By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WorldNetDaily
Editor's Note: Some of the links included in this story lead to documentation of this campaign that could include offensive images. Please exercise extreme caution.
A Facebook page set up to promote homosexuality to children through the "Day of Silence" organized by the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network – which was founded by President Obama's Office of Safe Schools chief Kevin Jennings – has scrubbed its site of links to pornography after several Web-savvy organizations revealed the offending offerings.
Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth edited some of the images, placing blocks over strategic parts of the photographs, but they remained largely too revealing for inclusion in a news report.
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The links from the Facebook page also were documented by Linda Harvey of Mission America and the Illinois Family Institute.
"If a conservative or religious group were as reckless as GLSEN in exposing impressionable children to hard-core perversion and pornography, needless to say they'd be out of business and drummed out of the pro-family movement," LaBarbera told WND.
"It is a testament to how the liberal media protects irresponsible 'gay' activists that GLSEN continues to have a huge influence with educators despite its documented record of corrupting children – by exposing them directly to the worst excesses of the homosexual-bisexual-transgender movement," he said.
Harvey explained to WND that she was tipped off by a parent in New York who saw that some of the links on the Facebook page promoting the pro-homosexual "Day of Silence," scheduled for Friday by activist organizations operating in public schools across the nation, linked to homosexual "hookup" websites.
Some of those sites contained images of fully nude individuals.
When the organizations started issuing alerts to their constituents, the links disappeared almost immediately, Harvey said.
"It's not at all a surprise. GLSEN has a long history of recommending age-inappropriate and frankly promiscuous homosexual activity at young age for kids," she said. "Then they cover it with a civil rights, social justice and safe school veneer."
Harvey's alert said, "This offensive page linked from the Day of Silence website page, also sponsored by GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, which indeed has a lot to hide. But thankfully, some technologically savvy pro-family warriors captured the original page in anticipation of this move."
LaBarbera said the linked websites such as "nexgay" featured nudity, personal ads expressing interest in dangerous homosexual practices including anal sodomy, "rimming" and "various sadistic sex fetishes popular in the homosexual male subculture."
GLSEN officials declined to respond to WND inquiries about the links and their removal.
"The GLSEN 'Gay-Straight Alliances' Faebook page was also linked to a 'Gay Trip Thailand' Facebook page with shirtless Thai males – luring men to that notorious sex-tourism destination – as well as a movie about two male lovers that is sponsored by a leading 'gay' pornography video distributor," LaBarbera reported.
"The pornographic links evidently remained posted on the GLSEN-sponsored Facebook page for weeks," he continued. At least one 'photo' ad for the homosexual male hookup site 'nexgay' had been posted on the GLSEN Facebook page since at least January 15, 20011, based on a favorable comment responding to the ad and posted on the GLSEN site that date."
"One of the main ways it does that is through 'Gay-Straight Alliances,' which are de facto pro-homosexual booster clubs and which now exist in thousands of high schools and colleges across the United States."
Obama's Office of Safe Schools czar Kevin Jennings
Now those organizations are being expanded to middle schools, he noted. For example, a San Francisco school district flier on the issue said, "Each year more and more middle school students are coming out: they and their friends need a safe place to share their experiences and ask questions. In all likelihood, there are also students who have parents or family members who are LGBT."
He also noted the situation represents GLSEN's typical efforts in schools and cited previous incidents in which GLSEN was involved, including the Boston "Fistgate" episode in which teens at a sponsored conference were "guided in a 'how-to' discussion … about the grotesque and dangerous sexual-sadistic practice of 'fisting.'"
LaBarbera also cited the GLSEN conference in 2000 in which organizers handed out guides for homosexual bathhouses, "gay" bars and homosexual phone lines.
The organization also is famous for recommending a reading list of books for high schoolers that "include many with overtly sexual themes including one (Rainbow Boys) featuring a sexual encounter between a 17-year-old boy and 29-year-old man he met on the Internet," according to LaBarbera.
Jennings also became the subject of widespread controversy when reports detailed how, as a teacher at a Boston school, Jennings allegedly failed to report to authorities when one of his underage male students confessed he had been seduced by a homosexual man.
In was in the middle of 2009 when WND broke the news of Jennings' federal appointment to oversee "safety" in the nation's public schools after he had boasted of using the same theme to promote homosexuality and other alternative sexual lifestyles to students.
WND reported how Jennings founded the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, on his influence over a conference for teachers and children that included instruction in various homosexual acts such as "fisting," multiple efforts at the congressional level to have him removed, his responsiveness when a porn publisher asked for his help in writing a book, his financial sponsorship of radical homosexual art and his membership in the sometimes-violent radical Act Up homosexual organization.
The sexually graphic books the Jennings-founded GLSEN recommends for children also have been the subject of reports.
Mass Resistance, a Massachusetts organization that works to counteract the advance of homosexual activism, has investigated Jennings' background and activities and has described how GLSEN has played a key role in plans to "transgendered" schools in Maine.
At the Washington Times, a series of editorials addressed worries over Jennings' influence on children.
"Teaching children sexual techniques is simply not appropriate. Unfortunately, it is part of a consistent pattern by some homosexual activists to promote underage homosexuality while pretending that their mission is simply to promote tolerance for so-called alternative lifestyles," the newspaper said.
"It is outrageous that someone involved in this scandal is being paid by the taxpayers to serve in a high-powered position at the Education Department, of all places. At some point, [Education Secretary Arne] Duncan, Mr. Jennings, Obama administration spokesmen and the president himself are going to have to start answering questions about all this. Refusing to do so won't make the issue go away."
Now those organizations are being expanded to middle schools, he noted. For example, a San Francisco school district flier on the issue said, "Each year more and more middle school students are coming out: they and their friends need a safe place to share their experiences and ask questions. In all likelihood, there are also students who have parents or family members who are LGBT."
He also noted the situation represents GLSEN's typical efforts in schools and cited previous incidents in which GLSEN was involved, including the Boston "Fistgate" episode in which teens at a sponsored conference were "guided in a 'how-to' discussion … about the grotesque and dangerous sexual-sadistic practice of 'fisting.'"
LaBarbera also cited the GLSEN conference in 2000 in which organizers handed out guides for homosexual bathhouses, "gay" bars and homosexual phone lines.
The organization also is famous for recommending a reading list of books for high schoolers that "include many with overtly sexual themes including one (Rainbow Boys) featuring a sexual encounter between a 17-year-old boy and 29-year-old man he met on the Internet," according to LaBarbera.
Jennings also became the subject of widespread controversy when reports detailed how, as a teacher at a Boston school, Jennings allegedly failed to report to authorities when one of his underage male students confessed he had been seduced by a homosexual man.
In was in the middle of 2009 when WND broke the news of Jennings' federal appointment to oversee "safety" in the nation's public schools after he had boasted of using the same theme to promote homosexuality and other alternative sexual lifestyles to students.
WND reported how Jennings founded the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, on his influence over a conference for teachers and children that included instruction in various homosexual acts such as "fisting," multiple efforts at the congressional level to have him removed, his responsiveness when a porn publisher asked for his help in writing a book, his financial sponsorship of radical homosexual art and his membership in the sometimes-violent radical Act Up homosexual organization.
The sexually graphic books the Jennings-founded GLSEN recommends for children also have been the subject of reports.
Mass Resistance, a Massachusetts organization that works to counteract the advance of homosexual activism, has investigated Jennings' background and activities and has described how GLSEN has played a key role in plans to "transgenderize" schools in Maine.
At the Washington Times, a series of editorials addressed worries over Jennings' influence on children.
"Teaching children sexual techniques is simply not appropriate. Unfortunately, it is part of a consistent pattern by some homosexual activists to promote underage homosexuality while pretending that their mission is simply to promote tolerance for so-called alternative lifestyles," the newspaper said.
"It is outrageous that someone involved in this scandal is being paid by the taxpayers to serve in a high-powered position at the Education Department, of all places. At some point, [Education Secretary Arne] Duncan, Mr. Jennings, Obama administration spokesmen and the president himself are going to have to start answering questions about all this. Refusing to do so won't make the issue go away."
Read more: Facebook kids campaign links to 'full frontal nudity' http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=286657#ixzz1JXwJXm3RKevin