Monday, November 22, 2010
ISRAEL21c - Our system makes an initial assessment within three minutes
Built to replace human selectors or random check ups of visitors, the SDS-VR-1000 is based on the assumption that sophisticated terrorists might not be included in suspect lists. Not many terrorists walk into an airport waving a banner announcing who they are. They don't carry handguns or try to conceal explosives as they debark from an international flight into the United States. And just as rarely do they have police records.
So how can US officials go about identifying potential terrorists? A new solution is Israel's Suspect Detection Systems (SDS) - a company that has developed an advance automated filtering tool for identifying potential suspects with hostile intentions among masses of tens of thousands visitors.
Consider it a personal polygraph machine, that will make air travelers infinitely safer, says SDS CEO Shabtai Shoval, a former division manager at Comverse Technology who founded SDS along with former head of the Israel Police's polygraph division Yeshayahu Horowitz and former deputy Mossad chief Amiram Levin.
"Our system makes an initial assessment within three minutes. If the system identifies a suspect, he can be sent to a personal agent to complete the investigation," Shoval said.
Shoval explained that the inspiration his journey from Comverse to airport security was spurred by the September 11 attacks, as well as a viewing of a Tom Cruise movie.
"I happened to see the movie Minority Report - with Tom Cruise. I thought to myself, how great it would be to be able to prophesize a crime before it happens," he told
"Among my staff in the telemarketing division of Converse were two people formerly from the Shabak (Israel's General Security Services). After 9-11, we said to ourselves, maybe we should change direction toward the field of homeland security. 'What's the major problem that 9-11 has presented to the world,' we asked?
"Our conclusion was the fundamental issue that international terrorism has gotten sophisticated enough to enable terrorists to get into the target country without any weapons and with their own identity. Therefore, they can then create a strategic terror attack from within, without carrying in any means with them," he said.
Built to replace human selectors or random check ups of visitors, the SDS-VR-1000 is a device based on the assumption that sophisticated terrorists might not be included in suspect lists and will not carry weapon or explosives when they approach a checkpoint.
"We came to this conclusion two years ago - and since then, that idea has only been reinforced with the Spanish train explosion and the Chechnyan school takeover. It plays out again and again. International terrorists are getting inside a country without weapons, under their own identity and are succeeding in changing history," said Shoval.
According to Shoval, there are two basic ways to combat this threat - either through good intelligence, or through being able to detect them when they try to enter a country.
"Intelligence is a problem - since most potential terrorists haven't been on a suspect list. So you need to look for intention. This has to be done with the handicap of not being able to look for weapons, since carrying a weapon into the US, for example, would be stupid since it's so easy to obtain weaponry once they're inside," he said.
"If only you could have each person trying to enter the US go through a polygraph test with a specialist, you could prevent terrorists from entering - but of course that's not realistic. But, can we create a machine - that uses the basics of polygraph technology - that works automatically without the specialist, and takes only three minutes?"
The SDS system does just about that. It is based on the belief that the terrorist's fear will be reflected in measurable psycho-physiological parameters.
"As they say in the movies, we have the technology to do this - to use artificial intelligence in software to imitate polygraph capabilities It took a long time -two years - and lots of trial and error through tests conducted in Israel. But we've achieved a success rate of 95%," said Shoval.
The way it works is that the passenger approaches the machine - they put their passport on a scanner and their other hand on a sensor. He is then presented with an array of written questions in the language indicated by the passport (or in an audio mode with earphones if requested). A special detector then measures physiological responses.
"What is does is collect objective data out of the passenger's ID - and it analyzes the data compared to the subjective data it collects while the passenger is asked different questions," said Shoval. "The process takes approximately three minutes, and the passenger either receives a transfer printout authorizing him to advance to the next stage of entry to the country, or an announcement that he is required for further questioning. A monitoring official will then escort the passenger to another area for further questioning."
The system has been approved by the Israeli security apparatus, and an experimental version is going to be tested this year in an American airport.
"We've passed all the lab tests in Israel - with the involvement of various security involvement - and now this year, it will be field tested in Israel and in the US. Once it's on the market, each system will cost approximately $200,000 and will service about 40,000 per year. We're talking to Boeing and Accnture about partnerships as well as looking for a VC strategic investor in the US," said Shoval.
According to Shoval, the SDS system is a truly unique product, one that could only have been developed in the cultural and political climate of his country - and he lists three reasons why.
"First, it's based on the methods developed by the Shabak and El Al, Israel's national carrier.
Second, the field tests in Israel were unique -only here can you find a population (in Gaza) where 95% of the population has been in an ongoing conflict with their authorities. It's a fine tuning issue to find which people among those 95% are actual terrorists. If you cross that barrier, there's no place in the world where it can't work. Even in Iraq, only about 30% of the population have been involved with confrontations with the US Army and ruling Iraqi forces.
"And third - it took Israeli boldness to go ahead with a plan involving full contact polygraph with civilians, a concept that the US would not have been able to initiate. Americans chose not utilize human selectors - partly due to budget, and partly because it's difficult to educate the selector how to define between the different kinds of profiling. Here, our system is doing it for you - there's no human element involved.
"It's like a robot selection process - we don't make the decision to take someone out of line and put him in jail - we only take someone for further investigation. There's no profile selecting and no human rights violations," he said.
We've created a single-track minded machine - it can do just one task - ID a terrorist."
Obama Jokes on Air Force one - We will be landing the plane in South America to see Hugo Chavez! Really
Obama watch - This guy may be coming apart right in front of our eyes.. Please pray for our President....
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
WASHINGTON – On the flight home from the European Summit today, Barack Obama stopped in the press cabin of Air Force 1 and joked that he was stopping the plane in South America to see Hugo Chavez.
That according to CNN's Ed Henry, who Tweeted the message to anyone who might be paying attention, editorializing that the president appeared to be "a little punchy."
Chavez is known as a leading anti-American socialist leader in Venezuela.
Within minutes the blogosphere was aflame with concerns not only about the propriety of the remark but about Obama's state of mind.
The flippant remark wasn't the only trigger for such concerns:
* Shortly after his meeting with European Union leaders, Obama offhandedly remarked: "This summit was not as exciting as other summits."
* Some observe he seems distant from the nation's economic challenges, the rising tide of anger sweeping the country over enhanced airport security checks and the secrecy over what top military officials characterize as an unexplained missile launch over Southern California Nov. 8.
* Pundits and talk-show hosts, including Rush Limbaugh and top-rated Sean Hannity, have cited White House sources as saying the president is "unhinged," "detached," "bored," "losing it" and obsessed with critics.
"There are some Democrats that cue me into things," said Hannity on his show Thursday. "The feeling among some people in the White House is that this president is unhinged, that he's detached, that he's losing it, he's obsessed with critics, very specifically obsessed with Fox News, he can't stand [Vice President Joe] Biden, he hates the Clintons, the Clintons hate him. Infighting, apparently, and finger pointing is at an all-time high; if the president is brought bad news on the economy, he has a meltdown every time he hears it. And this is what people – and I'm telling you, my sources are reliable – are telling me."
Millions of Americans sense there is something very wrong with the president of the United States, but they don't know exactly what. "The Manchurian President" answers that question. Now available autographed at WND's Superstore!
Before Air Force 1 landed, American bloggers were weighing in through cyberspace with their opinions of the latest remark from Obama:
* "Is he finally losing it? I think that people who joke and laugh about inappropriate things, or at inappropriate times are having trouble dealing with something."
* "The guy is certifiable."
* "He must be bored again."
* "If CNN is noticing Obama is mentally ill, that's a big deal. CNN has to be careful or get their press card pulled. They are being as open as they can be."
* "He's cracking. By spring he'll be a complete mess."
* "'Punchy' is an interesting choice of words. It usually means drunk to the point of being stupid. That seems to fit the context."
Friday, November 19, 2010
For whom the bell tolls - An end to free press in America
Who says Congress never gets anything done?
On Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously approved a bill that would give the Attorney General the right to shut down websites with a court order if copyright infringement is deemed “central to the activity” of the site — regardless if the website has actually committed a crime. The Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) is among the most draconian laws ever considered to combat digital piracy, and contains what some have called the “nuclear option,” which would essentially allow the Attorney General to turn suspected websites “off.”
COICA is the latest effort by Hollywood, the recording industry and the big media companies to stem the tidal wave of internet file sharing that has upended those industries and, they claim, cost them tens of billions of dollars over the last decade.
The content companies have tried suing college students. They’ve tried suing internet startups. Now they want the federal government to act as their private security agents, policing the internet for suspected pirates before making them walk the digital plank.
Many people opposed to the bill agree in principle with its aims: Illegal music piracy is, well, illegal, and should be stopped. Musicians, artists and content creators should be compensated for their work. But the law’s critics do not believe that giving the federal government the right to shut down websites at will based upon a vague and arbitrary standard of evidence, even if no law-breaking has been proved, is a particularly good idea. COICA must still be approved by the full House and Senate before becoming law. A vote is unlikely before the new year.
Among the sites that could go dark if the law passes: Dropbox, RapidShare, SoundCloud, Hype Machine and any other site for which the Attorney General deems copyright infringement to be “central to the activity” of the site, according to Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital rights group that opposes the bill. There need not even be illegal content on a site — links alone will qualify a site for digital death. Websites at risk could also theoretically include p2pnet and or any other website that advocates for peer-to-peer file sharing or rejects copyright law, according to the group.
In short, COICA would allow the federal government to censor the internet without due process.
The mechanism by which the government would do this, according to the bill, is the internet’s Domain Name System (DNS), which translates web addresses into IP addresses. The bill would give the Attorney General the power to simply obtain a court order requiring internet service providers to pull the plug on suspected websites.
Scholars, lawyers, technologists, human rights groups and public interest groups have denounced the bill. Forty-nine prominent law professors called it “dangerous.” (pdf.) The American Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights Watch warned the bill could have “grave repercussions for global human rights.” (pdf.) Several dozen of the most prominent internet engineers in the country — many of whom were instrumental in the creation of the internet — said the bill will “create an environment of tremendous fear and uncertainty for technological innovation.” (pdf.) Several prominent conservative bloggers, including representatives from,, The Next Right and Publius Forum, issued a call to help stop this “serious threat to the Internet.”
And Tim Berners-Lee, who invented the world wide web, said, “Neither governments nor corporations should be allowed to use disconnection from the internet as a way of arbitrarily furthering their own aims.” He added: “In the spirit going back to Magna Carta, we require a principle that no person or organization shall be deprived of their ability to connect to others at will without due process of law, with the presumption of innocence until found guilty.”
Critics of the bill object to it on a number of grounds, starting with this one: “The Act is an unconstitutional abridgment of the freedom of speech protected by the First Amendment,” the 49 law professors wrote. “The Act permits the issuance of speech suppressing injunctions without any meaningful opportunity for any party to contest the Attorney General’s allegations of unlawful content.” (original emphasis.)
Because it is so ill-conceived and poorly written, the law professors wrote, “the Act, if enacted into law, will not survive judicial scrutiny, and will, therefore, never be used to address the problem (online copyright and trademark infringement) that it is designed to address. Its significance, therefore, is entirely symbolic — and the symbolism it presents is ugly and insidious. For the first time, the United States would be requiring Internet Service Providers to block speech because of its content.”
The law professors noted that the bill would actually undermine United States policy, enunciated forcefully by Secretary of State Clinton, which calls for global internet freedom and opposes web censorship. “Censorship should not be in any way accepted by any company anywhere,” Clinton said in her landmark speech on global internet freedom earlier this year. She was referring to China. Apparently some of Mrs. Clinton’s former colleagues in the U.S. Senate approve of internet censorship in the United States.
To be fair, COICA does have some supporters in addition to sponsor Sen. Pat Leahy (D-Vermont) and his 17 co-sponsors including Schumer, Specter, Grassley, Gillibrand, Hatch, Klobuchar, Coburn, Durbin, Feinstein, Menendez and Whitehouse. Mark Corallo, who served as chief spokesperson for former Attorney General John Ashcroft and as spokesman for Karl Rove during the Valerie Plame affair, wrote Thursday on The Daily Caller: “The Internet is not at risk of being censored. But without robust protections that match technological advances making online theft easy, the creators of American products will continue to suffer.”
“Counterfeiting and online theft of intellectual property is having devastating effects on industries where millions of Americans make a living,” wrote Corallo, who now runs a Virginia-based public relations firm and freely admits that he has “represented copyright and patent-based businesses for years.” “Their futures are at risk due to Internet-based theft.”
The Recording Industry Association of America, which represents the major record labels, praised Leahy for his work, “to insure [sic] that the Internet is a civilized medium instead of a lawless one where foreign sites that put Americans at risk are allowed to flourish.”
Over the course of his career, Leahy has received $885,216 from the TV, movie and music industries, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
God Bless The Idiots Of WV- What a bunch of Sheep
What has Jay Rockefeller ever don for America?? (The Answer nothing!) No wonder Mommies boy and KKK Byrd both come from the smartest state in the union!
SEN. JAY ROCKEFELLER (D-WV): “There’s a little bug inside of me which wants to get the FCC to say to FOX and to MSNBC: ‘Out. Off. End. Goodbye.’ It would be a big favor to political discourse; our ability to do our work here in Congress, and to the American people, to be able to talk with each other and have some faith in their government and more importantly, in their future.”
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Tens of Thousands could die with each launch- Death toll to rise in next Middle East blowup Expert expects 'many more casualties
"The next conflict, even if it is limited in scale," said Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin, "will be much bigger, much broader, and with many more casualties than we saw in Operation Cast Lead or the Second Lebanon War."
The general said that modern air defense systems Russia is providing to Syria could send the Israel Defense Forces and Israeli Air Force capabilities "back to their status in the 1970s Suez years."
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He pointed out that the Russians also are upgrading older Syrian weapons systems while providing some of Moscow's latest weapons systems.
He also claimed that the Iranians are developing two new nuclear sites but didn't reveal their locations.
"Iran is the greatest threat to Israel and to the well-being of the entire region," he said.
While Iran has sufficient uranium enriched at 20 percent that could be applied to developing a nuclear bomb if enrichment capabilities improve to some 90 percent, Yadlin said that Iran, with its 4,000 centrifuges, could go from civilian-grade enriched uranium to the level required for a bomb.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Really - Fox News and the US Government are now looking to bloggers to solve National Defense issues
It's a bird, no it's a plane, Obama now has a blogger solving our national security issues! The only problem with this airplane solution is the big red fiery glow coming off the back of that "commercial airliner"? Now I ask you when was the last time you saw commercial airliner with fire coming out the back that did not crash? I wonder if we should close down NORAD and the newly formed SPACE COMMAND. We can just use a blogger net work across the country, and they can alert us to out going or incoming missile threats. That should be a great cost savings.
10-11-2010 Fox News Headline... Breaking News
A blogger reckons he may have solved the mystery over the vapor trail spotted off the southern coast of California on Monday.
On his blog "Time to Think," Liem Bahneman on Wednesday pinpointed America West Flight 808 as the likely cause -- backing up an explanation offered by a senior military official to Fox News Channel that the contrail caught on video by a news helicopter “was more likely caused by an airplane than anything else."
Bahneman wonders if he is the first to call it: "I did a lot of extrapolation of what flights could be at the right position (off the coast) at the right altitude (for contrail formation) and came down to two possibilities: UPS Flight 902 (UPS902) or America West Flight 808 (AWE808)."
He concluded: "As I was researching tonight (24 hours later), I realized that today's (Tuesday's) AWE808 current position (at around 4:50 p.m.) was almost the same as it was the day of the incident. I quickly pulled up a Newport Beach webcam and found that (apparently) AWE808 was making an identical contrail, 24 hours later!"
Bahneman cited another blog,, which lists a wealth of other details about jet airplane contrails. The blogger behind that site agreed with Bahneman, telling that "the plane is flying directly TOWARD you, so it starts below the horizon. The contrail at the horizon is far away, maybe 50-100 miles behind the plane, and has been spread out by the wind, creating the illusion that it's closer."
The Department of Defense said Wednesday that it was satisfied the event was likely caused by an airplane.
"With all the information that we have gathered over the last day and a half about this condensation trail off the coast of southern California on Monday night, both within the DoD and other U.S. government agencies, we have no information to suggest this was anything other than a contrail caused by an aircraft," said Col. David Lapan, a Pentagon spokesman.
"As stated yesterday, NORAD and USNORTHCOM determined that there was no threat to the U.S. homeland."
Lapan said that in the mind of the DoD this case is closed.
Lapan said the government looked at lots of data sources other than the CBS news tape. He would not get into the details of what those data sources were, but said that evidence helped determine this was most likely an aircraft. But most importantly, it was the response from all other government agencies saying they did not launch anything that convinced them this was likely an aircraft.
"The Department of Defense, after gathering info over the last 36 hours from within the Department of Defense and other U.S. government agencies, is satisfied the contrail was likely caused by an aircraft."
But which flight? Todd Lehmacher, a spokesman for US Airways, could not confirm that Flight 808 was responsible for the vapor trail, though he did confirm details of the flight.
"Flight 808 did depart Honolulu at 9:53 a.m. yesterday morning local Honolulu time and arrived at Phoenix at 7:04 p.m.," Lehmacher told, and the plane did travel along the planned route between those two destinations, he said. But that isn't conclusive evidence, Lehmacher stated.
"I can confirm that our aircraft traversed that route yesterday, but you'd need to talk to someone who's more versed in atmospheric conditions," Lehmacher said. Ian Gregor, a spokesman for the FAA, agreed with Lehmacher's diagnosis.
"We can't determine the exact source of the contrail because we don't know its location, trajectory or altitude," he told "Remember, we did a radar replay of an area based on MEDIA REPORTS of the location of the contrail, not on any precise location of the contrail."
These are just a handful of the blogs that have been weighing in on the matter, however. From space fanatics to conspiracy theorists to unrelated mommy blogs, the blogosphere has been working overtime in its hive efforts to solve the issue.
UniverseToday supports the plane theory, noting that "the Boeing Co. every so often will deploy aircraft from San Nicolas Island. These flights are part of an anti-missile laser testing program. However, the company has announced that it had nothing in the air on Monday."
Bloggers at New York Magazine weighed in with a whopping eight theories of their own on what might have caused the mystery, straying from the realm of the possible ("the military is just covering up its own missile launch") to the wacky ("a dejected Meg Whitman decided to leave Earth behind after spending $141 million of her fortune on a losing gubernatorial run").
And even unrelated bloggers weighed in on the subject. Gossip blog Gossip Jackal, hip-hopper at The Ill Community, and even auto-fanatics at Jalopnik weighed in.
Chat forums were ablaze with the mystery streak, too, from Body Building forums to conspiracy theorists. But despite all the buzz, until the FAA determines conclusively what caused the streak, the mystery may remain.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
REALLY ? It's a plane no it's a weather balloon? Maybe it was Thunderbird 3 taking off from Tracy island -
Could it be a super secret launch of the new Skylon project the shuttle replacement? ( below)
Notice the burn of the object the after burners or engines fire for almost 2 minutes?
Have you ever seen a commercial plane leave a contrail like this one ?
The large trail suggests a heavy payload being lifted, the larger the trail the greater the ratio of minutes of burn.
This was taken of the space shuttle Discovery 50 miles away from lunch site in Central Fl.
This was taken 25 miles away from Kennedy Space Center in Fl. of a Delta 5 Missile launch 2009
This was taken from a boat 20 miles from the lunch peninsula at Kennedy Space Center , it was Space shuttle Discovery 2005
Never Fear your Government is here to save the Day!
Our government with lighting quick reflexes and action has solved the mystery of the contrail over California. It was Wonder Woman and her invisible plane, that's why we only see the contrail. Problem solved, say Clouseau!
Now if it were a plane and Wonder Woman was flying it that would account for why the FAA having no glue of it's flight path.. She never files one. This would account for why it was not on any radar screens, it's an invisible plane.
Now silly me these are the questions I was asking before we were told it was Wonder Woman on a joy ride.
Was this an secret launch of the new Skylon project ahead of schedule? Opps That was not so secret!
Does what ever was launched have to do with the recent finding of billions of gallons of water on the moon? Thus the cause for a hasty launch that has no prior warning.
How do we know this was never a threat as the government has stated if we don't know what it is?
Was it launched to intercept a incoming meteor or other object hauling toward earth?
Why did it seem to mirror a Shuttle launch in such great detail? The burn signature and trajectory?
Was there an open window that day and time that would have made a space launch possible?
Why did the engines on this plane seem to burn and glow for so long and so bright until out of site, which seems again to mirror a shuttle or missile launch.. I am just saying.
If it where a plane and Wonder Woman was not flying it where did it land ?
Was this part of Nasa's new Muslim outreach program. Are we trying to show the Muslim world we know not what we do and you are great and so much more smart than we in the west?
We will never know as long as the press keeps repeating what they are being told by the Government. What happened to question everything and believe nothing the Government says?Where are the opposing views of thought??? What if or maybe? I'd like 5 minutes with the Nasa Administrator to ask some of these questions.
The point that disproves this as anything but a very large missile or even a military version of the Space shuttle is the burn ratio to minutes after launch . What I mean is when you watch the video, don’t watch the contrail watch and see how long the engines where firing on this object. I counted well over two minutes, until it went out of site. I believe at one point you can even see a flash and then separation of solid fuel tanks.
What Nasa and the press are not doing is comparing launch profiles of our space shuttle or large ICBM missiles with this object. Listen we have a far greater problems than a bad economy if our military satellites were not tracking this object on take off, and a far greater problem if we don’t know where it landed or where in space it ended up.
What goes up must come down unless it goes into space? For fun let’s say we were not tracking the take off, did we track the landing if this where a plane? If it where a plane were did it land? Why was Norad unable to get a fix on it so close to Vandenberg Air Force Base, California ??
Below is what the press is being feed by government sources! Don't believe it for one second .
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Pentagon said Tuesday it did not know what created a vapor trail that crossed the skies off the Southern California coast and resembled a missile launch.
Video posted on the CBS News website shows an object flying through the evening sky Monday that left a large contrail, or vapor trail. A news helicopter owned by KCBS, a CBS affiliate in Los Angeles, shot the video.
Pentagon officials were stumped by the event. "Nobody within the Department of Defense that we've reached out to has been able to explain what this contrail is, where it came from," Pentagon spokesman Col. Dave Lapan said.
While the vapor cloud captured on video resembled that created by a rocket in flight, military officials said they didn't know of any launches in the area.
Lapan said that "all indications" were that the Defense Department was not involved with the object.
One expert called it an optical illusion. "It's an airplane that is heading toward the camera and the contrail is illuminated by the setting sun," said John Pike, director of the U.S.-based security analyst group
The North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD, issued a statement jointly with the U.S. Northern Command, or NORTHCOM, saying that the contrail was not the result of a foreign military launching a missile. It provided no details.
"We can confirm that there is no threat to our nation," the statement said. "We will provide more information as it becomes available."
NORTHCOM is the U.S. defense command and NORAD is a U.S.-Canadian organization charged with protecting the U.S. from the threat of missiles or hostile aircraft.
Pike said the object could not have been a rocket because it appeared to alter its course.
"The local station chopped up the video and so it's hard to watch it continuously," Pike said. "But at one place you can see it has changed course - rockets don't do that."
Pike said he didn't understand why the military had not recognized the contrail of an aircraft. "The Air Force must ... understand how contrails are formed," he said. "Why they can't get some major out to belabor the obvious, I don't know."
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Thank You Citizen Sentry - Keep sounding The Alarm Bell
I wanted to take time to thank all of you Patriots. Thank you for what my friend Shawn always says, “ Do the right thing”! You did. At Federal, State, and at Local levels! You voted fellow Tea Party Patriots into office.
I wanted to thank the over 300,000 of you that read and follow my websites. – – I still find the numbers overwhelming. Thank you, you understand that Freedom is the bedrock to all of our liberties.
Over the past year we have had a great ride, influencing a major talk show host to adjust his website to information only. Michael We got my favorite book “ The Evil Tree “ on Glenn Beck’s Radio and TV show where millions where introduced to the evil of communism!
We sounded the alarm bell on cargo planes, and the threat they pose 6 month’s ago. We stated that UPS and Fed Ex would be the target. I’d like to think big brother was listening and reading.
Many thousands of you have asked how I can spend the hours I do sending the information I do for free. My answer is how can I not. Many of you have asked how you can help. You can, please keep telling your friends to read and be informed!
This movement is about your children and your grandchildren, and what kind of America will we leave them. There is no choice, It must be that Shining City On The Hill!
Many of you have started to call me Paul or PR, thank you he is one of my Hero’s.
Not because of the one if by land and two if by sea, or The Ride. It was the relationships that he built years before that made his ride so successful. His friends knew him to be a leader and a man of Honor. They followed his call because the believed in Paul and knew he was a man who could be trusted.
I am no modern day Paul Revere. I do believe in the cause of America. I know some one must sound the alarm bell. I know you can’t do that while selling your soul.
So if you believe what I believe, If you see what I see, then continue to read, and educate your friends and KEEP SOUNDING THE ALARM BELL. AMERICA NEEDS YOU NOW MORE THAN EVER!!
Thank you Friends
God Bless American
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Lt. Col. Allen West wins big in a 3-1 democratic district in South Florida
In a race that has attracted national attention, retired Lt. Col. Allen West has taken a narrow lead over Democratic incumbent Rep. Ron Klein in South Florida's 22nd Congressional District, according to a new poll.
West drew became known to WND readers in 2003 when the Army prosecuted him for bold interrogation tactics he used to protect his soldiers in Iraq. Amid his controversial ordeal, he drew support from congressmen and many Americans who regarded him as a hero.
West lost by 10 points to Klein in 2008, but he leads the Democrat 47-44 in the survey of likely voters conducted Oct. 17-19 by Voter Survey Service and commissioned by Sunshine State News.
"West has to be the slight favorite here simply because of the turnout differential," Jim Lee, president of Voter Survey Service, told Sunshine State News.
West's passionately delivered emphasis on constitutional principles of liberty, fiscal responsibility, strong national defense and free-market solutions has attracted an audience well beyond Florida's 22nd district.
A video of his rally cry to the party base in preparation for his 2010 run has generated more than 2 million hits on
See Allen West's speech:
Lee said the 22nd District race will clearly be a referendum on President Obama's performance, noting voters who approve of the president are voting for Klein 87-7, while those who disapprove are voting for West 84-8.
"Since Obama's overall job approval is inverted 52-43, we'd give the edge to West, because the enthusiasm favors the GOP this year," Lee said.
The South Florida district, which stretches along the coast from Fort Lauderdale north to Jupiter, has leaned Democratic in presidential election years but tends to be a tossup in midterm elections, when turnouts are lower, Sunshine State News said.
Republican Rep. Clay Shaw held the seat for 26 years until he was defeated by Klein in 2006.
Sept. 30 filings with the Federal Election Commission show West's campaign has brought in more than $5 million, with $1.6 million coming in the past quarter alone – four times the amount he raised in his entire 2008 campaign.
Grodin said 99 percent of the money comes from from individual contributions, with an average donation of $75.
Klein's has raised $3.1 million, according to the FEC report. But West has $1.6 million in cash on hand, while Klein has just $270,000.
'Bad guys are going to lose'
As WND reported in 2003, West was threatened with court-martial for tactics he used to flush out information from an uncooperative Iraqi policeman. Threatening to kill the Iraqi if he didn't talk, West fired a pistol near the policeman's head, producing an immediate flood of information that purportedly led to the arrest of two insurgents and cessation of attacks on West's 4th Infantry Division battalion.
In a 2008 interview with WND, West said his 2003 ordeal should tell voters what kind of a lawmaker he would be, particularly when it comes to issues of defense.
"If you're a bad guy, and you try to get between me and the safety and lives of American citizens, you're going to lose," West said.
Army prosecutors charged West with aggravated assault, and he faced the possibility of up to eight years in prison. At a hearing, West was asked by his defense attorney if he would do it again.
"If it's about the lives of my men and their safety, I'd go through hell with a gasoline can," he said.
West eventually accepted a nonjudicial punishment and the forfeiture of two months' pay. He retired from the military and moved with his wife, Angela, and two young daughters to Broward County, Florida, where he taught high school. He served in Afghanistan as an adviser to the Afghan army until November 2007.
The campaign, in its final weeks, is getting personal.
Klein's campaign ads have accused West of having ties to a motorcycle group, the Outlaws, that the U.S. Justice Department has labeled criminal.
A local TV station showed footage of leather-clad men at a West outdoor fundraiser who wore patches of a club affiliated with the Outlaws intimidating a Florida Democratic Party videographer into leaving. Democrats charge the men were following West's orders.
But West's campaign distributed photos showing Klein at an event with the same bikers, and one can be spotted with the same patch.
"In actuality, they're Vietnam veterans," West spokesman Josh Grodin told Sunshine State News.
"Frankly, Klein doesn't have a message. He's just running from his record and attacking Allen West," Grodin said.
An NBC News report by Lisa Myers picked up on the controversy, suggesting the alleged association shows West condones criminal activity.
Photo distributed by West's campaign shows Rep. Ron Klein with the same bikers Klein has tied to West.
West's campaign called the report a "political hatchet job by the liberal mainstream media."
"It should not come as a surprise to the good people of South Florida that incumbent Ron Klein and his cronies in the Democratic Party are playing dirty tricks to destroy the character of a man who served 22 years in the U.S. Army," said Grodin.
Noting the Florida Democratic Party sent West's Social Security number to hundreds of thousands of Florida residents, Grodin called the attempt to tie West to the Outlaws "another desperate move for a politician who sees his power slipping away." The Florida Democratic Party says the Social Security number was mistakenly sent out in a flier that featured a copy of a 2005 tax lien against West. The party apologized and offered up to two years of identity theft protection to West. The West campaign rejected the offer as a "backhanded apology." An ad highlighted the incident as a "desperate act."
"Let me be perfectly clear," Grodin said, "Allen West has absolutely no ties to the outlaw bikers club – an organization with a history of criminal activity, as well as racism against African Americans."
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, or DCCC, responded by pointing out Myers' NBC News report produced an e-mail from a West supporter warning that a "criminal organization members in leather riding up [Interstate]-95 is not the picture Allen wants."
NBC reported that West replied by emailing: "Please no more references to 'criminal'. I was never more amazed at how members of the Outlaws guarded me during an interview." The NBC report:
West denounced the NBC report as a "liberal character assassination attack" in an interview with the National Journal's online publication Hotline On Call,
"This most recent desperate insidious attack where Lisa Myers did her piece where they are trying to associate me as a member of the Outlaw motorcycle club," he said. "If she did her research, she'd know that the Outlaws do not accept blacks, Jews or gays."
The DCCC argued West has written a column for a South Florida biker magazine, Wheels On The Road, that appears to endorse the Outlaws and includes demeaning photos of women.
"There is no connection between the Outlaws motorcycle club and the magazine," West told Hotline On Call in the Oct. 14 interview. "There certainly is no connection with myself and the club."
West explained that the column is run by other blogs and magazines in addition to Wheels On The Road.
"I was asked to do that [column] by the editor because he wanted the South Florida biker community to learn more about politics," West said.
In an e-mail to supporters, West explained that after 22 years in the U.S. Army, including three combat zones, he "became an avid bike rider, and enjoy spending the occasional Saturday riding my bike with fellow veterans."
"I have neither belonged to an organization like the Outlaw Motorcycle Club, nor do I condone any of the kind of criminal behavior that they have been involved in," he said.
The DCCC also argued West was listed as a speaker on fliers for a rally hosted Oct. 16 by Wheels on the Road. But West didn't attend, explaining he decided to spend time with his family.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Coming To America - Islamic numbers, influence surging 'Situation really bad for Christians where Muslims are now in the majority in Europe
These are simple Facts that everybody can understand. Muslims move into a country and produce 6 children, to every 2 children of the current countries citizens. You can do the math for yourself. Every where in the world where there is violence, you will find Muslims. Where do you think this is going to end, what kind of a world will your children or grandchildren be allowed to live in if Muslim Sharia law reigns ??
Muslims are taking over parts of the world into which they move simply by outnumbering the previous residents, concludes a new study by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.
Study coordinator Brian Grim says that of the estimated 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide, most are South Asian, largely in India and Indonesia. The second largest Muslim group comes from the Middle East.
But in other parts of the world, such as Western Europe and America, they also are wielding increasing influence, and Grim says it's simply a flexing of their power through outnumbering other groups.
"Western Europe hasn't traditionally been home to a large number of Muslims, but the new entry of Muslims in Europe create new issues to be dealt with socially. You have immigration and religious freedom issues," Grim stated.
However, International Christian Concern Islam watcher Jonathan Racho says that the increasingly large Western European Muslim community is growing in militancy as well as in numbers.
"If you go to places like the U. K. and France, some cities in Sweden and Holland, you can already see some cities where Muslims are very significant because of their numbers," Racho began.
"In the U. K. there are some places where there are so many Muslims [that] non-Muslims can't go there. They are called 'no-go' areas for non-Muslims," he explained.
"Because of this, human rights violations are happening. We have reported attacks on Christians in a neighborhood in the U. K. Evangelists were stopped by the police for preaching the Gospel. The Muslim policeman stopped them and said they couldn't preach in that area," Racho said.
"There's been some scary situations. I'm not trying to be alarmist, but I'm just stating the facts. The situation is really bad for Christians in some areas where Muslims are now in the majority in Europe," Racho added.
"In some places in Europe there are already instances of the application of Shariah law [Islamic religious law) among the Muslims. It has become a significant problem because the Muslim population in some Western European countries has become very vocal," Racho continued.
Racho adds that after Shariah law, the next step is an increased pressure on the non-Muslim population.
"In some places in Europe, the Muslims are calling for violence," Racho stated. "There are now instances of terrorism attacks in the U. K. Some of the British Muslims have gone to Afghanistan and Pakistan to get training."
The Press Trust of India reported this week that 20 Muslim British citizens are reported to have gone to a Pakistani training camp to prepare for Mumbai, India-like attacks in Great Britain.
Grim hesitated to suggest a growing militancy in Europe's Muslim population, saying that the Pew study didn't really address those issues.
"A recent study that we did called Muslim Networks and Movements in Western Europe ... was not a representative study of Muslims and their attitudes but a profile of different Muslim groups," Grim explained.
"Indeed, you do find some groups that have more militant perspectives and then you have many groups that are very moderate in their views," Grim stated.
Grim believes that most of Western Europe's Muslims came for economic reasons.
"In Western Europe, the Muslims have recently arrived and they came for jobs in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Immigration has continued in search of work where there are growing economies, where there is sort of an open market. That's where you have seen the most noticeable growth in the size and the visibility of the Muslim population in Western Europe," Grim asserted.
The American Enterprise Institute's terrorism analyst Michael Rubin disagrees, saying that economic reasons are way down the list.
"Ideology means more than poverty when it comes to radicalism and terrorism. Most suicide bombers, for example, are educated and many come from middle class families," Rubin observed.
The impact on Western Europe has been documented. A 2006 BBC report reported on the six-month controversy over Denmark's Jyllands Posten newspaper publishing a cartoon of Muhammad with a bomb in his turban.
In the Netherlands, Dutch Parliament member Geert Wilders went on trial for hate crimes as a result of his strong anti-Muslim stand.
Grim continues to paint a less threatening picture of Muslims in general.
"Muslims are multiple races, multiple ethnicities and multiple languages. Then in the report itself we talked about the two main identities, the religious identities Muslims cluster under, so to speak, Shia and Sunni Muslim," Grim described.
"The intent of the report was to show that Muslims are diverse and they are spread through many different countries, different nationalities, languages. In no way does the report classify Muslims as one category," Grim stated.
"The picture in Europe is one of diversity where you have groups that are moderate and then you have groups that are less moderate," Grim continued.
The number of Muslims in the United States is growing, and Grim says by the sheer weight of the numbers, they are going to gain in influence. He says they're certainly gaining a bigger share of the media attention.
"Without a doubt there has been a growth in the amount of news coverage especially related to the mosque in New York City and then the issue in Florida with the pastor wanting to burn the Quran," Grim observed.
The Pew Forum analyst believes that the mosque building controversy is a natural byproduct of the increasing attention and increase in numbers.
"The size of the Muslim population, the size of any religious group usually coincides with the demand or the desire to have places of worship. Since it's a large number, but not a large percentage," Grim said.
"There would be an interest in these people having a place to worship that would be a very natural thing. It's not a function of trying spread mosques as much as it is a natural outcome of people of faith wanting to have a place to worship," Grim continued.
However, Racho says that Americans need to be wary because there is a relationship between mosque construction and the spread of an ideology.
"Some Muslim groups use the religious freedom of the United States to import a radical Islamic ideology," Racho explained.
"This is a very radical ideology that is a threat to the national security of the United States. U. S policy makers should continue to be vigilant about Islamic groups in this country which come in the name of Islam and in the name of religion and exploit the system," Racho continued.
Rubin agrees saying, "I don't think the U. S. government gets it. Why should they be sending Yahya Hindi or Feisal Abdul Rauf on trips to talk about Islam in America?"
Racho says that the reality of increased Islamic influence cannot be ignored. One way to keep an eye on the threat is to follow the money.
"We have to make sure the money for the mosques comes from forces who have no allegiance to radical Islam. That is very important. We have seen reports that many mosques that are built by Saudis teach very violent forms of Islam," Racho also explained.
"There has to be a sense of accountability because if we leave them free to spew their hateful ideologies, we're going to pay the price. And the price is very costly," Racho said.
Sharia for Dummies - Let me help you understand
Imam Feisal Abdel Rauf claims that the US constitution is Sharia compliant. Now let us examine below a few laws of Sharia to see if Imam Rauf is truthful or a fraud:
1- Jihad defined as “to war against non-Muslims to establish the religion” is the duty of every Muslim and Muslim head of state (Caliph). Muslim Caliphs who refuse jihad are in violation of Sharia and unfit to rule.
2- A Caliph can hold office through seizure of power meaning through force.
3- A Caliph is exempt from being charged with serious crimes such as murder, adultery, robbery, theft, drinking and in some cases of rape.
4- A percentage of Zakat (alms) must go towards jihad.
5- It is obligatory to obey the commands of the Caliph, even if he is unjust.
6- A caliph must be a Muslim, a non-slave and a male.
7- The Muslim public must remove the Caliph in one case, if he rejects Islam.
8- A Muslim who leaves Islam must be killed immediately.
9- A Muslim will be forgiven for murder of : 1) an apostasy 2) an adulterer 3) a highway robber. Making vigilante street justice and honor killing acceptable.
10- A Muslim will not get the death penalty if he kills a non-Muslim.
11- Sharia never abolished slavery and sexual slavery and highly regulates it. A master will not be punished for killing his slave.
12- Sharia dictates death by stoning, beheading, amputation of limbs, flogging and other forms of cruel and unusual punishments even for crimes of sin such as adultery.
13- Non-Muslims are not equal to Muslims and must comply to Sharia if they are to remain safe. They are forbidden to marry Muslim women, publicly display wine or pork, recite their scriptures or openly celebrate their religious holidays or funerals. They are forbidden from building new churches or building them higher than mosques. They may not enter a mosque without permission. A non-Muslim is no longer protected if he commits adultery with a Muslim woman or if he leads a Muslim away from Islam.
14- It is a crime for a non-Muslim to sell weapons to someone who will use them against Muslims. Non-Muslims cannot curse a Muslim, say anything derogatory about Allah, the Prophet, or Islam, or expose the weak points of Muslims. However, the opposite is not true for Muslims.
15- A non-Muslim cannot inherit from a Muslim.
16- Banks must be Sharia compliant and interest is not allowed.
17- No testimony in court is acceptable from people of low-level jobs, such as street sweepers or a bathhouse attendant. Women in such low level jobs such as professional funeral mourners cannot keep custody of their children in case of divorce.
18- A non-Muslim cannot rule even over a non-Muslims minority.
19- Homosexuality is punishable by death.
20- There is no age limit for marriage of girls under Sharia. The marriage contract can take place anytime after birth and consummated at age 8 or 9.
21- Rebelliousness on the part of the wife nullifies the husband’s obligation to support her, gives him permission to beat her and keep her from leaving the home.
22- Divorce is only in the hands of the husband and is as easy as saying: “I divorce you” and becomes effective even if the husband did not intend it.
23- There is no common property between husband and wife and the husband’s property does not automatically go to the wife after his death.
24- A woman inherits half what a man inherits.
25- A man has the right to have up to 4 wives and she has no right to divorce him even if he is polygamous.
26- The dowry is given in exchange for the woman’s sexual organs.
27- A man is allowed to have sex with slave women and women captured in battle, and if the enslaved woman is married her marriage is annulled.
28- The testimony of a woman in court is half the value of a man.
29- A woman looses custody if she remarries.
30- To prove rape, a woman must have 4 male witnesses.
31- A rapist may only be required to pay the bride-money (dowry) without marrying the rape victim.
32- A Muslim woman must cover every inch of her body which is considered “Awrah,” a sexual organ. Some schools of Sharia allow the face and some don’t.
33- A Muslim man is forgiven if he kills his wife caught in the act of adultery. However, the opposite is not true for women since he “could be married to the woman he was caught with.”
The above are clear cut laws in Islam decided by great Imams after years of examination and interpretation of the Quran, Hadith and Mohammed’s life. Now let the learned Imam Rauf tell us what part of the above is compliant with the US constitution?
Saturday, October 2, 2010
"Change" has indeed come to America, but not the kind most people had "hoped" for.
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
Less than two years into Barack Obama's presidency, America is on fire.
In November 2008, more than half of American voters were hypnotized by this mysterious, messianic figure on whom they pinned all their hopes and dreams. But since then, many have gradually realized their shining savior was really an incompetent, deceptive, pathologically narcissistic man entranced by an evil ideology that has left a trail of unprecedented misery and death for 100 years.
"Change" has indeed come to America, but not the kind most people had "hoped" for.
Moreover, as the stunning October issue of Whistleblower magazine – titled "FUTURE SHOCK" – proves beyond doubt, things are about to become immeasurably worse if Obama's maniacal leftist juggernaut isn't immediately halted and reversed.
Once Obamacare is implemented, the planned massive tax increases (including a likely VAT tax) take effect, amnesty and cap-and-trade pass in one form or another, and the rest of Obama's anti-business, job-destroying agenda is imposed, America – bankrupted financially, culturally, morally and spiritually – will be utterly unrecognizable as the "shining city on a hill" revered by all previous generations.
"Think of 'FUTURE SHOCK' as a crystal ball that enables readers to gaze deeply into America's future under Team Obama – unless we radically change course," said Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian.
Highlights of "FUTURE SHOCK" include:
* "Independence Day" by David Kupelian, on what's really at stake Nov. 2
* "Facing the future" by Joseph Farah, prescribing the required attitude for overcoming evil in the face of tremendous adversity
* "2011: 'Ticking tax time-bomb'" by Bob Unruh, documenting how coming massive hikes will throttle growth, kill jobs, suppress wages and squeeze every American
* "Obamacare unmasked" by David Kupelian, who shows why the Democrats' "healthcare reform" means three things: skyrocketing costs, loss of freedom, and yes, death panels
* "Obama policies destroying the American Dream" by Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., on how reckless and unsustainable spending is indenturing future generations of children
* "$787 billion stimulus fraud cost 3 million jobs" by Jerome Corsi, on the stunning admission by the Left that the bailout frenzy was always about advancing an ideological agenda, not about creating jobs
* "The real reason so few jobs are being created in America" by Porter Stansberry, a devastatingly clear description of why businesses cannot possibly thrive under Obama
* "The plan to nationalize 401(k) plans and IRAs" by Jerome Corsi
* "Amnesty, one way or another" by Art Moore, on how Obama has his sights firmly set on creating millions of new Democrat voters
* "Obama undermining U.S. quest for energy independence" by Michael Carl, who shows why thousands of Gulf Coast oil jobs are "lost forever" thanks to Obama's irrational clampdown on drilling
* "Homeland insecurity" by Felicia Dionisio, on how the Obama team's weakness is inviting domestic terror attacks
* "Capping America's future" by Art Moore, who reveals "climate change" hysteria is far from dead and that an economy-killing "global warming" tax may be breathing new life
* "How 2010 could 'remake' the Constitution" by Drew Zahn, who demonstrates that the next two elections – 2010 and 2012 –will likely determine the Supreme Court's makeup for a generation
* "Anything but fair" by Art Moore, showing how Democrats are still conspiring to return conservative talk radio to the Dark Ages
* ... and much more!
"Obama's socialist coup d'etat has spurred many Americans to learn, for the first time, about the long-term leftist subversion of their beloved country, culminating in the election of Obama as president," said Kupelian. "But now, 'FUTURE SHOCK' dramatically reveals what's coming next.
"It's an extremely frightening future America faces," he said. "And even if the House of Representatives goes to the Republicans in November, it will require an extraordinary, almost historic, level of courage and boldness on the GOP's part to reverse course. Millions of citizens will have to hold their feet to the fire every step of the way."
Adds WorldNetDaily Editor and CEO Joseph Farah: "This issue of Whistleblower is absolutely must reading for every American who is determined not to submit to a future where they are reduced to helpless, dependent subjects of a tyrannical, nanny government."
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Ahhh He really cares about the children - How sweeeeet
DUBAI — Osama bin Laden criticized relief efforts in Pakistan and called for action against climate change in what appeared to be a new audio tape from the al-Qaida leader issued on Friday in an Islamist forum.
The message marks the second time in a year that Bin Laden has departed from his usual calls for armed attacks on the West to make a global theme such a natural disasters or economic crisis the centerpiece of a message.
It follows a statement in mid-September by al-Qaida number two Ayman al-Zawahri also accusing the Pakistani government of reacting too slowly to the floods and a statement earlier this week by an al-Qaida spokesman, Adam Gadahn, on a similar theme.
The bin Laden message, about 11 minutes long, was broadcast with a video showing still images of Bin Laden and images of natural disasters, the Islamist website used by al-Qaida said.
The authenticity of the tape and its precise release date could not be immediately confirmed. However, bin Laden congratulates Muslims on the holy month of Ramadan, which started on Aug. 11 and ended Sept. 9.
He describes the fate of the Pakistani people following catastrophic floods, saying: "Millions of children are out in the open air, lacking basic elements of living, including drinking water, resulting in their bodies shedding liquids and subsequently their death."
Bin Laden also touches on global warming, the second time he is believed to have made climate change a prominent theme of one of his statements.
"The huge climate change is affecting our (Islamic) nation and is causing great catastrophes throughout the Islamic world," he says in the tape. "It is not sufficient anymore to maintain the same relief efforts as previously, as it has become crucial to deliver tents, food and medicine."
Vulnerable to climate change
Islamic charities, some with suspected ties to militant groups, were quicker than the Pakistani government to provide relief to flood victims. Pakistani and U.S. officials have repeatedly expressed concern that the Taliban and other militant groups could exploit the disarray to gain recruits.
Experts say south Asia is particularly vulnerable to climate change. A thaw of glaciers in the Himalayas could disrupt flows in rivers from the Ganges to the Yangtze, affecting hundreds of millions of people in Asia. Rising seas are also a big threat to densely populated low-lying areas of Bangladesh.
Noman Benotman, a former bin Laden associate who now works for Britain's Quilliam counter-extremism think-tank, said his use of a humanitarian message was a sign of desperation and showed the group was trying anything to gain popular support.
Al-Qaida has never pursued systematic humanitarian work during natural disasters of the kind carried out by aid organizations and Islamic relief charities, analysts say.
Australian counterterrorism expert Leah Farrall described the statement as "hypocritical," noting that internal al-Qaida documents found in Afghanistan and dated about 2000 commanded members not to be "distracted by relief and aid operations."
Bin Laden urged a big transformation in how relief work is executed, calling the number of victims of climate change much bigger than the victims of war.
The message was bin Laden's first since March 25, when he threatened to execute any Americans captured by al-Qaida if accused Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was executed.
U.S. soldiers and Afghan militia forces assaulted the Tora Bora mountains in 2001 after the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States in pursuit of the Saudi-born bin Laden.
But he has never been found and is believed to be hiding in the mountainous border areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Enviro-snuff film depicts exploding children 'Eco-crazy' warns: Cut your carbon or die
The 10:10 project was begun in 2009 by British documentary filmmaker Franny Armstrong to challenge people to cut carbon emissions 10 percent in 2010 as a way of fighting global climate change. The organization has since grown to include chapters or supporters in 152 countries.
The "No Pressure" short was filmed by Richard Curtis, a movie director known primarily for the romantic comedies "Bridget Jones' Diary" and "Notting Hill," among other projects.
Following the release of "No Pressure," however, the 10:10 campaign began to face pressure from the public – even from fellow environmentalists, reports the London Telegraph – to stop the video.
The film, though posted and available on sites like YouTube, has since been pulled from the organization's website and replaced with the following message:
Today we put up a mini-movie about 10:10 and climate change called "No Pressure."
With climate change becoming increasingly threatening, and decreasingly talked about in the media, we wanted to find a way to bring this critical issue back into the headlines whilst making people laugh. We were therefore delighted when Britain's leading comedy writer, Richard Curtis – writer of "Blackadder," "Four Weddings," "Notting Hill" and many others – agreed to write a short film for the 10:10 campaign. Many people found the resulting film extremely funny, but unfortunately some didn't, and we sincerely apologize to anybody we have offended.
As a result of these concerns we've taken it off our website. We won't be making any attempt to censor or remove other versions currently in circulation on the Internet.
We'd like to thank the 50+ film professionals and 40+ actors and extras and who gave their time and equipment to the film for free. We greatly value your contributions and the tremendous enthusiasm and professionalism you brought to the project.
At 10:10 we're all about trying new and creative ways of getting people to take action on climate change. Unfortunately in this instance we missed the mark. Oh well, we live and learn.
Jose say it is not so- Mexico Building a fence to keep Guatemalan immigrants Out - This is an outrage
Reporting from Guatemala City, Danilo Valladares of the Inter-Press Service (IPS) notes that there will be one more barrier for Guatemalan immigrants in their trek to the United States. In addition to dodging dangerous drug traffickers and immigration officials, the latest obstacle is emerging: a wall between Guatemala and Mexico.
According to the head of customs for Mexico’s tax administration, Raul Diaz, the Mexican border state of Chiapas is constructing a wall along the country’s southern border with Guatemala, along the river Suchiate which divides the countries. Diaz says the purpose of the wall is to prevent the passage of contraband, but admits, “It could also prevent the free passage of illegal immigrants.”
According to Mexico’s National Commission on Human Rights (CNDH), 500,000 people from Central America cross into Mexico illegally every year — the vast majority of them attempting to reach the United States. In addition, smugglers reportedly use the Suchiate River to move goods across the international border without paying duty taxes.
Just as Mexican authorities have opposed more strict border enforcement and the construction of a border fence along the U.S. border with their country, Mexico is now receiving a great deal of criticism from Guatemalan officials. According to IPS, Guatemalan civil and government organizations have called the move “senseless,” saying a border fence will not prevent undocumented migrants from crossing the border on their way north.
“We are watching the Mexican government’s initiative with concern because the migrants are in a situation of highest vulnerability, as demonstrated by the massacre in Tamaulipas, where five Guatemalans died,” Erick Maldonado, executive secretary of Guatemala’s National Council on Migrants, told IPS.
Similar to areas surrounding America’s southern border with Mexico, the Guatemalan-Mexico border region is wrought with crime, including lawless drug cartels’ kidnapping and exploitation of migrants. On Aug. 23, 72 migrants heading north from Guatemala were brutally murdered in San Fernando, a town on the Mexican side of the border. Authorities presume the massacre was carried out by a well-known drug cartel. In addition, a total of 9,758 kidnappings of migrants were reported in Mexico from Sept. 2008 to Feb. 2009, according to the CNDH.
Putting up a wall on the Guatemala-Mexico border “is going to make the migrants’ situation worse, because to meet their needs they are always going to find blind points where there are no migration or security controls, which implies greater risks,” said Maldonado.
Despite eyewitness reports of Mexican border fence construction having commenced — including the mayor of the western Guatemalan municipality of Ayutla — Guatemalan authorities say the Mexican government has yet to comment on the project.
In recent years, the United States government has worked cooperatively with Mexico in attempts to crack down on the flow of drugs into North America. Under the Bush administration signed on to the “Merida Initiative” in 2007. The State Department calls the Initiative a demonstration of “the United States’ commitment to partner with governments in Mexico, Central America, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic to confront criminal organizations whose actions plague the region and spill over into the United States.”
In 2007, Bush pledged $1.4 billion in aid aimed at improving Mexican and Central American military and police security despite reports of widespread corruption and border-area incursions. In 2008, Congress voted to allocate an additional $1.5 billion to the Merida program despite dubious results. Under President Obama’s administration, the Merida Initiative has ballooned. Introducing a “new phase” of the program, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton explained:
We are expanding the Mérida Initiative beyond what it was traditionally considered to be, because it is not just about security. Yes, that is paramount, but it is also about institution building. It is about reaching out to and including communities and civil society, and working together to spur social and economic development.
In 2010 alone, the United States has given $450 million to Mexico, with an additional $100 million requested from Congress to be sent to Central America, in order to “provide equipment and training to support law enforcement operations and technical assistance for long-term reform and oversight of security agencies,” says the State Department.
Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has halted the construction of a fence on America’s own southern border and the U.S. Department of Justice is seeking to prevent the adoption of localized border state laws attempting to curb the flow of illegal immigrants and drug-related violence.
While the Obama administration condemns the efforts of Arizonans and the calls from many Americans who insist on constructing a fence on the country’s southern border, will the U.S. government continue to funnel millions of taxpayer dollars to Mexico as they build their own border defenses?
Posted by RedDawn.4473 at 7:05 AM