Cue the crickets in place of the Native American outrage, which certainly has a place here.
Now, if the White, blonde, Christian Miss Oklahoma USA wore the headdress and full Indian attire, then the outcry would be deafening.